



  1. 先下载腾讯视频的客户端,进行安装,找到你要看的视频进行观看一次,让视频文件缓存在你电脑里面。

  2. 找到缓存文件,首先先找到缓存文件夹在哪,先打开腾讯客户端的设置里面找到如图

  3. 然后打开cmd。

    可以按win键+r键 (win键就是键盘上带win图标的那个,alt和ctrl之间的)

    这是打开了运行,输入cmd 在运行就可以了

    win8.1的可以在开始键上右击里面有一个 命令提示符和命令提示符 管理员版 打开那个都可以。如图

  4. 在打开的cdm里面输入   e:  按下回车进入e盘

    然后输入:copy/b *.tdl 1.mp4   对E盘下所有tdl格式的文件进行合并。然后你就会看到E盘下有个1.mp4的视频了。


权力的游戏第六季全集播出时间 1-10集时间表6月26日完结















目前允许商业使用(如出版、广告等)的免费中文字体只有文泉驿、Droid Sans Fallback、思源黑体(Source Han Sans)/Noto Sans CJK和中華民國教育部標準宋體字形檔。



文泉驿正黑体 授权协议:GPL
文泉驿微米黑 授权协议:Apache 2.0和GPL v3双授权
文泉驿微米黑是一个”自由字体”。该字体包含了所有常用简体中文、繁体中文所需要的汉字(最新版本包含超过20932个汉字,完整覆盖GB2312/Big5以及GBK标准字符集)。该字体同时还包含了日文、韩文和其他几十种语言符号。以外,该字体还包含了高质量的Droid Sans拉丁符号和Droid Sans Mono等宽字体,并内置Hinting和Kerning信息。微米黑字体文件极小,特别使用于便携式电脑设备。
Droid Sans Fallback
Droid字体族 Droid Sans Fallback中提供了比较完整的简体、繁体中文支持,涵盖了 GBK、 Big-5;还有适合日文和韩文的双字节文字支持,JIS-0208 和KSC-5601字符集。
授权协议:Apache 2.0 Android镜像中相关字体
思源黑体Source Han Sans/Noto Sans CJK
Google携手Adobe为中日韩用户开发了一款优秀的免费开源字体:思源黑体(Source Han Sans)/Noto Sans CJK,这款字体风格介于现代和传统之间,提供了对日、韩、中文(简/繁体)的支持,包含了7中不同粗细大小。
虽然由两家公司合作开发,但各自对这款字体的称呼却不一样,Adobe称之为Source Han Sans(思源黑体),而谷歌则称它Noto Sans CJK(CJK:Chinese, Japanese, Korean),并纳入了Noto pan-Unicode字体家族。
Adobe拥有字体设计的版权。发布的字体文件则可以不受限制的免费使用。这些字体文件使用Apache许可证版本2(Apache License, Version 2)。
开发泛中日韩字体Noto Sans CJK是Google提高在各种设备上的阅读体验的重要一步。Noto Sans CJK是Google的泛Unicode字体家族Noto的最新成员。Noto字体家族的目标是支持世界上的所有语言。整个Noto字体家族包括中日韩部分都免费开放给所有人使用。用户可以访问Noto主页下载Noto Sans CJK及其他Noto字体。也可以访问Adobe Typekit网站下载,如果想要使用原始源文件,可以通过SourceForge和GitHub下载页获取,采用Apache 2.0许可证授权。
叶根友字体起始于2007年,定位手写体,经过7年的发展,已达30多套字体,目前已经成为设计师必备字体,成为字体界继方正、文鼎、汉仪后的一匹黑马。 其中“叶根友疾风草书”、“叶根友刀锋黑草”、“叶根友蚕燕隶书”深受设计师喜爱。
2014 年,叶根友不满于业内高价钓鱼式维权销售,率先发起字体平民价的活动,一套字体 860 元起,不限类目,不限年限,永久使用,令业界哗然,视其为利益搅局者,私下甚至收到过同行的威胁,但是叶根友不为所动,表示只有当产品的价值与价格匹配时,产品和产业链才能得以正常和持久健康的发展,做企业要做良心企业。
一、本字形檔之著作權係採創用CC 「姓名標示-禁止改作3.0臺灣版」授權 。如需引用,請標示「中華民國教育部」 。
for Unicode版:適用作業平臺Windows XP 、 Linux 或MAC
for BIG-5版:適用作業平臺Windows 95/98 、 Windows 2000 、 Windows XP 及 Linux 使用者
for BIG-5版(MAC):適用作業平臺 MAC
文鼎科技非常热心于开源软件社群的公众授权字型(Public License Font)提供,于2001年捐赠了四套字型予开源软件社群:文鼎细上海宋(繁体 Big5码)、文鼎中楷(繁体 Big5码)、文鼎简报宋(简体 GB码)、文鼎简中楷(简体 GB码),作为Linux等开源软件社群的非商业免费使用,广受开源软件社群的好评。
2010年文鼎再提供2套新的中文公众授权字型(Public License Font),给开源软件社群在非商业上的免费使用,包含文鼎PL明体U20-L(繁体Unicode 2.0码)、文鼎PL报宋2GBK(简体GBK码)。新的中文公众授权字型,采用Unicode及GBK编码,汉字字数分为20902字及21003字,较旧版本的公众授权字型多出7000多字及14000多字。


字体名称 版权 授权 可否商用 可否嵌入 PDF 备注 链接
思源黑体 Google 和 Adobe Apache License 2.0 Github Repo https://sourceforge.net/projects/source-han-sans.adobe/files/
文泉驿微米黑 Google文泉驿信任委员会 Apache2.0 or GPLv3 with font embedding exceptions 可(GPL) http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi?MicroHei
文泉驿正黑体 文泉驿信任委员会 GPL v2 with font embedding exception 可(GPL) http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi?ZenHei
cwTeX Q Hei Bold Tsong-Min Wu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Edward G.J. Lee, Chen-Pan Liao GPL v2 可(GPL) 可(GPL) cwtex-q-fonts https://code.google.com/p/cwtex-q-fonts/
方正黑体 方正电子公司 方正字库2013年商业发布授权政策 可(须书面授权) 未知 http://www.foundertype.com/index/release_info.html
文泉驿点阵宋体 文泉驿信任委员会 GPL v2 with font embedding exception 可(GPL) http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi?BitmapSong
文鼎PL报宋2GBK 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/cn/news/2010/20100420.html
文鼎報宋簡 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/tw/service/support/support\_mac\_cont.asp?id=8&toppage=1
文鼎細上海宋繁 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/tw/service/support/support\_mac\_cont.asp?id=8&toppage=1
全字庫正宋體 全字库 Creative Commons” Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Taiwan”License 可(CC) 可(CC) 授权 http://www.cns11643.gov.tw/AIDB/copyright.do
方正书宋 方正电子公司 方正字库2013年商业发布授权政策 可(须书面授权) 未知 http://www.foundertype.com/index/release_info.html
台湾教育部標準宋體 (台湾)教育部 創用CC 「姓名標示-禁止改作3.0臺灣版」 可(CC) 未知 http://www.edu.tw/pages/detail.aspx?Node=3691&Page=17009&Index=6
香港參考宋體 華康科技香港有限公司 个人使用 未知 使用条款 http://glyph.iso10646hk.net/chinese/download_001.jsp
文鼎中楷繁 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/tw/service/support/support\_mac\_cont.asp?id=8&toppage=1
文鼎中楷簡 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/tw/service/support/support\_mac\_cont.asp?id=8&toppage=1
全字庫正楷體 全字库 Creative Commons” Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Taiwan”License 可(CC) 可(CC) 授权 http://www.cns11643.gov.tw/AIDB/copyright.do
cwTeX Q Kai Medium Tsong-Min Wu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Edward G.J. Lee, Chen-Pan Liao GPL v2 可(GPL) 可(GPL) cwtex-q-fonts https://code.google.com/p/cwtex-q-fonts/
AR PL UKai 文鼎科技, Arne Götje and other contributors 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/CJKUnifonts/Download/
方正楷体 方正电子公司 方正字库2013年商业发布授权政策 可(须书面授权) 未知 http://www.foundertype.com/index/release_info.html
台湾教育部標準楷書 (台湾)教育部 創用CC 「姓名標示-禁止改作3.0臺灣版」 可(CC) 未知 http://www.edu.tw/pages/detail.aspx?Node=3691&Page=17004&Index=6
cwTeX Q Fangsong Medium Tsong-Min Wu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Edward G.J. Lee, Chen-Pan Liao GPL v2 可(GPL) 可(GPL) cwtex-q-fonts https://code.google.com/p/cwtex-q-fonts/
方正仿宋 方正电子公司 方正字库2013年商业发布授权政策 可(须书面授权) 未知 http://www.foundertype.com/index/release_info.html
台湾教育部國字隸書 (台湾)教育部 創用CC 「姓名標示-禁止改作3.0臺灣版」 可(CC) 未知 http://www.edu.tw/pages/detail.aspx?Node=3691&Page=17009&Index=6
文鼎PL明体U20-L 文鼎科技 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) 授权书 http://www.arphic.com/cn/news/2010/20100420.html
cwTeX Q Ming Medium Tsong-Min Wu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Edward G.J. Lee, Chen-Pan Liao GPL v2 可(GPL) 可(GPL) cwtex-q-fonts https://code.google.com/p/cwtex-q-fonts/
AR PL UMing 文鼎科技, Arne Götje and other contributors 文鼎公众授权 可(非商用) http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/CJKUnifonts/Download/
cwTeX Q Yuan Medium Tsong-Min Wu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Edward G.J. Lee, Chen-Pan Liao GPL v2 可(GPL) 可(GPL) cwtex-q-fonts https://code.google.com/p/cwtex-q-fonts/
柳体 jhuangjiahua GPL v2 with font embedding exception 可(GPL) http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/thread244714.html
全字庫说文解字 全字库 Creative Commons” Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Taiwan”License 可(CC) 可(CC) 授权 http://www.cns11643.gov.tw/AIDB/copyright.do
新蒂黑板报体 新蒂字体 新蒂字体A条款 未知 http://font.sentywed.com/condition and terms.htm
新蒂赵孟頫体 新蒂字体 个人使用(详见 link) 未知 http://www.sentyfont.com/sentyzhao.htm



以下介绍的是20个位于/var/log/ 目录之下的日志文件。其中一些只有特定版本采用,如dpkg.log只能在基于Debian的系统中看到。
/var/log/messages — 包括整体系统信息,其中也包含系统启动期间的日志。此外,mail,cron,daemon,kern和auth等内容也记录在var/log/messages日志中。
/var/log/dmesg — 包含内核缓冲信息(kernel ring buffer)。在系统启动时,会在屏幕上显示许多与硬件有关的信息。可以用dmesg查看它们。
/var/log/auth.log — 包含系统授权信息,包括用户登录和使用的权限机制等。
/var/log/boot.log — 包含系统启动时的日志。
/var/log/daemon.log — 包含各种系统后台守护进程日志信息。
/var/log/dpkg.log – 包括安装或dpkg命令清除软件包的日志。
/var/log/kern.log – 包含内核产生的日志,有助于在定制内核时解决问题。
/var/log/lastlog — 记录所有用户的最近信息。这不是一个ASCII文件,因此需要用lastlog命令查看内容。
/var/log/maillog /var/log/mail.log — 包含来着系统运行电子邮件服务器的日志信息。例如,sendmail日志信息就全部送到这个文件中。
/var/log/user.log — 记录所有等级用户信息的日志。
/var/log/Xorg.x.log — 来自X的日志信息。
/var/log/alternatives.log – 更新替代信息都记录在这个文件中。
/var/log/btmp – 记录所有失败登录信息。使用last命令可以查看btmp文件。例如,”last -f /var/log/btmp | more“。
/var/log/cups — 涉及所有打印信息的日志。
/var/log/anaconda.log — 在安装Linux时,所有安装信息都储存在这个文件中。
/var/log/yum.log — 包含使用yum安装的软件包信息。
/var/log/cron — 每当cron进程开始一个工作时,就会将相关信息记录在这个文件中。
/var/log/secure — 包含验证和授权方面信息。例如,sshd会将所有信息记录(其中包括失败登录)在这里。
/var/log/wtmp或/var/log/utmp — 包含登录信息。使用wtmp可以找出谁正在登陆进入系统,谁使用命令显示这个文件或信息等。
/var/log/faillog – 包含用户登录失败信息。此外,错误登录命令也会记录在本文件中。
除了上述Log文件以外, /var/log还基于系统的具体应用包含以下一些子目录:
/var/log/httpd/或/var/log/apache2 — 包含服务器access_log和error_log信息。
/var/log/lighttpd/ — 包含light HTTPD的access_log和error_log。
/var/log/mail/ – 这个子目录包含邮件服务器的额外日志。
/var/log/prelink/ — 包含.so文件被prelink修改的信息。
/var/log/audit/ — 包含被 Linux audit daemon储存的信息。
/var/log/samba/ – 包含由samba存储的信息。
/var/log/sa/ — 包含每日由sysstat软件包收集的sar文件。
/var/log/sssd/ – 用于守护进程安全服务。





如果按正常的设置方法设置每块网卡的ip地址和网关,再cmd下使用route print查看时会看到

Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric



第一步:route delete “删除所有0.0.0.0的路由”

第二步:route add mask “添加0.0.0.0网络路由”这个是主要的,意思就是你可以上外网.

第三步:route add mask “添加172.30.0.0网络路由”,注意mask为255.255.0.0 ,而不是255.255.255.0 ,这样内部的多网段才可用。


route add -p 添加静态路由,即重启后,路由不会丢失。注意使用前要在tcp/ip设置里去掉接在企业内部网的网卡的网关


对应内外网设置每块网卡的ip地址和网关,打开CMD程序,输入route print,查看你的2张网卡属性,这时候你看到的网关(Gateway)应该有两个,一个是外网的,一个是内网的,假设外网是192.168.1.1,内网是10.0.0.1,这样就会出现冲突,两个网络都不能访问
在CMD里面输入route delete,这个命令是删除所有的0.0.0.0路由,相当于自动的网络设置都删除了,为下一步手动设置清理干净道路
先设置外网,输入route -p add mask metric 1,这是设置你的metric 1网卡可以上外网,很多人用route -p add mask metric 1,个人觉得没必要,差不了太多的,用0.0.0.0兼容更好
设置内网,输入route -p add mask metric 1,这里就需要指定10.0.0.0了










按正常的设置每块网卡的ip(或通过DHCP自动获取),再cmd下使用route print查看时会看到。即指向0.0.0.0的有两个网关,这样就会出现路由冲突,两个网络的访问都会出现问题。我们需要手动配置路由,才能实现同时访问两个网络。运行cmd(win7/8需要管理员权限)。

双网卡同时上内外网设置教程 win7/xp双网卡内外网同时用设置步骤1
  第一步、route delete ::删除所有的0.0.0.0的路由。
第二步、route -p add mask mask ::添加0.0.0.0网络路由,这个是缺省时路由用192.168.1.1,加上-p的目的是设为静态(永久)路由,防止下次重起时配置消失。
第三步、route -p add mask ::添加192.168.42.0网段路由为192.168.42.132内网路由,可以根据需要调整ip段和子网掩码太到多网段内网路由的效果。
双网卡同时上内外网设置教程 win7/xp双网卡内外网同时用设置步骤2
双网卡同时上内外网设置教程 win7/xp双网卡内外网同时用设置步骤3

SoftEther VPN




根据官网介绍,虽然SoftEther VPN Server只要Linux内核版本在2.4及以上就可以运行,但是官方推荐使用如下三个Linux发行版:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux



gcc software
binutils software
tar, gzip or other software for extracting package files
chkconfig system utility
cat, cp or other basic file operation utility
EUC-JP, UTF-8 or other code page table for use in a Japanese language environment
libc (glibc) library
zlib library
openssl library
readline library
ncurses library
pthread library

2.下载SoftEther VPN Server

(以CPU是 Intel x86/Intel x64/AMD64为例,其他型号请到官网下载对应的版本,http://www.softether-download.com/cn.aspx?product=softether)服务器在国外的用户建议直接从官网下载。

Intel x86(32位):

wget http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-tree/Linux/SoftEther_VPN_Server/32bit_-_Intel_x86/softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x86-32bit.tar.gz

Intel x64/AMD64(64位):

wget http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-tree/Linux/SoftEther_VPN_Server/64bit_-_Intel_x64_or_AMD64/softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz


Intel x86(32位):

wget http://files.mawenjian.net/SoftEtherVPN/softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x86-32bit.tar.gz

Intel x64/AMD64(64位):

wget http://files.mawenjian.net/SoftEtherVPN/softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz


tar -zxvf softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x86-32bit.tar.gz

(64位对应的是:“tar -zxvf softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz”)



cd vpnserver

接下来按照提示,输入3个“1”即可。如果满足运行条件,会提“The command completed successfully.”;反之,若不满足条件,则会提示相应的错误(一般是依赖的库没有安装完全)。

我在给第二台机器安装的时候遇到SoftEner VPN Server提示“/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory”错误。经查,是因为我的操作系统是64位,而安装的SoftEther VPN Server是32位的缘故,换成64位的安装程序即恢复正常。


执行以下命令启动Softether VPN Server服务:

./vpnserver start


./vpnserver stop



1.下载“SoftEther VPN Server管理器”:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mghwPyK



SoftEther VPN设置管理密码

SoftEther VPN设置管理密码

4.然后在弹出的”SoftEther VPN Server/Bridge 简单安装“面板中,选择”VPN的其他高级配置“(因为我们需要在服务器端做NAT转换),关闭;



5.此时会提示”此VPN Server已具有支持兼容IPSec/L2TP/EtherIP/L2TPv3协议的VPN Client或VPN路由器的新功能。……您要设置IPSec吗?“,选择”是“。在新面板中,一般只启用L2TP服务器功能(L2TP over IPsec)就足够了,更改”IPsec预共享密钥“,确定。




SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(1)

SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(1)

SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(2)

SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(2)

SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(3)

SoftEther VPN添加认证用户(3)



注意:不要同时开启SecureNAT和Bridge ,否则会造成package loop,进而导致100% cpu usage。(感谢苍崎深雪同学的热心提醒)



SecureNAT 配置

SecureNAT 配置


根据刚才的配置,有两种连接方式(或者说我只测试了两种):第一种是下载SoftEther VPN Client,使用SSL-VPN协议连接;第二种是使用Windows/Linux/Android等自带的VPN连接(使用L2TP协议)。使用L2TP协议时应当注意:1)”VPN类型“需要选择”L2TP/IPsec“;2)需要到”高级设置“中输入先前设置的预共享密钥。细节就不再讲了,其他操作系统类似。



Intel Core i7-5960X @ 3.00GHz 跑分:15989
Intel Core i7-4960X @ 3.60GHz 跑分:13923
Intel Core i7-5930K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:13629
Intel Core i7-4930K @ 3.40GHz 跑分:13051
Intel Core i7-5820K @ 3.30GHz 跑分:12997
Intel Core i7-3960X @ 3.30GHz 跑分:12735
Intel Core i7-3970X @ 3.50GHz 跑分:12722
Intel Core i7-3930K @ 3.20GHz 跑分:12077
Intel Core i7-4790K @ 4.00GHz 跑分:11218
Intel Core i7-5775C @ 3.30GHz 跑分:11112
Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.00GHz 跑分:11024
Intel Core i7-5950HQ @ 2.90GHz 跑分:10894
Intel Xeon D-1540 @ 2.00GHz 跑分:10883
AMD FX-9590 Eight-Core 跑分:10254
Intel Core i7-4770K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:10163
Intel Core i7-4980HQ @ 2.80GHz 跑分:10115
AMD Opteron 6380 跑分:10082
Intel Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:10021
Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:9941
Intel Core i7-4960HQ @ 2.60GHz 跑分:9884
Intel Core i7-4771 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:9881
Intel Core i7-4770 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:9841
Intel Core i7-4770R @ 3.20GHz 跑分:9813
Intel Core i7-4820K @ 3.70GHz 跑分:9808
Intel Core i7-4940MX @ 3.10GHz 跑分:9714
Intel Xeon W3690 @ 3.47GHz 跑分:9705
Intel Core i7-4790S @ 3.20GHz 跑分:9613
Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:9583
AMD FX-9370 Eight-Core 跑分:9539
Intel Core i7-4910MQ @ 2.90GHz 跑分:9530
Intel Core i7-5850HQ @ 2.70GHz 跑分:9519
Intel Core i7-4930MX @ 3.00GHz 跑分:9473
Intel Core i7-3940XM @ 3.00GHz 跑分:9469
Intel Core i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz 跑分:9365
Intel Core i7-4860HQ @ 2.40GHz 跑分:9361
Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:9354
Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:9345
Intel Core i7-4770S @ 3.10GHz 跑分:9343
Intel Core i7-990X @ 3.47GHz 跑分:9254
Intel Xeon X5690 @ 3.47GHz 跑分:9216
Intel Core i7-3920XM @ 2.90GHz 跑分:9210
Intel Core i7-4850HQ @ 2.30GHz 跑分:9144
AMD Opteron 6282 SE 跑分:9116
Intel Core i7-4760HQ @ 2.10GHz 跑分:9101
Intel Core i7-4900MQ @ 2.80GHz 跑分:9086
Intel Core i7-6820HK @ 2.70GHz 跑分:9059
Intel Core i7-4790T @ 2.70GHz 跑分:9052
Intel Core i7-6700T @ 2.80GHz 跑分:9044
Intel Xeon X5680 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:9006
Intel Core i7-3820 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:8997
AMD FX-8370 Eight-Core 跑分:8983
Intel Core i7-4770HQ @ 2.20GHz 跑分:8964
AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core 跑分:8957
Intel Core i7-980X @ 3.33GHz 跑分:8956
Intel Core i7-3770S @ 3.10GHz 跑分:8910
Intel Core i7-3840QM @ 2.80GHz 跑分:8893
Intel Core i7-980 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:8839
Intel Core i7-2700K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:8824
Intel Core i7-4810MQ @ 2.80GHz 跑分:8792
Intel Core i7-6820HQ @ 2.70GHz 跑分:8786
Intel Core i7-4770T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:8730
Intel Core i7-5700HQ @ 2.70GHz 跑分:8640
Intel Xeon X5675 @ 3.07GHz 跑分:8594
Intel Core i7-970 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:8538
Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40GHz 跑分:8530
Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70GHz 跑分:8529
Intel Core i7-4800MQ @ 2.70GHz 跑分:8526
Intel Xeon W3670 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:8464
Intel Core i7-3740QM @ 2.70GHz 跑分:8420
Intel Core i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:8265
Intel Core i7-4750HQ @ 2.00GHz 跑分:8250
Intel Core i7-5700EQ @ 2.60GHz 跑分:8239
Intel Core i7-3720QM @ 2.60GHz 跑分:8233
Intel Core i7-3770T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:8232
Intel Xeon X5670 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:8173
Intel Core i7-4720HQ @ 2.60GHz 跑分:8110
Intel Core i5-5675C @ 3.10GHz 跑分:8054
Intel Core i7-4722HQ @ 2.40GHz 跑分:8052
AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core 跑分:8022
Intel Core i7-4710MQ @ 2.50GHz 跑分:8010
Intel Xeon X5660 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:7998
Intel Core i7-6700HQ @ 2.60GHz 跑分:7981
Intel Core i7-4710HQ @ 2.50GHz 跑分:7901
Intel Core i5-6600K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:7818
AMD FX-8370E Eight-Core 跑分:7817
Intel Core i7-4700HQ @ 2.40GHz 跑分:7786
Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40GHz 跑分:7760
Intel Core i5-4690K @ 3.50GHz 跑分:7714
AMD FX-8310 Eight-Core 跑分:7680
Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.40GHz 跑分:7630
Intel Core i7-3630QM @ 2.40GHz 跑分:7628
AMD FX-8150 Eight-Core 跑分:7622
Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:7617
Intel Xeon X5650 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:7606
Intel Core i7-4702HQ @ 2.20GHz 跑分:7596
AMD FX-8300 Eight-Core 跑分:7590
Intel Core i7-4712HQ @ 2.30GHz 跑分:7553
Intel Core i5-6600 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:7544
Intel Core i7-4700EQ @ 2.40GHz 跑分:7532
Intel Core i7-3610QM @ 2.30GHz 跑分:7466
Intel Core i7-4785T @ 2.20GHz 跑分:7464
Intel Core i5-4690S @ 3.20GHz 跑分:7436
AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core 跑分:7424
Intel Core i7-4770TE @ 2.30GHz 跑分:7410
Intel Core i7-2960XM @ 2.70GHz 跑分:7405
Intel Core i5-4670 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:7380
Intel Core i7-3615QM @ 2.30GHz 跑分:7360
Intel Core i7-4765T @ 2.00GHz 跑分:7308
Intel Core i7-2860QM @ 2.50GHz 跑分:7221
Intel Xeon X5687 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:7217
Intel Core i5-4590 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:7211
Intel Core i7-4702MQ @ 2.20GHz 跑分:7192
Intel Core i7-4712MQ @ 2.30GHz 跑分:7176
Intel Core i5-3570K @ 3.40GHz 跑分:7150
Intel Xeon L5639 @ 2.13GHz 跑分:7107
Intel Core i5-6600T @ 2.70GHz 跑分:7093
Intel Core i7-2600S @ 2.80GHz 跑分:7089
Intel Core i5-6500 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:7056
Intel Xeon X5677 @ 3.47GHz 跑分:7051
Intel Core i5-4570 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:7022
Intel Core i5-4590S @ 3.00GHz 跑分:7008
Intel Core i7-2920XM @ 2.50GHz 跑分:7004
Intel Core i5-3570 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:6983
AMD FX-6350 Six-Core 跑分:6975
Intel Core i7-3632QM @ 2.20GHz 跑分:6944
Intel Core i7-3612QM @ 2.10GHz 跑分:6836
Intel Core i5-3550 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:6821
Intel Core i5-3550S @ 3.00GHz 跑分:6776
Intel Core i7-2840QM @ 2.40GHz 跑分:6766
AMD Opteron 6272 跑分:6748
Intel Core i5-2550K @ 3.40GHz 跑分:6720
Intel Xeon L5640 @ 2.27GHz 跑分:6710
Intel Core i5-4690T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:6700
Intel Core i7-2760QM @ 2.40GHz 跑分:6655
Intel Core i5-5575R @ 2.80GHz 跑分:6655
Intel Core i5-4460 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:6629
Intel Core i7-2820QM @ 2.30GHz 跑分:6624
Intel Core i5-4570S @ 2.90GHz 跑分:6621
Intel Xeon W3580 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:6582
Intel Core i7-3635QM @ 2.40GHz 跑分:6578
AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core 跑分:6573
Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:6568
Intel Core i5-3570S @ 3.10GHz 跑分:6568
Intel Core i5-6400 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:6526
Intel Core i7-3612QE @ 2.10GHz 跑分:6481
Intel Core i5-4570R @ 2.70GHz 跑分:6459
Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.30GHz 跑分:6456
Intel Core i5-3450 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:6446
Intel Core i5-4670S @ 3.10GHz 跑分:6436
Intel Core i5-6500TE @ 2.30GHz 跑分:6434
Intel Core i5-4440 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:6412
AMD Opteron 3380 跑分:6384
Intel Core i5-4460S @ 2.90GHz 跑分:6364
AMD FX-6300 Six-Core 跑分:6347
Intel Core i5-4670T @ 2.30GHz 跑分:6335
Intel Xeon W5590 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:6298
Intel Core i7-975 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:6273
Intel Core i5-4430 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:6271
Intel Core i5-3475S @ 2.90GHz 跑分:6270
Intel Xeon W3570 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:6256
Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:6227
Intel Core i5-3470S @ 2.90GHz 跑分:6218
AMD FX-6130 Six-Core 跑分:6215
Intel Core i7-3610QE @ 2.30GHz 跑分:6175
Intel Core i7-2720QM @ 2.20GHz 跑分:6166
Intel Core i5-4440S @ 2.80GHz 跑分:6120
AMD FX-6200 Six-Core 跑分:6101
AMD FX-8100 Eight-Core 跑分:6092
Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.10GHz 跑分:6084
Intel Xeon W3565 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:6074
Intel Core i5-2450P @ 3.20GHz 跑分:6063
Intel Core i7-2715QE @ 2.10GHz 跑分:6006
Intel Core i5-4430S @ 2.70GHz 跑分:6003
Intel Xeon X5647 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5995
Intel Core i5-3340 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:5993
Intel Core i5-3450S @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5988
AMD Opteron 6234 跑分:5979
Intel Core i7-2670QM @ 2.20GHz 跑分:5962
Intel Core i7-960 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:5921
Intel Core i7-965 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:5893
Intel Core i3-6320 @ 3.90GHz 跑分:5892
Intel Core i5-3330 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:5868
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 跑分:5856
Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:5832
Intel Core i5-3570T @ 2.30GHz 跑分:5803
Intel Xeon W5580 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:5782
Intel Core i5-3335S @ 2.70GHz 跑分:5775
AMD FX-6120 Six-Core 跑分:5765
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07GHz 跑分:5764
Intel Core i5-6300HQ @ 2.30GHz 跑分:5750
Intel Core i7-880 @ 3.07GHz 跑分:5729
Intel Core i5-2380P @ 3.10GHz 跑分:5729
Intel Core i3-6300 @ 3.80GHz 跑分:5691
Intel Core i5-3340S @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5689
Intel Core i5-2320 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:5688
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 跑分:5685
AMD PRO A10-8750B 跑分:5684
Intel Core i5-6500T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:5673
Intel Core i7-2675QM @ 2.20GHz 跑分:5648
Intel Core i7-950 @ 3.07GHz 跑分:5645
Intel Xeon L5638 @ 2.00GHz 跑分:5642
Intel Xeon X5570 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5638
AMD A10 PRO-7850B APU 跑分:5630
AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core 跑分:5610
AMD A10-7870K 跑分:5594
Intel Core i5-3330S @ 2.70GHz 跑分:5592
AMD A10-7850K APU 跑分:5566
Intel Core i7-2630QM @ 2.00GHz 跑分:5560
Intel Core i3-4370 @ 3.80GHz 跑分:5544
Intel Core i3-6100 @ 3.70GHz 跑分:5523
Intel Core i7-875K @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5500
AMD Opteron 3365 跑分:5499
Intel Xeon W3540 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5491
Intel Core i3-4360 @ 3.70GHz 跑分:5487
Intel Core i7-870 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5478
Intel Core i7-940 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5467
Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90GHz 跑分:5459
Intel Core i7-2635QM @ 2.00GHz 跑分:5451
AMD FX-8140 Eight-Core 跑分:5449
Intel Core i5-4590T @ 2.00GHz 跑分:5447
Intel Xeon X5560 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5446
AMD PRO A8-8650B 跑分:5435
AMD Phenom II X6 1075T 跑分:5432
Intel Xeon X5550 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:5422
AMD FX-6100 Six-Core 跑分:5401
Intel Core i7-2710QE @ 2.10GHz 跑分:5398
AMD A10 PRO-7800B APU 跑分:5388
Intel Xeon W3530 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5371
Intel Core i5-2300 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5289
AMD Opteron 3280 跑分:5271
Intel Core i3-4350 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:5264
Intel Core i5-6400T @ 2.20GHz 跑分:5231
AMD A10-7700K APU 跑分:5226
Intel Core i7-930 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5223
AMD FX-4350 Quad-Core 跑分:5218
Intel Core i3-4340 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:5212
AMD A8-7600 APU 跑分:5211
Intel Xeon X3470 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:5197
AMD Athlon X4 840 跑分:5184
AMD A10-7800 APU 跑分:5177
Intel Core i3-4170 @ 3.70GHz 跑分:5173
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T 跑分:5161
Intel Xeon X3460 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5158
Intel Core i5-2500S @ 2.70GHz 跑分:5150
AMD A8-7650K 跑分:5136
Intel Core i7-4610M @ 3.00GHz 跑分:5109
Intel Core i7-860 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:5101
Intel Core i3-4570T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:5094
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:5067
Intel Core i3-6300T @ 3.30GHz 跑分:5062
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 跑分:5059
Intel Core i3-4330 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:5057
Intel Core i7-870S @ 2.67GHz 跑分:5052
AMD FX-770K Quad-Core 跑分:5052
Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:5035
Intel Core i5-4340M @ 2.90GHz 跑分:5031
Intel Core i7-5557U @ 3.10GHz 跑分:5024
AMD A10-6800B APU 跑分:4999
Intel Core i7-920 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:4993
Intel Core i7-4578U @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4959
Intel Xeon X5492 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:4936
AMD A8 PRO-7600B APU 跑分:4912
AMD A10-6800K APU 跑分:4912
Intel Core i7-6650U @ 2.20GHz 跑分:4907
Intel Core i3-4150 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:4900
AMD Phenom II X6 1045T 跑分:4892
Intel Core i5-2405S @ 2.50GHz 跑分:4889
Intel Xeon X3450 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:4880
Intel Core i5-2400S @ 2.50GHz 跑分:4879
Intel Core i3-4360T @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4874
Intel Core i5-4460T @ 1.90GHz 跑分:4847
Intel Core i5-4570T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4828
Intel Core2 Extreme X9750 @ 3.16GHz 跑分:4822
AMD FX-4170 Quad-Core 跑分:4817
Intel Core i3-6100T @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4804
Intel Core i7-4600M @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4800
Intel Core i3-4130 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:4779
Intel Core i7-860S @ 2.53GHz 跑分:4776
AMD A8-8650 跑分:4770
Intel Xeon X5470 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:4762
Intel Core i7-6600U @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4745
AMD Phenom II X6 1035T 跑分:4744
Intel Xeon X5482 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4743
AMD Opteron 6128 跑分:4742
AMD FX-4320 跑分:4715
Intel Core2 Extreme X9770 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4702
Intel Xeon X3380 @ 3.16GHz 跑分:4686
Intel Core i5-4330M @ 2.80GHz 跑分:4676
Intel Core i7-3540M @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4652
Intel Core i5-4308U @ 2.80GHz 跑分:4652
Intel Core2 Extreme X9775 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4646
AMD FX-4300 Quad-Core 跑分:4646
AMD A10-5800K APU 跑分:4637
AMD Embedded R-Series RX-421BD 跑分:4628
AMD A10-6790K APU 跑分:4626
Intel Core i5-2500T @ 2.30GHz 跑分:4626
AMD A10-6700 APU 跑分:4626
AMD A8-6600K APU 跑分:4619
AMD Phenom II X4 980 跑分:4615
AMD A10-5800B APU 跑分:4612
AMD Phenom II X4 975 跑分:4596
Intel Core i5-5287U @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4585
AMD Athlon X4 760K Quad Core 跑分:4575
Intel Core i3-4170T @ 3.20GHz 跑分:4569
Intel Core i3-4350T @ 3.10GHz 跑分:4567
Intel Core i5-4210H @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4552
AMD FX-4150 Quad-Core 跑分:4539
Intel Core i7-3520M @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4528
Intel Core i5-3470T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4514
Intel Xeon X3370 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4506
AMD Athlon X4 750 Quad Core 跑分:4492
Intel Core i3-4330T @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4487
AMD A8-6500B APU 跑分:4487
Intel Xeon X5460 @ 3.16GHz 跑分:4486
Intel Core i3-3250 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:4482
AMD FX-670K Quad-Core 跑分:4442
Intel Core i5-4288U @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4441
AMD Phenom II X4 970 跑分:4427
Intel Xeon L5630 @ 2.13GHz 跑分:4420
Intel Core i5-4200H @ 2.80GHz 跑分:4419
Intel Core i5-4310M @ 2.70GHz 跑分:4413
AMD A8-6500 APU 跑分:4411
AMD A8-7670K 跑分:4411
Intel Core i5-4300M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4401
Intel Core i3-4160T @ 3.10GHz 跑分:4388
AMD PRO A10-8700B 跑分:4371
Intel Core i7-5600U @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4368
Intel Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz 跑分:4357
Intel Core i3-3225 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:4349
Intel Core i5-3360M @ 2.80GHz 跑分:4343
Intel Core2 Extreme X9650 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4336
Intel Core i5-5257U @ 2.70GHz 跑分:4335
Intel Core i5-2390T @ 2.70GHz 跑分:4334
Intel Xeon X3440 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:4333
AMD A8-5600K APU 跑分:4328
Intel Core i3-2140 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:4325
Intel Core i7-6500U @ 2.50GHz 跑分:4321
Intel Core i5-4278U @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4311
Intel Core i3-3240 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:4309
Intel Core i7-4558U @ 2.80GHz 跑分:4305
Intel Core i5-6260U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:4304
AMD RX-427BB 跑分:4293
AMD PRO A8-8600B 跑分:4293
Intel Core i5-3380M @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4288
Intel Core i3-6100TE @ 2.70GHz 跑分:4284
Intel Core2 Quad Q9650 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4272
Intel Xeon X5698 @ 4.40GHz 跑分:4272
Intel Core i7-5650U @ 2.20GHz 跑分:4269
Intel Core i7-3687U @ 2.10GHz 跑分:4261
Intel Core i5-6300U @ 2.40GHz 跑分:4259
AMD Phenom II X4 965 跑分:4256
AMD Athlon X4 750K Quad Core 跑分:4246
AMD Phenom II X4 B65 跑分:4236
AMD FX-8800P 跑分:4235
Intel Core i3-3245 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:4233
Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:4213
Intel Core i5-4210M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:4213
AMD Phenom II X4 B99 跑分:4206
AMD A10-5700 APU 跑分:4201
Intel Xeon X5450 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4198
Intel Xeon X3363 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:4189
AMD FX-4200 Quad-Core 跑分:4189
Intel Core i3-4150T @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4165
Intel Core i5-3340M @ 2.70GHz 跑分:4159
AMD FX-4130 Quad-Core 跑分:4157
Intel Core i7-4600U @ 2.10GHz 跑分:4138
AMD Phenom II X4 B60 跑分:4134
Intel Core i3-4130T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:4128
AMD FX-7600P 跑分:4123
Intel Core i7-3555LE @ 2.50GHz 跑分:4118
Intel Xeon X5472 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:4110
Intel Xeon X3360 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:4093
Intel Core i7-4650U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:4077
Intel Core i3-2130 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:4061
Intel Core i7-940XM @ 2.13GHz 跑分:4058
Intel Core i5-4200M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:4055
Intel Core2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:4049
AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core 跑分:4039
Intel Core i7-5500U @ 2.40GHz 跑分:4033
Intel Core i5-4258U @ 2.40GHz 跑分:4030
AMD Phenom II X4 B97 跑分:4009
AMD Opteron 3350 HE 跑分:4009
AMD Phenom II X4 955 跑分:4007
Intel Core i3-2125 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:4006
AMD PRO A12-8800B 跑分:4002
Intel Core i5-3320M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3997
Intel Xeon L5430 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3995
AMD A8-5500 APU 跑分:3995
Intel Pentium G3258 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3994
Intel Core i3-6100H @ 2.70GHz 跑分:3988
Intel Xeon X3350 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3986
AMD Athlon II X4 559 跑分:3984
Intel Xeon L3426 @ 1.87GHz 跑分:3982
Intel Pentium G4520 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:3969
AMD Athlon X4 740 Quad Core 跑分:3951
Intel Core i7-3667U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:3950
Intel Core2 Quad Q9705 @ 3.16GHz 跑分:3947
Intel Core i3-3210 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3946
AMD Phenom Ultra X4 24500 跑分:3945
Intel Core i7-4510U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:3944
Intel Core i5-760 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:3927
Intel Core i7-4550U @ 1.50GHz 跑分:3921
Intel Core i5-3230M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3919
Intel Core i7-2640M @ 2.80GHz 跑分:3915
Intel Core i5-6200U @ 2.30GHz 跑分:3913
AMD Phenom II X4 B55 跑分:3911
Intel Atom C2750 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3874
Intel Core i3-4110M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3873
Intel Core i3-2120 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3871
AMD Phenom II X4 960T 跑分:3869
Intel Core i7-3537U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:3854
AMD Phenom II X4 B95 跑分:3842
Intel Core i7-920XM @ 2.00GHz 跑分:3830
Intel Core i7-2620M @ 2.70GHz 跑分:3823
AMD Athlon II X4 553 跑分:3814
Intel Core2 Quad Q9450 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3809
Intel Core i5-5300U @ 2.30GHz 跑分:3805
Intel Pentium G4400 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3803
Intel Core i7-4500U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:3799
Intel Pentium G3460 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:3799
Intel Core i5-3210M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3787
Intel Pentium G4500 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:3781
AMD Phenom II X4 973 跑分:3777
AMD Phenom II X4 B50 跑分:3766
AMD A10-7400P 跑分:3766
Intel Core i5-4300U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:3752
Intel Core i5-2560M @ 2.70GHz 跑分:3752
Intel Pentium G3450 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:3749
AMD A10-6700T APU 跑分:3748
Intel Core i5-4310U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:3746
Intel Core i7-4610Y @ 1.70GHz 跑分:3738
Intel Core i3-2105 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:3736
Intel Core i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3735
Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.67GHz 跑分:3733
AMD A8-5500B APU 跑分:3733
Intel Core2 Extreme Q6850 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:3729
AMD Phenom II X4 945 跑分:3723
Intel Core i3-3240T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:3721
Intel Xeon L5506 @ 2.13GHz 跑分:3715
Intel Core2 Quad Q9500 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:3709
Intel Core i3-3220T @ 2.80GHz 跑分:3702
Intel Pentium G3470 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:3695
Intel Xeon X3330 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3657
Intel Core i3-5157U @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3649
Intel Core2 Quad Q9505 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:3646
AMD Phenom II X4 840T 跑分:3643
AMD Phenom II X4 940 跑分:3643
Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:3636
Intel Core i7-3517U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:3635
Intel Core2 Extreme Q6800 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:3635
Intel Core i5-2510E @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3631
Intel Core i5-5250U @ 1.60GHz 跑分:3629
Intel Core i5-3610ME @ 2.70GHz 跑分:3622
Quad-Core AMD Opteron 1385 跑分:3620
AMD A8-3870K APU 跑分:3619
AMD Phenom FX-7750 Quad-Core 跑分:3616
Intel Core i5-4350U @ 1.40GHz 跑分:3610
AMD Athlon II X4 651 Quad-Core 跑分:3606
Intel Core i5-4570TE @ 2.70GHz 跑分:3603
AMD Athlon X4 645 跑分:3595
Intel Core i5-680 @ 3.60GHz 跑分:3595
Intel Core2 Extreme Q9300 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:3585
AMD Phenom II X4 B45 跑分:3583
Intel Core i5-3437U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:3570
AMD Phenom II X4 840 跑分:3567
AMD Phenom II X4 850 跑分:3567
Intel Atom C2750 @ 2.41GHz 跑分:3560
Intel Core i5-2520M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3554
Intel Core i5-4260U @ 1.40GHz 跑分:3548
AMD A10-8700P 跑分:3544
AMD Phenom II X4 B25 跑分:3542
Intel Xeon X5365 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:3540
AMD Opteron 2386 SE 跑分:3538
Intel Core i5-5200U @ 2.20GHz 跑分:3533
Intel Core i5-3427U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:3524
Intel Xeon X3353 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3524
AMD Phenom II X4 830 跑分:3523
AMD A8-3850 APU 跑分:3520
AMD Athlon II X4 555 跑分:3512
Intel Atom C2758 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3511
AMD Athlon II X4 650 跑分:3507
AMD Athlon II X4 645 跑分:3503
Intel Xeon L5420 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3503
Intel Xeon L5410 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:3502
AMD Phenom II 42 TWKR Black Edition 跑分:3489
Intel Core i3-4100M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3486
Intel Core i7-3689Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:3485
AMD Phenom II X4 925 跑分:3483
Intel Core i3-6100U @ 2.30GHz 跑分:3478
AMD Phenom II X4 B35 跑分:3475
Intel Xeon X3230 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3472
AMD Phenom II X4 920 跑分:3472
Intel Core i5-4250U @ 1.30GHz 跑分:3463
AMD Athlon X4 640 跑分:3461
AMD Phenom II X4 820 跑分:3444
Intel Pentium G3420 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3443
AMD Phenom II X4 B93 跑分:3443
AMD Athlon II X4 641 Quad-Core 跑分:3441
Intel Pentium G3440 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3439AMD A8-7200P 跑分:3437
Intel Pentium G3430 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3436
Intel Pentium G2140 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3436
Intel Xeon X3320 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3433
Intel Core2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3430
AMD A8-6500T APU 跑分:3424
Intel Core i7-3517UE @ 1.70GHz 跑分:3422
AMD Phenom II X4 B40 跑分:3413
Intel Core m7-6Y75 @ 1.20GHz 跑分:3408
Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3404
Intel Core i7-840QM @ 1.87GHz 跑分:3394
Intel Xeon X3430 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3390
AMD Phenom II X4 910e 跑分:3388
Intel Core i5-4210U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:3384
AMD A10-5750M APU 跑分:3375
Intel Pentium G4400T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:3374
AMD Athlon II X4 640 跑分:3356
Intel Core i5-655K @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3356
Intel Core i3-3130M @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3345
Intel Core i5-670 @ 3.47GHz 跑分:3343
Intel Core2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3342
Intel Xeon X3323 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3341
Intel Pentium G3250 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3328
AMD Phenom II X4 910 跑分:3324
AMD A10 PRO-7350B APU 跑分:3323
Intel Core i5-2515E @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3313
Intel Core i5-2435M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3298
AMD Athlon II X4 635 跑分:3294
Intel Core i5-660 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:3283
AMD Phenom II X3 B77 跑分:3276
Intel Pentium G3240 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:3274
Intel Core i5-2430M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3270
Intel Xeon X5355 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3268
Intel Pentium G3260 @ 3.30GHz 跑分:3267
Intel Core i5-4200U @ 1.60GHz 跑分:3266
Intel Core i5-2415M @ 2.30GHz 跑分:3258
AMD Athlon II X4 638 Quad-Core 跑分:3257
Intel Core i3-4330TE @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3251
Intel Core i7-820QM @ 1.73GHz 跑分:3245
AMD A6-3670 APU 跑分:3243
Intel Core i3-4000M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3243
AMD FX-7500 APU 跑分:3238
Intel Core2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:3230
Intel Core i3-3120M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3230
Intel Pentium G2130 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3228
Intel Core i7-740QM @ 1.73GHz 跑分:3227
AMD A8-3820 APU 跑分:3218
Intel Core i3-5020U @ 2.20GHz 跑分:3218
Intel Core i5-3337U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:3210
Intel Core2 Quad Q9100 @ 2.26GHz 跑分:3207
Intel Core i7-2630UM @ 1.60GHz 跑分:3204
AMD A6-3650 APU 跑分:3201
Intel Core2 Quad Q9300 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3197
Intel Core i5-661 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:3193
Intel Pentium G3220 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:3187
Intel Core i3-2120T @ 2.60GHz 跑分:3180
AMD Athlon II X4 630 跑分:3179
AMD Opteron 2378 跑分:3179
AMD Phenom II X4 810 跑分:3172
AMD Athlon II X4 631 Quad-Core 跑分:3172
Intel Core i5-2410M @ 2.30GHz 跑分:3161
AMD Phenom 9850B Quad-Core 跑分:3160
AMD Phenom II X3 B75 跑分:3158
Intel Core i3-5015U @ 2.10GHz 跑分:3150
Intel Core i5-650 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:3148
AMD A8-3800 APU 跑分:3145
AMD Athlon X4 630 跑分:3141
Intel Xeon X3220 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3141
AMD A10-4600M APU 跑分:3116
Intel Xeon L5408 @ 2.13GHz 跑分:3114
AMD A6-8550 跑分:3104
Intel Pentium G2120 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:3096
Intel Core i5-3317U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:3092
AMD Phenom II X4 905e 跑分:3078
AMD A10-5757M APU 跑分:3077
AMD Opteron 1381 跑分:3065
AMD Athlon X3 450 跑分:3064
AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core 跑分:3055
Intel Core i3-5010U @ 2.10GHz 跑分:3053
Intel Core i7-720QM @ 1.60GHz 跑分:3053
Intel Core M-5Y70 @ 1.10GHz 跑分:3049
Intel Core i3-3110M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:3049
AMD Phenom II X3 740 跑分:3043
Intel Core i3-560 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:3032
AMD A10-7300 APU 跑分:3031
Intel Core2 Quad Q8300 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:3030
AMD R-464L APU 跑分:3019
Intel Core M-5Y71 @ 1.20GHz 跑分:3018
AMD Phenom II X4 805 跑分:3010
Intel Core i7-2655LE @ 2.20GHz 跑分:3007
AMD Phenom 2 X4 12000 跑分:3005
Intel Core i3-2330E @ 2.20GHz 跑分:3004
Intel Core m5-6Y54 @ 1.10GHz 跑分:3003
Intel Celeron G1840 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:3003
AMD A8-5550M APU 跑分:3002
Intel Core i5-4302Y @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2992
AMD Phenom 7950 Quad-Core 跑分:2991
Intel Pentium G3240T @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2988
Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2988
Intel Core i3-4158U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2982
AMD Phenom II X4 900e 跑分:2981
Intel Celeron G1850 @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2978
AMD Athlon II X4 620 跑分:2978
Intel Pentium 4405U @ 2.10GHz 跑分:2975
Intel Pentium G3420T @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2971
Intel Pentium G3450T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2967
AMD A8-5557M APU 跑分:2952
AMD Opteron 2374 HE 跑分:2951
AMD Phenom FX-5200 Quad-Core 跑分:2948
AMD Opteron 4122 跑分:2942
AMD Opteron 6134 跑分:2938
Intel Core i5-3439Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2933
Intel Pentium G2030 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2925
Intel Core i3-5005U @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2919
Intel Pentium G3260T @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2916
AMD A6 PRO-7400B 跑分:2915
AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core 跑分:2914
AMD Athlon II X3 460 跑分:2909
AMD Athlon II X4 620e 跑分:2906
AMD Athlon X4 620 跑分:2903
Intel Core i7-640M @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2893
AMD Athlon X4 635 跑分:2891
Intel Pentium G870 @ 3.10GHz 跑分:2887
Intel Core i7-2637M @ 1.70GHz 跑分:2885
Intel Core m5-6Y57 @ 1.10GHz 跑分:2882
AMD Athlon II X4 615e 跑分:2876
AMD Athlon II X4 610e 跑分:2865
AMD A8-7100 APU 跑分:2863
AMD A6-3620 APU 跑分:2859
Intel Core i3-550 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:2858
AMD A8 PRO-7150B APU 跑分:2852
Intel Core M-5Y10 @ 0.80GHz 跑分:2850
AMD A6-7400K APU 跑分:2840
Intel Core i3-2310E @ 2.10GHz 跑分:2839
AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core 跑分:2838
Celeron Dual-Core Q8300 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2837
Intel Core M-5Y10c @ 0.80GHz 跑分:2835
Intel Core2 Quad Q8200 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:2835
Intel Celeron G1820 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2834
AMD Opteron 2350 跑分:2820
AMD Athlon II X3 455 跑分:2817
AMD Opteron 2356 跑分:2814
Intel Core i3-2100T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2814
AMD Phenom 9750B Quad-Core 跑分:2795
AMD A10-5745M APU 跑分:2793
Intel Xeon X3210 @ 2.13GHz 跑分:2792
Intel Pentium G860 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2788
Intel Pentium G2020 @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2788
Intel Core i3-4025U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:2785
AMD Phenom II X4 B05e 跑分:2781
Intel Core i7-620M @ 2.67GHz 跑分:2780
AMD Athlon II X4 605e 跑分:2771
Intel Pentium G3250T @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2770
Intel E3000 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:2767
AMD Opteron 1356 跑分:2765
Intel Xeon L5335 @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2756
AMD Phenom II X3 B73 跑分:2752
AMD Phenom II X920 Quad-Core 跑分:2752
AMD A6-3600 APU 跑分:2751
Intel Core i7-2677M @ 1.80GHz 跑分:2750
Intel Core i3-2370M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2745
Intel Core i7-2617M @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2740
AMD Phenom II X4 B15e 跑分:2736
Intel Core M-5Y51 @ 1.10GHz 跑分:2716
AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core GP-9830 跑分:2715
Intel Core i5-580M @ 2.67GHz 跑分:2713
AMD Phenom II X3 720 跑分:2711
Intel Core i3-540 @ 3.07GHz 跑分:2705
Intel Core i3-4030U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:2701
Intel Pentium G850 @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2692
AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core GP-9930 跑分:2690
Intel Celeron G1840T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2686
Intel Celeron G1830 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2682
Intel Pentium 3825U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:2674
Intel Core i5-2557M @ 1.70GHz 跑分:2669
AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core 跑分:2667
Intel Core i5-4220Y @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2664
AMD A8-4500M APU 跑分:2662
AMD Phenom II X3 715 跑分:2649
AMD Opteron 1352 跑分:2647
AMD Phenom 9450e Quad-Core 跑分:2644
AMD Opteron 2380 跑分:2640
Intel Core i5-560M @ 2.67GHz 跑分:2640
AMD Athlon X3 455 跑分:2636
Intel Core i3-2350M @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2634
Intel Pentium G3220T @ 2.60GHz 跑分:2634
AMD Athlon II X3 450 跑分:2633
Intel Celeron G1620 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2624
AMD Opteron 1354 跑分:2622
Intel Pentium G2010 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2618
AMD A8-3550MX APU 跑分:2616
Intel Core i3-2348M @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2600
AMD Phenom 9600B Quad-Core 跑分:2598
AMD A6-7310 APU 跑分:2594
AMD Athlon II X4 6400e 跑分:2594
AMD Athlon 5350 APU with Radeon R3 跑分:2590
Intel Pentium G840 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2587
Intel Pentium G645 @ 2.90GHz 跑分:2585
Intel Core i3-530 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:2584
AMD Athlon II X3 440 跑分:2579AMD A8-7410 APU 跑分:2576
AMD A8-5545M APU 跑分:2571
AMD Athlon II X3 445 跑分:2571
AMD A10-4655M APU 跑分:2566
AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core 跑分:2563
AMD Phenom FX-5000 Quad-Core 跑分:2551
Intel Core2 Quad Q9000 @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2551
AMD Phenom II N970 Quad-Core 跑分:2536
Intel Celeron G1630 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2535
Intel Core i5-4300Y @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2531
Intel Celeron G1610 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:2529
Intel Core i3-2330M @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2528
Intel Pentium G2020T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2526
Intel Pentium G640 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2522
AMD A8-6410 APU 跑分:2519
Intel Xeon L5320 @ 1.86GHz 跑分:2507
AMD Athlon X4 605e 跑分:2505
Intel Core i3-2328M @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2500
Intel Xeon X5270 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:2499
AMD Athlon II X3 435 跑分:2496
AMD Phenom II N950 Quad-Core 跑分:2494
Intel Xeon X5260 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:2493
Intel Xeon X5272 @ 3.40GHz 跑分:2486
Intel Core M-5Y31 @ 0.90GHz 跑分:2484
Intel Core i7-2610UE @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2481
Intel Celeron G555 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2479
Intel Core i3-4030Y @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2471
Intel Celeron G1820T @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2461
Intel Core i3-4005U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:2461
AMD Athlon X3 435 跑分:2461
AMD Phenom II X3 710 跑分:2460
AMD A4 PRO-7300B APU 跑分:2459
Intel Core i3-3227U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:2459
Intel Core i5-480M @ 2.67GHz 跑分:2451
AMD Athlon II X4 600e 跑分:2451
AMD A4-7210 APU 跑分:2448
Intel Core i3-4010U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:2442
Intel Core i5-540M @ 2.53GHz 跑分:2441
Intel Core2 Duo E8600 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:2430
Intel Pentium 2030M @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2426
Intel Core i7-610E @ 2.53GHz 跑分:2425
Intel Core i3-2310M @ 2.10GHz 跑分:2420
AMD A8-3510MX APU 跑分:2420
Intel Celeron 2970M @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2416
AMD A6-5200 APU 跑分:2407
Intel Core i5-520M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2400
Intel Pentium G3320TE @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2389
Intel Pentium G630 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:2389
Intel Pentium G645T @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2387
Intel Core i3-2332M @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2382
AMD Phenom II X4 8700e 跑分:2377
Intel Pentium G2030T @ 2.60GHz 跑分:2372
AMD A6-6310 APU 跑分:2370
AMD GX-420CA SOC 跑分:2367
AMD A8-3530MX APU 跑分:2365
AMD Athlon II X3 425 跑分:2362
AMD GX-424CC SOC with Radeon R5E Graphics 跑分:2360
Intel Core i5-460M @ 2.53GHz 跑分:2355
Intel Core i5-4200Y @ 1.40GHz 跑分:2352
Intel Celeron G1610T @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2352
Intel Core i5-4210Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2352
AMD A4-6320 APU 跑分:2347
AMD Phenom 9350e Quad-Core 跑分:2344
Intel Core i5-2467M @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2335
AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core 跑分:2325
Intel Core2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz 跑分:2315
Intel Celeron G550 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:2314
AMD Athlon X3 445 跑分:2314
Intel Xeon L5240 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2313
Intel Pentium G6951 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2311
Intel Pentium 2020M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2310
Intel Pentium G620 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:2299
AMD Athlon X2 370K Dual Core 跑分:2296
Intel Core i7-640LM @ 2.13GHz 跑分:2288
Intel Core i3-3217U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:2287
Intel Celeron G1620T @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2287
AMD Athlon II X3 420e 跑分:2286
AMD Phenom II N930 Quad-Core 跑分:2284
Intel Core i3-2312M @ 2.10GHz 跑分:2284
AMD Opteron 2376 跑分:2283
AMD A6-3430MX APU 跑分:2283
Intel Pentium 3550M @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2281
AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core GP-9600 跑分:2281
AMD A6-6400K APU 跑分:2276
Intel Xeon L3110 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2273
Intel Core i5-4202Y @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2264
AMD Athlon X3 440 跑分:2256
AMD Opteron 8354 跑分:2255
AMD Athlon X3 425 跑分:2255
AMD Athlon II X3 415e 跑分:2249
Intel Pentium 3560M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2248
AMD Phenom II X3 705e 跑分:2244
Intel Core i5-520 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2244
AMD Athlon II X3 425e 跑分:2239
AMD Phenom 8850 Triple-Core 跑分:2237
AMD A8-7050 跑分:2235
Intel Celeron G540 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:2233
AMD Phenom II X3 700e 跑分:2232
Intel Celeron G1820TE @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2230
Intel Core i3-3217UE @ 1.60GHz 跑分:2228
AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core 跑分:2228
AMD A4-6300 APU 跑分:2228
AMD A8-3520M APU 跑分:2225
Intel Core i3-390M @ 2.67GHz 跑分:2224
Intel Core2 Duo T9900 @ 3.06GHz 跑分:2218
Intel Core2 Duo E8700 @ 3.50GHz 跑分:2212
AMD Phenom X2 Dual-Core GE-5560 跑分:2206
AMD Phenom II X2 565 跑分:2201
Intel Core i5 750S @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2197
AMD Phenom II X620 Dual-Core 跑分:2189
Intel Core i3-4012Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2189
AMD A4-7300 APU 跑分:2188
Intel Core i3-4020Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2187
AMD Athlon II X2 280 跑分:2180
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2179
Intel Core i5-2537M @ 1.40GHz 跑分:2177
Intel Core2 Duo E8435 @ 3.06GHz 跑分:2175
Intel Pentium G630T @ 2.30GHz 跑分:2174
Intel Core2 Duo E8335 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:2167
Intel Core i5-3339Y @ 1.50GHz 跑分:2167
AMD Phenom II X2 B59 跑分:2166
AMD A6-6400B APU 跑分:2160
AMD A6-6420K APU 跑分:2159
Intel Celeron G530 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2159
AMD Phenom II X2 521 跑分:2154
Intel Core2 Extreme X9100 @ 3.06GHz 跑分:2148
AMD A6-5400K APU 跑分:2144
Intel Celeron G550T @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2144
AMD A6-5400B APU 跑分:2142
AMD Phenom 9150e Quad-Core 跑分:2141
Intel Core i5-450M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2138
Intel Pentium G6960 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:2131
AMD Phenom 8750B Triple-Core 跑分:2129
Intel Celeron 2950M @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2127
Intel Core i5-430M @ 2.27GHz 跑分:2125
AMD A8-4555M APU 跑分:2123
AMD Phenom 8750 Triple-Core 跑分:2121
Intel Core i3-380M @ 2.53GHz 跑分:2121
Intel Celeron G540T @ 2.10GHz 跑分:2114
AMD Phenom II X2 511 跑分:2112
AMD A4-6210 APU 跑分:2109
AMD Phenom II P960 Quad-Core 跑分:2109
Intel Core i7-620LM @ 2.00GHz 跑分:2108
AMD A6-3410MX APU 跑分:2106
AMD Phenom II X2 560 跑分:2099
AMD A4-5100 APU 跑分:2099
AMD Athlon II X2 B28 跑分:2097
Intel Pentium B980 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2085
AMD Phenom 8850B Triple-Core 跑分:2080
Intel Pentium G620T @ 2.20GHz 跑分:2071
AMD Phenom II X2 555 跑分:2066
AMD Athlon 5150 APU with Radeon R3 跑分:2057
AMD Phenom II X2 550 跑分:2056
AMD Athlon II X3 405e 跑分:2053
Intel Pentium J2900 @ 2.41GHz 跑分:2052
AMD A6-3420M APU 跑分:2047
Intel Core2 Duo E7600 @ 3.06GHz 跑分:2046
Intel Core i3-370M @ 2.40GHz 跑分:2040
Intel Pentium E6800 @ 3.33GHz 跑分:2037
AMD E2-7110 APU 跑分:2036
AMD Phenom 8650 Triple-Core 跑分:2026
Intel Core2 Duo P9700 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:2025
AMD Phenom 8450e Triple-Core 跑分:2025
AMD Phenom II X640 Dual-Core 跑分:2021
AMD A6-3500 APU 跑分:2018
AMD Athlon II X3 400e 跑分:2018
AMD A8-3500M APU 跑分:2009
AMD GX-415GA SOC 跑分:2007
Intel Core2 Duo E8300 @ 2.83GHz 跑分:2006
AMD A4-5300 APU 跑分:2006
Intel Pentium 3805U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:2002
Intel Core i7-660UM @ 1.33GHz 跑分:2001
Intel Xeon 5160 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:2001
AMD Athlon II X2 270 跑分:1997
AMD Phenom II N850 Triple-Core 跑分:1984
Intel Core2 Duo E6850 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:1972
Intel Atom x7-Z8700 @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1971
Intel Pentium B970 @ 2.30GHz 跑分:1970
Intel Core i7-610 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1969
Intel Pentium E6700 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:1966
HP Hexa-Core 2.0GHz 跑分:1964
Intel Core2 Duo T9600 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1960
AMD Phenom II N870 Triple-Core 跑分:1960
Intel Pentium N3540 @ 2.16GHz 跑分:1955
Intel Core2 Extreme X9000 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1950
Intel Pentium G640T @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1939
Intel Core i3-330E @ 2.13GHz 跑分:1935
AMD A4-6300B APU 跑分:1934
AMD A4-5300B APU 跑分:1934
AMD A6-3400M APU 跑分:1933
Intel Core2 Duo T9800 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:1931
AMD Phenom 8600B Triple-Core 跑分:1926
AMD Opteron 2224 SE 跑分:1919
Intel Core2 Duo E8235 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1918
AMD A6-5350M APU 跑分:1916
AMD Phenom II X2 B55 跑分:1915
Intel Core M-5Y10a @ 0.80GHz 跑分:1915
AMD Phenom X3 8550 跑分:1912
AMD Athlon X2 260 跑分:1910
Intel Core i3-350M @ 2.27GHz 跑分:1908Intel Pentium N3530 @ 2.16GHz 跑分:1908
Intel Core2 Extreme X6800 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:1905
Intel Pentium E5800 @ 3.20GHz 跑分:1899
Intel Pentium E6600 @ 3.06GHz 跑分:1898
Intel Pentium N3700 @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1898
VIA QuadCore C4650@2.0GHz 跑分:1898
AMD Athlon II X2 260 跑分:1897
AMD Phenom II P920 Quad-Core 跑分:1897
AMD A4-5000 APU 跑分:1896
AMD Phenom II N830 Triple-Core 跑分:1896
AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core 跑分:1894
AMD Phenom II X2 545 跑分:1894
Intel Celeron J1900 @ 1.99GHz 跑分:1893
AMD Athlon X2 340 Dual Core 跑分:1891
Intel Core2 Duo E7500 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:1889
Intel Celeron 1005M @ 1.90GHz 跑分:1889
Intel Core2 Duo E8200 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1883
AMD E2-6110 APU with AMD Radeon R2 Graphics 跑分:1883
AMD Phenom 9100e Quad-Core 跑分:1882
Intel Xeon W3505 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1880
Intel Core2 Duo P9600 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1876
AMD A10 Micro-6700T APU 跑分:1875
Intel Pentium B960 @ 2.20GHz 跑分:1873
Intel Pentium 2127U @ 1.90GHz 跑分:1872
Intel Pentium G6950 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1872
AMD Athlon II X2 265 跑分:1866
AMD Phenom II N660 Dual-Core 跑分:1858
AMD Athlon II X2 250e 跑分:1855
AMD Athlon II X2 255 跑分:1850
Intel Pentium N3520 @ 2.16GHz 跑分:1842
Intel Core i3-2377M @ 1.50GHz 跑分:1841
Intel Xeon 3075 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1840
AMD Athlon II X2 B24 跑分:1838
AMD A6-5357M APU 跑分:1831
Intel Core2 Duo T9500 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:1830
Intel Xeon L5238 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1823
Intel Core2 Duo P9500 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1822
Intel Core i3-4010Y @ 1.30GHz 跑分:1818
AMD A4-5150M APU 跑分:1811
Intel Xeon 3070 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1810
Intel Core i3-330M @ 2.13GHz 跑分:1807
AMD Athlon X2 235e 跑分:1806
Intel Core2 Extreme X7800 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:1802
AMD A4-4000 APU 跑分:1798
Intel Core2 Duo T9550 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1798
AMD Athlon 64 FX-72 跑分:1794
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6400+ 跑分:1794
Intel Celeron N2940 @ 1.83GHz 跑分:1789
Intel Xeon W3503 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1785
Intel Core i7-680UM @ 1.47GHz 跑分:1783
Intel Pentium J2850 @ 2.41GHz 跑分:1782
AMD Phenom II P940 Quad-Core 跑分:1782
Intel Core2 Duo E7400 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1780
Intel Atom x5-Z8500 @ 1.44GHz 跑分:1776
Intel Core2 Duo E8135 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1775
Intel Pentium E6500 @ 2.93GHz 跑分:1772
Intel Core2 Duo T9400 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1771
AMD Athlon II X2 250 跑分:1768
Intel Core2 Duo P8800 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1766
Intel Celeron B840 @ 1.90GHz 跑分:1765
Intel Pentium 3558U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:1763
AMD Athlon II X2 B26 跑分:1759
Intel Core i3-2375M @ 1.50GHz 跑分:1757
Intel Pentium E5700 @ 3.00GHz 跑分:1756
Intel Core2 Duo P9600 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1755
Intel Core2 Duo E8335 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1754
AMD Phenom II P860 Triple-Core 跑分:1752
Intel Core2 Duo E7300 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1742
Intel Celeron 1037U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:1740
AMD Opteron 1222 跑分:1740
Intel Xeon 5150 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1738
Intel Pentium B940 @ 2.00GHz 跑分:1731
Intel Pentium 3556U @ 1.70GHz 跑分:1730
AMD Phenom II P840 Triple-Core 跑分:1729
Intel Celeron G1101 @ 2.27GHz 跑分:1727
Intel Core i5-560UM @ 1.33GHz 跑分:1727
Intel Core2 Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1725
Intel Atom Z3795 @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1718
Intel Pentium B950 @ 2.10GHz 跑分:1718
AMD Athlon II X2 240e 跑分:1716
AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core GP-9500 跑分:1710
Intel Core2 Duo E6700 @ 2.66GHz 跑分:1709
Intel Celeron 3205U @ 1.50GHz 跑分:1707
Intel Core2 Extreme X7900 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1706
Intel Pentium E6300 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1706
AMD Athlon 7850 Dual-Core 跑分:1699
Intel Core i7-640UM @ 1.20GHz 跑分:1698
AMD Phenom 8600 Triple-Core 跑分:1697
AMD Phenom II N620 Dual-Core 跑分:1697
AMD Phenom X2 Dual-Core GE-4060 跑分:1697
AMD Sempron 3850 APU with Radeon R3 跑分:1696
Intel Core i3-2367M @ 1.40GHz 跑分:1695
AMD A4-4300M APU 跑分:1693
AMD Athlon II X2 245 跑分:1690
Intel Core2 Duo T9300 @ 2.50GHz 跑分:1688
Intel Core2 Duo X7360 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1687
AMD Athlon II X2 235e 跑分:1686
AMD Athlon X2 250 跑分:1686
AMD A4-3420 APU 跑分:1685
Intel Core2 Duo E8135 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1681
AMD Phenom II X2 B57 跑分:1680
AMD Opteron 2220 跑分:1677
AMD Athlon X2 240e 跑分:1670
Intel Core2 Duo SP9400 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1670
Intel Celeron 1000M @ 1.80GHz 跑分:1670
AMD A6 PRO-7050B APU 跑分:1670
Intel Pentium 2117U @ 1.80GHz 跑分:1669
Intel Core i3-2365M @ 1.40GHz 跑分:1669
AMD Athlon II X2 B22 跑分:1666
AMD Phenom 8250 Triple-Core 跑分:1665
AMD Phenom 8400 Triple-Core 跑分:1665
Intel Core i3-3229Y @ 1.40GHz 跑分:1660
AMD Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M640 跑分:1660
Intel Core2 Duo E7200 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1658
AMD Opteron 1220 跑分:1658
AMD Athlon II X2 245e 跑分:1655
Intel Xeon 5140 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:1655
AMD Athlon II X2 220 跑分:1655
Intel Celeron N2930 @ 1.83GHz 跑分:1654
AMD Phenom II N640 Dual-Core 跑分:1654
Intel Core2 Duo P8700 @ 2.53GHz 跑分:1650
Intel Core2 Duo T7800 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:1647
AMD Athlon II X2 240 跑分:1643
AMD E2-3800 APU 跑分:1635
AMD A4-4020 APU 跑分:1633
Intel Pentium E5500 @ 2.80GHz 跑分:1632
AMD Athlon II X2 4400e 跑分:1631
AMD Athlon X2 255 跑分:1627
AMD A6-4400M APU 跑分:1626
Intel Core i3-2357M @ 1.30GHz 跑分:1625
Intel Pentium N3510 @ 1.99GHz 跑分:1619
Athlon 64 Dual Core 5400+ 跑分:1614
Intel Celeron J1850 @ 1.99GHz 跑分:1614
AMD Opteron 2220 SE 跑分:1609
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 跑分:1608
AMD Phenom II P650 Dual-Core 跑分:1608
Intel Pentium E5400 @ 2.70GHz 跑分:1606
Intel Core2 Duo P9300 @ 2.26GHz 跑分:1603
Intel Xeon 5133 @ 2.20GHz 跑分:1598
Intel Celeron 1017U @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1598
AMD A4-3400 APU 跑分:1595
Intel Xeon 5148 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:1590
AMD Athlon X2 240 跑分:1588
AMD Athlon II X2 215 跑分:1583
AMD A6-7000 跑分:1582
AMD Phenom 8250e Triple-Core 跑分:1579
AMD Phenom II X2 B53 跑分:1578
AMD Athlon II N370 Dual-Core 跑分:1578
AMD Athlon 7750 Dual-Core 跑分:1575
Intel Xeon 3065 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:1575
AMD Athlon X2 215 跑分:1575
AMD Opteron 2218 跑分:1574
AMD Turion II N530 Dual-Core 跑分:1569
AMD Phenom II P820 Triple-Core 跑分:1567
AMD Sempron X2 190 跑分:1566
AMD A4 Micro-6400T APU 跑分:1561
Intel Core2 Duo E6600 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1561
Intel Pentium E5300 @ 2.60GHz 跑分:1557
Intel Core2 Duo P8600 @ 2.40GHz 跑分:1554
Intel Celeron N2920 @ 1.86GHz 跑分:1553
Athlon 64 Dual Core 5600+ 跑分:1548
AMD A4-3300 APU 跑分:1539
AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 Dual Core 跑分:1539
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5800+ 跑分:1536
Intel Celeron B830 @ 1.80GHz 跑分:1533
Intel Celeron N3150 @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1528
AMD Athlon II X2 225 跑分:1526
AMD Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M660 跑分:1526
AMD Turion II N550 Dual-Core 跑分:1521
AMD Opteron 2216 跑分:1518
Intel Core2 Duo P7550 @ 2.26GHz 跑分:1515
AMD A6-1450 APU 跑分:1512
AMD Turion II P560 Dual-Core 跑分:1509
Intel Celeron 2980U @ 1.60GHz 跑分:1508
Intel Core2 Duo E6550 @ 2.33GHz 跑分:1500


A. Lange & Soehne
AD chronographen
Alexander Shorokhoff
Alpha Time
Aristo Vollmer
Ars eTempus
Askania Uhren
Bagger & Gehring
Blancier Lotterman & Söhne
Bruno Soehnle
Churpfälzische UhrenManufactur
D. Dornblueth & Sohn
Egon Hummel
Erhard Junghans
Erwin Sattler
George J Von Burg
Glashuette Original
Graf Zeppelin
Heinrich Geisen
Holdermann & Sohn
Jacques Etoile
Jochen Benzinger
John Harrison
Joerg Schauer
Lang & Heyne
Lindburgh & Benson
Marcello C.
Martin Braun
Mechanische Zeitinstrumente
MM uhren
MSC uhren
Muehle Glashuette
N.B Yäeger
Nomos Glashütte
Otto Berger
Otto Schlund
Philippe Rosen
Rainer Brand
Rainer Nienaber
Schauble & Soehne
Schmeltzer 1881
Schneider Manufaktur
Thomas Ninchritz
Union Glashuette
Volker Vyskocil


PPTP VPN 一键安装包(OpenVZ适用)





cat /dev/ppp

如果返回信息为:cat: /dev/ppp: No such device or address 说明正常


wget http://soft.kwx.gd/vpn/pptpd.sh //下载centos pptp vpn一键安装包的脚本


sh pptpd.sh

安装完成后,默认账户是vpn ,密码:vpn 如果要添加修改密码,参考我上面的教程输入命令 vi /etc/ppp/chap-secrets 编辑文件,按照相同格式添加用户名和密码即可。:


# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client server secret IP addresses
myusername pptpd mypassword *

//myusername是你的vpn帐号,mypassword是你的vpn的密码,*表示对任何ip,记得不要丢了这个星号。我这里根据这个格式,假设我的vpn的帐号是ksharpdabu,密码是 sky。那么,应该如下:

ksharpdabu pptpd sky *