




  • 拥有一个美观的URL
  • 防止入口文件被篡改,保护网站安全
  • 提高逼格



a2enmod rewrite #激活mod_rewrite

service apache2 restart #重启apache


LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so


service apache2 restart





'overwrite.cli.url' => 'ownCloud/Nextcloud访问地址',
'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/',



  'overwrite.cli.url' => '', 
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'dbname' => 'nc',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'dbuser' => 'user',
  'dbpassword' => 'password',
  'installed' => true,
  'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/',




OCC命令用法:【ownCloud】之终极管理:OCC命令行工具ownCloud/Nextcloud OCC命令行工具详解(1)



sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:update:htaccess


sudo -u apache php occ maintenance:update:htaccess





ErrorDocument 403 /core/templates/403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /core/templates/404.php
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  Options -MultiViews
  RewriteRule ^core/js/oc.js$ index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteRule ^core/preview.png$ index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.(css|js|svg|gif|png|html|ttf|woff|ico|jpg|jpeg)$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !core/img/favicon.ico$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/remote.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/public.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/cron.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/core/ajax/update.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/status.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs/v1.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs/v2.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/robots.txt
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/updater/
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs-provider/
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/.*
  RewriteRule . index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteBase /
  <IfModule mod_env.c>
    SetEnv front_controller_active true
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
      DirectorySlash off



<IfModule mod_headers.c>
  <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
       SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ "(.+)" XAUTHORIZATION=$1
       RequestHeader set XAuthorization %{XAUTHORIZATION}e env=XAUTHORIZATION
    <IfModule mod_proxy_fcgi.c>
       SetEnvIfNoCase Authorization "(.+)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

  <IfModule mod_env.c>
    # Add security and privacy related headers
    Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    Header set X-Robots-Tag "none"
    Header set X-Download-Options "noopen"
    Header set X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "none"
    SetEnv modHeadersAvailable true

  # Add cache control for static resources
  <FilesMatch "\.(css|js|svg|gif)$">
    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=15778463"
  # Let browsers cache WOFF files for a week
  <FilesMatch "\.woff$">
    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800"
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
  php_value upload_max_filesize 511M
  php_value post_max_size 511M
  php_value memory_limit 512M
  php_value mbstring.func_overload 0
  php_value always_populate_raw_post_data -1
  php_value default_charset 'UTF-8'
  php_value output_buffering 0
  <IfModule mod_env.c>
    SetEnv htaccessWorking true
<IfModule mod_php7.c>
  php_value upload_max_filesize 511M
  php_value post_max_size 511M
  php_value memory_limit 512M
  php_value mbstring.func_overload 0
  php_value default_charset 'UTF-8'
  php_value output_buffering 0
  <IfModule mod_env.c>
    SetEnv htaccessWorking true
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  DavClnt
  RewriteRule ^$         /remote.php/webdav/          [L,R=302]
  RewriteRule .* - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
  RewriteRule ^\.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta [QSA,L]
  RewriteRule ^\.well-known/host-meta\.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json [QSA,L]
  RewriteRule ^\.well-known/carddav /remote.php/dav/ [R=301,L]
  RewriteRule ^\.well-known/caldav /remote.php/dav/ [R=301,L]
  RewriteRule ^remote/(.*) remote.php [QSA,L]
  RewriteRule ^(?:build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates)/.* - [R=404,L]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/.*
  RewriteRule ^(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console).* - [R=404,L]
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
  AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz
  AddEncoding gzip svgz
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
  DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
AddDefaultCharset utf-8
Options -Indexes
<IfModule pagespeed_module>
  ModPagespeed Off

ErrorDocument 403 /core/templates/403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /core/templates/404.php
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  Options -MultiViews
  RewriteRule ^core/js/oc.js$ index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteRule ^core/preview.png$ index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.(css|js|svg|gif|png|html|ttf|woff|ico|jpg|jpeg)$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !core/img/favicon.ico$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/remote.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/public.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/cron.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/core/ajax/update.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/status.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs/v1.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs/v2.php
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/robots.txt
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/updater/
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/ocs-provider/
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/.*
  RewriteRule . index.php [PT,E=PATH_INFO:$1]
  RewriteBase /
  <IfModule mod_env.c>
    SetEnv front_controller_active true
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
      DirectorySlash off






upstream php-handler {
    #server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name cloud.example.com;
    # enforce https
    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    server_name cloud.example.com;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx/cloud.example.com.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx/cloud.example.com.key;

    # Add headers to serve security related headers
    # Before enabling Strict-Transport-Security headers please read into this
    # topic first.
    # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000;
    # includeSubDomains; preload;";
    # WARNING: Only add the preload option once you read about
    # the consequences in https://hstspreload.org/. This option
    # will add the domain to a hardcoded list that is shipped
    # in all major browsers and getting removed from this list
    # could take several months.
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
    add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
    add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
    add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;

    # Path to the root of your installation
    root /var/www/nextcloud/;

    location = /robots.txt {
        allow all;
        log_not_found off;
        access_log off;

    # The following 2 rules are only needed for the user_webfinger app.
    # Uncomment it if you're planning to use this app.
    #rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta last;
    #rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json
    # last;

    location = /.well-known/carddav {
      return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;
    location = /.well-known/caldav {
      return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;

    # set max upload size
    client_max_body_size 512M;
    fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;

    # Disable gzip to avoid the removal of the ETag header
    gzip off;

    # Uncomment if your server is build with the ngx_pagespeed module
    # This module is currently not supported.
    #pagespeed off;

    error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;
    error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;

    location / {
        rewrite ^ /index.php$uri;

    location ~ ^/(?:build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates|data)/ {
        deny all;
    location ~ ^/(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console) {
        deny all;

    location ~ ^/(?:index|remote|public|cron|core/ajax/update|status|ocs/v[12]|updater/.+|ocs-provider/.+|core/templates/40[34])\.php(?:$|/) {
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
        fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
        #Avoid sending the security headers twice
        fastcgi_param modHeadersAvailable true;
        fastcgi_param front_controller_active true;
        fastcgi_pass php-handler;
        fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
        fastcgi_request_buffering off;

    location ~ ^/(?:updater|ocs-provider)(?:$|/) {
        try_files $uri/ =404;
        index index.php;

    # Adding the cache control header for js and css files
    # Make sure it is BELOW the PHP block
    location ~* \.(?:css|js)$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php$uri$is_args$args;
        add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7200";
        # Add headers to serve security related headers (It is intended to
        # have those duplicated to the ones above)
        # Before enabling Strict-Transport-Security headers please read into
        # this topic first.
        # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000;
        #  includeSubDomains; preload;";
        # WARNING: Only add the preload option once you read about
        # the consequences in https://hstspreload.org/. This option
        # will add the domain to a hardcoded list that is shipped
        # in all major browsers and getting removed from this list
        # could take several months.
        add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
        add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
        add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
        add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
        add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
        add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;
        # Optional: Don't log access to assets
        access_log off;

    location ~* \.(?:svg|gif|png|html|ttf|woff|ico|jpg|jpeg)$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php$uri$is_args$args;
        # Optional: Don't log access to other assets
        access_log off;


upstream php-handler {
    #server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name cloud.example.com;
    # enforce https
    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    server_name cloud.example.com;

    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/nginx/cloud.example.com.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/nginx/cloud.example.com.key;

    # Add headers to serve security related headers
    # Before enabling Strict-Transport-Security headers please read into this
    # topic first.
    #add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000;
    # includeSubDomains; preload;";
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
    add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
    add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
    add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;

    # Path to the root of your installation
    root /var/www/;

    location = /robots.txt {
        allow all;
        log_not_found off;
        access_log off;

    # The following 2 rules are only needed for the user_webfinger app.
    # Uncomment it if you're planning to use this app.
    # rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta /nextcloud/public.php?service=host-meta
    # last;
    #rewrite ^/.well-known/host-meta.json
    # /nextcloud/public.php?service=host-meta-json last;

    location = /.well-known/carddav {
      return 301 $scheme://$host/nextcloud/remote.php/dav;
    location = /.well-known/caldav {
      return 301 $scheme://$host/nextcloud/remote.php/dav;

    location /.well-known/acme-challenge { }

    location ^~ /nextcloud {

        # set max upload size
        client_max_body_size 512M;
        fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;

        # Disable gzip to avoid the removal of the ETag header
        gzip off;

        # Uncomment if your server is build with the ngx_pagespeed module
        # This module is currently not supported.
        #pagespeed off;

        error_page 403 /nextcloud/core/templates/403.php;
        error_page 404 /nextcloud/core/templates/404.php;

        location /nextcloud {
            rewrite ^ /nextcloud/index.php$uri;

        location ~ ^/nextcloud/(?:build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates|data)/ {
            deny all;
        location ~ ^/nextcloud/(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console) {
            deny all;

        location ~ ^/nextcloud/(?:index|remote|public|cron|core/ajax/update|status|ocs/v[12]|updater/.+|ocs-provider/.+|core/templates/40[34])\.php(?:$|/) {
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
            include fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
            fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
            #Avoid sending the security headers twice
            fastcgi_param modHeadersAvailable true;
            fastcgi_param front_controller_active true;
            fastcgi_pass php-handler;
            fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
            fastcgi_request_buffering off;

        location ~ ^/nextcloud/(?:updater|ocs-provider)(?:$|/) {
            try_files $uri/ =404;
            index index.php;

        # Adding the cache control header for js and css files
        # Make sure it is BELOW the PHP block
        location ~* \.(?:css|js)$ {
            try_files $uri /nextcloud/index.php$uri$is_args$args;
            add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7200";
            # Add headers to serve security related headers  (It is intended
            # to have those duplicated to the ones above)
            # Before enabling Strict-Transport-Security headers please read
            # into this topic first.
            # add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000;
            # includeSubDomains; preload;";
            add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
            add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
            add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
            add_header X-Robots-Tag none;
            add_header X-Download-Options noopen;
            add_header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies none;
            # Optional: Don't log access to assets
            access_log off;

        location ~* \.(?:svg|gif|png|html|ttf|woff|ico|jpg|jpeg)$ {
            try_files $uri /nextcloud/index.php$uri$is_args$args;
            # Optional: Don't log access to other assets
            access_log off;

Ubuntu nextcloud 视频缩略图视频封面生成

其实这个nextcloud程序视频缩略图有点麻烦,高了几天,也没搞明白,最终问题在哪里,应该是环境配置权限问题, 用宝塔和其他几个主流的LINUX面板套件,装了几次,系统也换了几次,程序能正常安装使用,就是视频缩略图不行,不知道是不是环境权限问题,能想到的,都给了, php-imagick 也安装,ffmpeg 也已经装了, 用 Preview generator 查件查看能正常生成视频缩略图,但是网页端就是加载,显示不了。


config/config.php added

‘preview_libreoffice_path’ => ‘/etc/libreoffice’,
‘enable_previews’ => true,
‘enabledPreviewProviders’ =>
array (
0 => ‘OC\Preview\TXT’,
1 => ‘OC\Preview\MarkDown’,
2 => ‘OC\Preview\OpenDocument’,
3 => ‘OC\Preview\PDF’,
4 => ‘OC\Preview\MSOffice2003’,
5 => ‘OC\Preview\MSOfficeDoc’,
6 => ‘OC\Preview\PDF’,
7 => ‘OC\Preview\Image’,
8 => ‘OC\Preview\Photoshop’,
9 => ‘OC\Preview\TIFF’,
10 => ‘OC\Preview\SVG’,
11 => ‘OC\Preview\Font’,
12 => ‘OC\Preview\MP3’,
13 => ‘OC\Preview\Movie’,
14 => ‘OC\Preview\MKV’,
15 => ‘OC\Preview\MP4’,
16 => ‘OC\Preview\AVI’,

这里也添加了,PSD PDF 都能正常生成。

PHP-FPM env[PATH] 也已经添加

env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/PHP/bin:/usr/lib:/usr



sudo -u www /bin/sh
sh-5.1$ id
用户id=1001(www) 组id=1001(www) 组=1001(www)
sh-5.1$ type ffmpeg
ffmpeg 是 /usr/bin/ffmpeg
sh-5.1$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version 4.3.4-0+deb11u1 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 10 (Debian 10.2.1-6)
configuration: –prefix=/usr –extra-version=0+deb11u1 –toolchain=hardened –libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu –incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu

后来试了 官方的VM虚拟机的系统包,能正常生成缩略图,不是程序问题,也不是后面的配置问题,是宝塔,和其他LINUX面板的WEB环境套件的问题,具体哪里存在问题就不知道了。


用官方的VM虚拟机的套件,执行下面之后,然后,config.php 添加previews后,即可正常。

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install imagemagick-common
sudo apt-get install php-imagick
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg



ubuntu 开启默认ROOT账户登录

1.使用 ubuntu 帐户登录服务器。

2.执行以下命令,设置 root 密码。

sudo passwd root
3.输入 root 的密码,按 Enter。

4.重复输入 root 的密码,按 Enter。

返回如下信息,即表示 root 密码设置成功。

passwd: password updated successfully
5.执行以下命令,打开 sshd_config 配置文件。

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


修改 2.

之后按 ESC, 输入 ;wq  保存退出




openssh-server ubuntu 安装不上 安装失败


尝试 ,失败

sudo apt-get install ssh-contact-service
正在读取软件包列表… 完成
正在分析软件包的依赖关系树… 完成
正在读取状态信息… 完成
有一些软件包无法被安装。如果您用的是 unstable 发行版,这也许是

ssh-contact-service : 依赖: openssh-server
E: 无法修正错误,因为您要求某些软件包保持现状,就是它们破坏了软件包间的依赖关系。

尝试 ,失败

apt-get install openssh-server
正在读取软件包列表… 完成
正在分析软件包的依赖关系树… 完成
正在读取状态信息… 完成
有一些软件包无法被安装。如果您用的是 unstable 发行版,这也许是

apt : 依赖: gpgv 或
gpgv2 但是它将不会被安装 或
gpgv1 但是它将不会被安装
依赖: libapt-pkg6.0 (>= 2.4.5) 但是它将不会被安装
bash : 预依赖: libtinfo6 (>= 6) 但无法安装它
dpkg : 预依赖: zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4) 但无法安装它
fdisk : 依赖: libncursesw6 (>= 6) 但是它将不会被安装
依赖: libreadline8 (>= 6.0) 但是它将不会被安装
依赖: libtinfo6 (>= 6) 但无法安装它
init : 预依赖: systemd-sysv
libbsd0:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.25) 但无法安装它
libcbor0.6:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.4) 但无法安装它
libedit2:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.28) 但无法安装它
libfido2-1:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.25) 但无法安装它
libssl1.1:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.28) 但无法安装它
libtinfo6:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.16) 但无法安装它
libudev1:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.30) 但无法安装它
ncurses-bin : 预依赖: libtinfo6 (>= 6.3) 但无法安装它
openssh-client:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.28) 但无法安装它
依赖: libgssapi-krb5-2:i386 (>= 1.17) 但无法安装它
依赖: libselinux1:i386 (>= 1.32) 但无法安装它
推荐: xauth:i386
openssh-server : 依赖: procps
依赖: zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4) 但无法安装它
推荐: default-logind 或
logind 或
libpam-systemd 但是它将不会被安装
推荐: xauth
推荐: ssh-import-id 但是它将不会被安装
shim-signed : 依赖: grub-efi-amd64-signed 但是它将不会被安装 或
grub-efi-arm64-signed 但无法安装它
依赖: grub2-common (>= 2.04-1ubuntu24) 但是它将不会被安装
util-linux : 预依赖: libtinfo6 (>= 6) 但无法安装它
预依赖: libudev1 (>= 183) 但无法安装它
预依赖: zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4) 但无法安装它
zlib1g:i386 : 依赖: libc6:i386 (>= 2.4) 但无法安装它
E: 错误,pkgProblemResolver::Resolve 发生故障,这可能是有软件包被要求保持现状的缘故。



后来,发现先卸载, openssh-client   之后再次安装就成功了,

sudo apt-get remove openssh-client


filerun网盘 中文语言包 汉化包 chinese.php



<?php return array (
‘trans’ =>
array (
‘Login Page’ =>
array (
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Language’ => ‘语言’,
‘Chinese’ => ‘中文’,
‘English’ => ‘英文’,
‘Sign in’ => ‘登录’,
‘Please login.’ => ‘请登录’,
‘Please type a username.’ => ‘请输入用户名’,
‘Your account has been deactivated!’ => ‘你的账户已被停用’,
‘Create account’ => ‘注册’,
‘Forgot password?’ => ‘忘记密码?’,
‘Signing in…’ => ‘正在登录…’,
‘Your account access is limited to a particular IP address!’ => ‘您的账户仅被允许从特定IP地址访问!’,
‘2-step verification: add account’ => ‘两步验证:添加账户’,
‘Scan this barcode with the <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>Google Authenticator</a> app on your mobile device to add your account.’ => ‘通过你手机上的<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>Google Authenticator</a> APP 扫描这个二维码来添加你的账户’,
‘Done’ => ‘完成’,
‘Your account is configured for 2-step verification. You need to type in a verification code!’ => ‘你的账户已经设置了两步验证,你需要输入一个验证代码’,
‘The provided verification code is not valid!’ => ‘提供的验证代码不匹配’,
‘Your account is configured for 2-step verification. Click Ok to start the setup.’ => ‘你的账户已经设置了两步验证,点击“OK”以启动安装’,
‘Type the following key code into your authentication app:’ => ‘输入你的身份认证APP上显示的KEY代码:’,
‘Verification code’ => ‘验证码’,
‘Please type a password.’ => ‘请输入密码’,
‘Changing language…’ => ‘更改语言’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘正在加载…’,
‘There is an Android app that you can use to access your files more comfortably. Would you like to try that instead?’ => ‘我们提供了一个安卓 APP使你可以更好的访问你的文件,你希望试一试吗?’,
‘Add a new <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>Google Authenticator</a> account with the following key:’ => ‘使用以下密钥添加新的<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>Google身份验证器</a>帐户:’,
‘2-step: Add account’ => ‘两步:添加帐户’,
‘Authentication should be made with the remote system.’ => ‘应使用远程系统进行身份验证。’,
‘User Registration’ =>
array (
‘User Registration’ => ‘用户注册’,
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘电子邮箱地址’,
‘Password’ => ‘新密码’,
‘Retype password’ => ‘确认新密码’,
‘Name’ => ‘姓名’,
‘Company’ => ‘公司’,
‘Web site address’ => ‘网站地址’,
‘Comment’ => ‘评论’,
‘Submit’ => ‘提交’,
‘Please type a username!’ => ‘请输入用户名’,
‘Please avoid using special characters for the username!’ => ‘用户名不能为特殊字符’,
‘Username already in use. Please choose another one.’ => ‘用户名已存在,请选择其他用户名’,
‘Please type a password!’ => ‘请输入密码’,
‘Please retype the password correctly!’ => ‘请确认两次输入的密码相同’,
‘Please type your name!’ => ‘请输入您的姓名’,
‘Please type your email address!’ => ‘请输入电子邮箱地址’,
‘Please type the company name!’ => ‘请输入公司名称’,
‘Please type your website address!’ => ‘请输入网站地址’,
‘Please type the comment!’ => ‘请输入评论内容’,
‘Failed to create user account!’ => ‘用户创建失败’,
‘Your account has been successfully created.’ => ‘用户创建成功’,
‘Login’ => ‘登录’,
‘Your account information has been emailed to you!’ => ‘账户信息已发送至您的电子邮箱’,
‘An e-mail message has been sent at “%1″ with details on how to complete the registration process.’ => ‘关于如何完成注册过程的详情,已发送至”%1″‘,
‘E-mail address already registered. Please use the password recovery options if you forgot your password.’ => ‘该电子邮件地址已被注册. 如果您忘记密码请使用密码恢复功能’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Please make sure you are not a robot! :)’ => ‘请正确的输入这两个字符串’,
‘Please type your last name!’ => ‘请输入您的姓名’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘正在加载…’,
‘Phone’ => ‘电话’,
‘Please type the phone number’ => ‘请输入电话号码’,
‘Password Reset’ =>
array (
‘The login information has been sent to your email address.’ => ‘登录信息已发送到您的电子邮箱’,
‘Password Reset’ => ‘密码重置’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘电子邮箱地址’,
‘Submit’ => ‘提交’,
‘Please type the e-mail address.’ => ‘请输入电子邮箱地址’,
‘The e-mail address was not found in the database.’ => ‘未检索到该电子邮箱地址’,
‘Please check your inbox for information on how to reset your account\’s password.’ => ‘关于如何找回密码,请检查您的收件箱’,
‘Please wait…’ => ‘请等待’,
‘Sign in’ => ‘登陆’,
‘Main Interface’ =>
array (
‘The file is already in the download cart’ => ‘这个文件已经位于你的 等待下载 列表’,
‘Rating’ => ‘评分’,
‘Please check your network connection.’ => ‘请检查你的网络连接’,
‘<a href=”%1″>The data</a> recevied from the server contains errors.<a href=”%1″>The data</a> received from the server contains errors.’ => ‘<a href=”%1”>从收到的数据有错误</a>’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘正在加载…’,
‘Sign out’ => ‘注销’,
‘Control panel’ => ‘控制面板’,
‘Change password’ => ‘修改密码’,
‘Preview’ => ‘预览’,
‘No preview available for this type of files.’ => ‘此类文件无可用预览’,
‘Comments’ => ‘评论’,
‘Please select a file.’ => ‘请选择一个文件。’,
‘Folder contains no image file’ => ‘此目录内无图像文件’,
‘There are no files in this folder’ => ‘此目录内无任何文件’,
‘This item contains changes’ => ‘自您上次登陆,此文件被创建或修改’,
‘This file is locked by %1.’ => ‘此文件被 %1 锁定.’,
‘This file has %1 comment(s).’ => ‘此文件有 %1 条评论.’,
‘This file has a WebLink attached to it.’ => ‘此文件有一个Web链接’,
‘Loading Preview…’ => ‘正在加载预览…’,
‘Free space available:’ => ‘剩余空间:’,
‘Delete “%1”?’ => ‘删除 “%1″?’,
‘Internet Explorer is blocking the download?<br>Click <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>here</a> to download the file without reloading this page.’ => ‘无法下载?<br>点击 <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>这里</a> 下载文件’,
‘Upload’ => ‘上传’,
‘%1 used, %2%’ => ‘%1 已用 (%2%)’,
‘Please type a file name:’ => ‘请输入文件名’,
‘Creating blank file…’ => ‘正在创建空白文件…’,
‘Sort’ => ‘排序’,
‘Show only’=> ‘显示项’,
‘Show all’=> ‘全部’,
‘Documents’=> ‘文档’,
‘Audio’=> ‘音频’,
‘Video’=> ‘视频’,
‘Settings’ => ‘设置’,
‘Select All’ => ‘选择所有’,
‘View’ => ‘查看’,
‘Tools’ => ‘工具’,
‘List view’ => ‘详细视图’,
‘Refresh’ => ‘刷新’,
‘New File’ => ‘新建文件’,
‘New tab’ => ‘新标签’,
‘Space:’ => ‘容量:’,
‘Search’ => ‘搜索’,
‘File Search’ => ‘文件搜索’,
‘Share’ => ‘共享’,
‘Sharing’ => ‘正在共享’,
‘New sub-folder’ => ‘新建子目录’,
‘Rename’ => ‘重命名’,
‘Remove’ => ‘删除’,
‘Properties’ => ‘属性’,
‘Download’ => ‘下载’,
‘..in one zip file’ => ‘..到一个压缩文件’,
‘Open with’ => ‘打开方式’,
‘E-mail Files’ => ‘E-mail 文件’,
‘Share with users’ => ‘与其他用户共享’,
‘Get link’ => ‘生成Web链接’,
‘Details and activity’ => ‘通知’,
‘Versioning’ => ‘版本’,
‘Previous versions’ => ‘上一版本’,
‘Lock’ => ‘锁定’,
‘Unlock’ => ‘解锁’,
‘File Versions’ => ‘文件版本’,
‘Metadata’ => ‘元数据’,
‘Comment’ => ‘评论’,
‘Zip archive’ => ‘添加到压缩文件’,
‘Extract archive’ => ‘解压缩’,
‘Copy’ => ‘复制’,

‘Are you sure you want to remove the collection?’=>’你确定要删除吗?’,
‘Remove from collection’=>’从群集中移除’,
‘Create a new album’=>’创建专辑’,
‘Photo album’=>’照片专辑’,
‘Folder Index’=>’文件夹索引’,
‘Image Editor’=>’图片编辑’,
‘Add to’=>’添加到’,
‘Copy path’=>’复制路径’,
‘Copy direct link’=>’复制文件链接’,
‘Loading file list…’ => ‘加载文件列表…’,
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Size’ => ‘大小’,
‘Type’ => ‘类型’,
‘Meta Type’ => ‘Meta类型’,
‘Modified’ => ‘修改时间’,
‘Created’ => ‘创建时间’,
‘Comments count’ => ‘评论条数’,
‘Yes’ => ‘是’,
‘No’ => ‘否’,
‘Version’ => ‘版本’,
‘Is new’ => ‘新的’,
‘Locked by’ => ‘被谁锁定:’,
‘Sort Ascending’ => ‘升序排列’,
‘Sort Descending’ => ‘降序排列’,
‘Columns’ => ‘列’,
‘Reset Columns’ => ‘重置列’,
‘%1 items’ => ‘%1个项目’,
‘Moving files…’ => ‘移动文件…’,
‘Moving folder…’ => ‘移动目录…’,
‘Renaming file…’ => ‘重命名文件…’,
‘Zipping files…’ => ‘压缩文件…’,
‘Extracting archive contents…’ => ‘解压缩文件…’,
‘Deleting…’ => ‘删除文件…’,
‘Restoring file(s)…’ => ‘恢复文件…’,
‘Locking file…’ => ‘锁定文件…’,
‘Unlocking file…’ => ‘解锁文件…’,
‘Renaming folder…’ => ‘重命名目录…’,
‘Please wait while the selected files are being zipped…’ => ‘正在所选文件,请稍候…’,
‘Please wait while the selected folder is being zipped…’ => ‘正在所选目录,请稍候…’,
‘Selected Files.zip’ => ‘所选文件.zip’,
‘Downloading zip file…’ => ‘下载压缩文件…’,
‘Are you sure you want to delete the selected file(s)?’ => ‘确定删除所选文件?’,
‘Permanent deletion’ => ‘永久删除’,
‘New Folder’ => ‘创建新目录’,
‘Create a new folder’=>’创建新文件夹’,
‘Creating new folder…’ => ‘创建新目录…’,
‘Please type a folder name for the archive contents:’ => ‘为压缩文件输入目录名:’,
‘Extracted Files’ => ‘解压缩文件’,
‘Deleted from’ => ‘从何处删除’,
‘Trash’ => ‘已删除文件’,
‘Restore’ => ‘还原’,
‘Recent’ => ‘最近’,
‘Shared by me’ => ‘由我共享’,
‘There are no shared files or folders’ => ‘没有共享的文件或文件夹’,
‘Files’ => ‘文件’,
‘There are no recently accessed files’ => ‘没有最近访问过的文件’,
‘Activity’ => ‘目录活动’,
‘Please type a name for the zip file:’ => ‘输入压缩文件名称:’,
‘New Archive.zip’ => ‘新建压缩文件Archive.zip’,
‘E-mail’ => ‘Email地址’,
‘Activity log’ => ‘活动日志’,
‘Loading the file\’s activity log…’ => ‘正在加载文件的变更日志’,
‘External Window’ => ‘外部窗口’,
‘Folders’ => ‘文件夹’,
‘Zip and download’ => ‘压缩并下载’,
‘This type of archives is not supported by the current server configuration.’ => ‘服务器不支持此类压缩包’,
‘With users’ => ‘关联用户’,
‘One item’ => ‘一个项目’,
‘One item selected’ => ‘选中1个项目’,
‘More’ => ‘更多’,
‘Confirm’ => ‘确认’,
‘Details’ => ‘详情’,
‘My Files’ => ‘我的文件’,
‘Upload to “%1″‘ => ‘上传至 “%1″‘,
‘Folder upload’ => ‘上传目录’,
‘CSV File’=>’CSV 文件’,
‘Link external file’=>’链接外部文件’,

‘File upload’ => ‘上传文件’,
‘Create new’ => ‘创建新的’,
‘Add Files’ => ‘添加文件’,
‘Add Folder’ => ‘添加目录’,
‘Remove selected’ => ‘从队列中删除’,
‘Pause selected’=>’暂停选择’,

‘Upload completed’=>’上传完成’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Cancel all’ => ‘取消所有’,
‘Skip file’ => ‘跳过文件’,
‘Resume selected’ => ‘恢复文件’,
‘Pause all’ => ‘暂停所有’,
‘File name’ => ‘文件名’,
‘Uploaded’ => ‘已上传’,
‘Progress’ => ‘进度’,
‘Speed’ => ‘速度’,
‘Time remaining’ => ‘剩余时间’,
‘%1 files left’ => ‘剩余 %1 个文件’,
‘%1 of %2’ => ‘%2 中的 %1 项’,
‘[Skipped]’ => ‘[已跳过]’,
‘Paused’ => ‘已暂停’,
‘Uploading (Retry #%1)…’ => ‘正在上传 (第 %1 次重试)’,
‘Paused (%1%)’ => ‘已暂停 (%1%)’,
‘Waiting (100%)’ => ‘等待完成 (100%)’,
‘Server error’ => ‘服务器错误’,
‘A problem has been encountered!’ => ‘出现了一些故障’,
‘Try again’ => ‘再试一次’,
‘%1 hours’ => ‘%1 小时’,
‘%1 minutes’ => ‘%1 分’,
‘%1 seconds’ => ‘%1 秒’,
‘You are not allowed to upload the file “%1″‘ => ‘你无权上传该文件: “%1″‘,
‘There are no comments for this item’ => ‘本项目暂无评论’,
‘Write a comment…’ => ‘写一个评论’,
‘Contents’ => ‘内容’,
‘Use the displayed header bar to sort by the desired field.’ => ‘使用显示的标题栏按照所需字段排序’,
‘Drop files here’ => ‘拖拽文件到这里上传’,
‘or use the “NEW” button’ => ‘或者使用“创建/上传”按钮’,
‘Queued’ => ‘已加入队列’,
‘Mute sound notifications’ => ‘关闭通知’,
‘Notifications’ => ‘通知’,
‘Add to cart’ => ‘添加到 等待下载 列表’,
‘Download cart’ => ‘批量下载’,
‘Label’ => ‘标签’,
‘No label’ => ‘无标签’,
‘Custom label’ => ‘自定义标签’,
‘New label’ => ‘新标签’,
‘Page’ => ‘页’,
‘of {0}’ => ‘第 {0}’,
‘First Page’ => ‘首页’,
‘Last Page’ => ‘尾页’,
‘Next Page’ => ‘下一页’,
‘Previous Page’ => ‘上一页’,
‘Uploading pasted image…’ => ‘正在上传粘贴的图像…’,
‘Pasted image’ => ‘粘贴的图像’,
‘Pasted image successfully uploaded’ => ‘图片粘贴上传成功’,
‘Are you sure you want to remove the comment?’ => ‘你确定要删除评论吗?’,
‘%1 of %2 results’ => ‘%1 of %2 结果’,
‘%1 results’ => ‘%1 个结果’,
‘Show more…’ => ‘显示更多…’,
‘Star’ => ‘收藏’,
‘Starred’ => ‘收藏夹’,
‘Remove star’ => ‘取消收藏’,
‘There are no starred files or folders’ => ‘没有已收藏的文件或文件夹’,
‘There are no shared links’ => ‘没有已创建的共享链接’,
‘Folder’ => ‘创建目录’,
‘File’ => ‘创建文件’,
‘More options’ => ‘更多选项’,
‘Location’ => ‘本地的’,
‘Please wait as loading the file might take a while…’ => ‘请耐心等待,载入此文件可能需要一些时间…’,
‘New’ => ‘创建/上传’,
‘Shared links’ => ‘共享链接’,
‘Locate’ => ‘定位’,
‘Next’ => ‘继续’,
‘Previous’ => ‘返回’,
‘Close’ => ‘关闭’,
‘Zoom’ => ‘放大’,
‘%1/%2’ => ‘%1/%2
‘First page’ => ‘第一页’,
‘Page %1’ => ‘页 %1’,
‘You are required to change your password.’ => ‘你需要更改你的密码’,
‘No file was found matching your search criteria.’ => ‘没有找到符合您搜索条件的文件’,
‘To upload files, drag them from your computer’ => ‘要上传文件,请将其从资源管理器中拖出’,
‘Account settings’ => ‘帐号设定’,
‘Download all’ => ‘下载全部文件’,
‘Use “Page Down” and “Page Up” to change the page’ => ‘使用 “Page Down” 和 “Page Up” 来改变页’,
‘Empty trash’ => ‘清空已删除文件’,
‘Emptying trash…’ => ‘正在清空…’,
‘Empty trash?’ => ‘确定要清空?’,
‘All files and folders in your trash are about to be permanently deleted.’ => ‘垃圾桶中的所有文件和文件夹将被永久删除’,
‘An error occurred while trying to process the request.’ => ‘尝试处理请求时发生错误’,
‘Resume’ => ‘恢复’,
‘Please enter a new name for the item:’ => ‘请为该项目取一个新名称:
‘Are you sure you want to move the folder?’ => ‘你确定要移动文件夹吗?’,
‘Move folder?’ => ‘是否确认移动文件夹?’,
‘Web link’ => ‘共享链接’,
‘Please type the %1label\’s text%2’ => ‘请输入 %1label\’s text%2’,
‘Date Format: Files’ => ‘m/d/Y h:i A’,
‘Tags’ => ‘标签’,
‘Failed to load file list.’ => ‘载入文件列表失败’,
‘You need a modern browser in order to use this feature.’ => ‘您需要一个现代浏览器才能使用此功能’,
‘Please select a PNG or JPG image file.’ => ‘请选择一个 PNG 或者 JPG 格式的图像文件’,
‘File request’ => ‘创建文件提交页面’,
‘What are you requesting?’ => ‘你想要什么?’,
‘Photos, Documents, Contracts…’ => ‘照片,文件,文档…’,
‘Shared with’ => ‘共享’,
‘Search options’ => ‘搜索选项’,
‘Create new folder’ => ‘创建新目录’,
‘This field is required’ => ‘这是必填项’,
‘Photos’ => ‘照片’,
‘Uploading..’ => ‘上传中…’,
‘Help’ => ‘帮助’,
‘Date deleted’ => ‘删除日期’,
‘Search in’ => ‘搜索’,
‘Display mode’ => ‘显示模式’,
‘Detailed list’ => ‘详细列表’,
‘Thumbnails’ => ‘缩略图’,
‘There are no collections’=>’没有收藏’,
‘There are no videos in here’=>’没有视频’,
‘There are no deleted files’=>’没有已删除的文件’,
‘View details’=>’查看详细信息’,
‘Meta type’=>’类型’,
‘Add details..’=>’添加详细信息..’,
‘No comments available for this item’=>’没有评论’,
‘Clear selection’=>’清除选择’,
‘% selected’=>’% 个已选择’,
‘Show menu’=>’显示面板’,
‘Hide panel’=>’隐藏面板’,
‘Last uploaded’ => ‘最近上传的’,
‘Last taken’ => ‘最近拍摄的’,
‘By date’ => ‘按 日期 分组’,
‘By tag’ => ‘按 标签 分组’,
‘Music’ => ‘音乐’,
‘Videos’ => ‘视频’,
‘Collections’ => ‘群集’,
‘Last added’ => ‘最近添加的’,
‘By artist’ => ‘按 艺术家 分组’,
‘By album’ => ‘按 专辑 分组’,
‘Random’ => ‘随机’,
‘Failed to load audio file.’ => ‘加载音频文件失败’,
‘There are no photos in here’ => ‘没有照片’,
‘There are no audio files in here’ => ‘没有音频文件’,
‘There is one other item’ => ‘还有一个项目’,
‘There are %1 other items’ => ‘有%1个其他项目’,
‘Show all items’ => ‘显示所有项目’,
‘Show the item’ => ‘显示项目’,
‘Scan files for changes’ => ‘扫描文件所进行的更改’,
‘This folder is empty’ => ‘这个文件夹是空白的’,
‘Please select at least a file or a folder!’ => ‘请至少选择一个文件或文件夹!’,
‘Please add at least one tag!’ => ‘请添加至少一个标签!’,
‘Add tags…’ => ‘添加标签…’,
‘Image properties’=>’图像属性’,
‘(Press ENTER)’=>'(按回车提)’,
‘General’ =>
array (
‘One file successfully copied.’ => ‘文件成功复制’,
‘Folder successfully moved.’ => ‘文件夹移动成功’,
‘One minute ago’ => ‘大于1分钟’,
‘One minute’ => ‘1分钟’,
‘Under one minute’ => ‘小于1分钟’,
‘just now’ => ‘刚才’,
‘Folder successfully copied.’ => ‘文件夹复制成功’,
‘Copying…’ => ‘正在…’,
‘Submit’ => ‘提交’,
‘Save’ => ‘保存’,

‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Error’ => ‘错误’,
‘Invalid path.’ => ‘非法路径.’,
‘File not found!’ => ‘文件不存在!’,
‘You are not allowed to preview the selected file.’ => ‘您无权预览选定文件.’,
‘%1 users’ => ‘%1 用户’,
‘You are not allowed to download the requested file!’ => ‘您无权下载该文件!’,
‘The file you are trying to download is no longer available!’ => ‘您试图下载的文件已失效!’,
‘You are not allowed to download or preview files.’ => ‘您无权下载或预览文件.’,
‘Invalid folder.’ => ‘非法目录.’,
‘You are not allowed to copy that shared file.’ => ‘您无权复制该共享文件.’,
‘You are not allowed to copy files to the specified target.’ => ‘您无权复制文件至指定目标.’,
‘No file was copied!’ => ‘文件复制失败’,
‘One file copied.’ => ‘1个文件被复制完毕.’,
‘%1 files copied.’ => ‘%1个文件被复制完毕.’,
‘No more file space available.’ => ‘磁盘空间不足.’,
‘You are not allowed to delete files from this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权从此共享目录删除文件.’,
‘No files were deleted!’ => ‘没有文件被删除!’,
‘One file deleted.’ => ‘1个文件被成功删除.’,
‘%1 files successfully deleted.’ => ‘%1个文件被成功删除.’,
‘You are not allowed to move that shared file.’ => ‘您无权移动该共享文件.’,
‘You are not allowed to move files to the specified target.’ => ‘您无权移动文件至指定目标.’,
‘You are not allowed to move these shared files to your own folder.’ => ‘您无权移动此共享文件到您的目录.’,
‘No file was moved!’ => ‘没有文件被移动!’,
‘One file moved.’ => ‘1个文件被移动.’,
‘%1 files moved.’ => ‘%1个文件被移动.’,
‘Invalid target path, file already exists.’ => ‘目标路径非法, 文件已存在.’,
‘The selected file is currently locked by another user.’ => ‘文件被其他人锁定.’,
‘Invalid path, not a file.’ => ‘非法路径, 不是一个文件.’,
‘Invalid path, not a folder.’ => ‘非法路径, 不是一个目录.’,
‘Invalid source path, not a folder.’ => ‘非法源路径, 不是一个目录.’,
‘Invalid target path, not a folder.’ => ‘非法目标路径, 不是一个目录.’,
‘Invalid source path, not a file.’ => ‘非法源路径, 不是一个文件.’,
‘You are not allowed to rename files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权重命名此共享目录下的文件.’,
‘File successfully renamed.’ => ‘文件重命名成功.’,
‘There is already a file or a folder with the same name!’ => ‘此目录已存在同名文件!’,
‘Failed to rename file!’ => ‘重命名文件失败!’,
‘You are not allowed to extract archives in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权在此共享目录内解压文件.’,
‘You are not allowed to zip files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权在此共享目录内压缩文件.’,
‘Invalid folder name!’ => ‘非法目录名!’,
‘Invalid file name’ => ‘非法文件名’,
‘A folder with that name already exists!’ => ‘已存在同名目录!’,
‘Unzipped Files’ => ‘解压缩文件’,
‘The archive was successfully extracted.’ => ‘文档成功解压.’,
‘Invalid zip name!’ => ‘压缩文件名非法!’,
‘A file with that name already exists!’ => ‘已存在同名文件!’,
‘Zip archive successfully created.’ => ‘成功创建压缩文档.’,
‘You are not allowed to delete that shared folder.’ => ‘您无权删除该共享目录.’,
‘You cannot delete the root of a shared folder.’ => ‘不能删除共享根目录.’,
‘Folder deleted.’ => ‘目录删除成功.’,
‘Failed to delete folder!’ => ‘目录删除失败!’,
‘You are not allowed to move that shared folder.’ => ‘您无权移动该共享目录.’,
‘You are not allowed to copy that shared folder.’ => ‘您无权复制该共享目录.’,
‘You are not allowed to copy folder to the specified target.’ => ‘您无权复制目录至指定目标.’,
‘You are not allowed to move the folder to the shared location.’ => ‘您无权移动目录至共享位置.’,
‘You are not allowed to move this shared folder to your own folder.’ => ‘您无权移动该共享目录到您的目录.’,
‘Folder moved.’ => ‘目录移动成功.’,
‘Failed to move folder!’ => ‘目录移动失败!’,
‘Failed to rename folder!’ => ‘文件夹重命名失败’,
‘There is already a folder with the same name in this folder!’ => ‘此目录下已存在同名目录!’,
‘Folder successfully created.’ => ‘目录创建成功.’,
‘Failed to create folder!’ => ‘目录创建失败!’,
‘Failed to upload file “%1”: %2’ => ‘上传文件失败 “%1″: %2’,
‘You are not allowed to upload to this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权上传至此共享目录.’,
‘No more file space available!’ => ‘磁盘空间不足!’,
‘File uploaded.’ => ‘文件上传成功.’,
‘The previous version is available from the versioning menu.’ => ‘上一可用版本.’,
‘Failed to upload file.’ => ‘文件上传失败.’,
‘Please specify a file for upload.’ => ‘请指定上传文件.’,
‘The monthly traffic limit has been reached!’ => ‘已达到月流量限制!’,
‘Click <a href=”%1″>here</a> to go back.’ => ‘点击 <a href=”%1”>这里</a> 返回.’,
‘A file named “%1” already exists!’ => ‘已存在同名文件 “%1” !’,
‘The path of your home folder doesn\’t point to an existing folder. Please contact the site administrator.’ => ‘您的个人工作目录不存在, 请联系系统管理员.’,
‘Failed to move file %1’ => ‘无法移动文件 %1’,
‘The file size exceeds the destination folder quota.’ => ‘文件大小超过目标文件夹配额。’,
‘Zip Archive.zip’ => ‘压缩为archive.zip’,
‘The shared folder is no longer available.’ => ‘共享文件夹不再可用。’,
‘You are not allowed to modify files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权修改此共享目录内的文件’,
‘You are not allowed to upload files in this folder.’ => ‘您无权在此目录上传文件’,
‘Please type a name for the file!’ => ‘请为此文件输入文件名’,
‘Please type a name for the folder!’ => ‘请输入文件夹的名称’,
‘You are not allowed to create folders under this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权在此目录创建文件夹’,
‘%1 minutes’ => ‘%1分钟’,
‘%1 minutes ago’ => ‘%1分钟之前’,
‘One hour’ => ‘1小时’,
‘One hour ago’ => ‘1小时之前’,
‘%1 hours’ => ‘%1小时’,
‘%1 hours ago’ => ‘%1小时之前’,
‘One day’ => ‘1天’,
‘One day ago’ => ‘1天之前’,
‘Yesterday’ => ‘昨天’,
‘%1 days’ => ‘%1天’,
‘%1 days ago’ => ‘%1天之前’,
‘One week’ => ‘1周’,
‘One week ago’ => ‘1周之前’,
‘%1 weeks’ => ‘%1周’,
‘%1 weeks ago’ => ‘%1周之前’,
‘One month’ => ‘1个月’,
‘One month ago’ => ‘1个月之前’,
‘%1 months’ => ‘%1个月’,
‘%1 months ago’ => ‘%1个月之前’,
‘One year’ => ‘1年’,
‘One year ago’ => ‘1年之前’,
‘%1 years’ => ‘%1年’,
‘%1 years ago’ => ‘%1年之前’,
‘You are not allowed to rename folders!’ => ‘您不能重命名文件夹’,
‘You are not allowed to create folders!’ => ‘你不能创建文件夹’,
‘One file moved to trash.’ => ‘移动文件到垃圾箱’,
‘The file was successfully uploaded.’=>’文件已成功上传.’,
‘%1 files successfully moved to trash.’ => ‘%1 个文件已成功移至垃圾箱’,
‘One folder moved to trash.’ => ‘移动文件夹到垃圾箱’,
‘%1 files and folders successfully deleted.’ => ‘%1 个文件和文件夹已成功删除’,
‘%1 files and folders successfully moved to trash.’ => ‘%1 个文件和文件夹已成功移至垃圾箱’,
‘Invalid folder name’ => ‘文件夹名称无效’,
‘Folder successfully renamed.’ => ‘文件夹重命名成功’,
‘One folder successfully copied.’ => ‘文件夹成功复制’,
‘One folder successfully moved.’ => ‘文件夹成功移动’,
‘File successfully copied.’ => ‘文件成功复制’,
‘File successfully moved.’ => ‘文件成功移动’,
‘%1 files and folders successfully copied.’ => ‘已成功复制%1 个文件和文件夹’,
‘%1 files and folders successfully moved.’ => ‘%1 个文件和文件夹已成功移动’,
‘%1 folders successfully copied.’ => ‘%1 个文件夹已成功复制’,
‘%1 folders successfully moved.’ => ‘%1 个文件夹已成功移动’,
‘You cannot copy a deleted file.’ => ‘您不能复制已删除的文件’,
‘You cannot move a deleted file.’ => ‘您无法移动已删除的文件’,
‘The folder cannot be copied under itself!’ => ‘该文件夹不能被复制在原文件夹中’,
‘The folder cannot be moved under itself!’ => ‘该文件夹不能被移动到原文件夹中’,
‘The specified target location is the same!’ => ‘指定的目标位置是相同的’,
‘One file successfully moved.’ => ‘文件成功移动’,
‘%1 files successfully copied.’ => ‘%1 个文件已成功复制’,
‘%1 files successfully moved.’ => ‘%1 个文件已成功移动’,
‘You are not allowed to zip folders’ => ‘你不能压缩文件夹’,
‘You are no longer logged in.’ => ‘您没有登录’,
‘This application requires authentication.’ => ‘此应用程序需要验证’,
‘Your user account does not have permission to perform the requested operation!’ => ‘您的用户帐户无权这样做’,
‘You are not allowed to move this shared item.’ => ‘您不能移动这个共享项目’,
‘You are not allowed to rename this shared item.’ => ‘你不能重命名这个共享项目’,
‘You are not allowed to delete this shared item.’ => ‘您不能删除此共享项目’,
‘The destination folder no longer exists!’ => ‘目标文件夹不再存在!’,
‘The selected file or folder no longer exists!’ => ‘所选文件或文件夹不再存在!’,
‘Please type a new folder name!’ => ‘请输入新的文件夹名称!’,
‘Please type a new file name!’ => ‘请输入新的文件名称!’,
‘DateTime’ =>
array (
‘This month’ => ‘本月’,
‘January’ => ‘一月’,
‘February’ => ‘二月’,
‘March’ => ‘三月’,
‘April’ => ‘四月’,
‘May’ => ‘五月’,
‘June’ => ‘六月’,
‘July’ => ‘七月’,
‘August’ => ‘八月’,
‘September’ => ‘九月’,
‘October’ => ‘十月’,
‘November’ => ‘十一月’,
‘December’ => ‘十二月’,
‘Sunday’ => ‘星期日’,
‘Monday’ => ‘星期一’,
‘Tuesday’ => ‘星期二’,
‘Wednesday’ => ‘星期三’,
‘Thursday’ => ‘星期四’,
‘Friday’ => ‘星期五’,
‘Saturday’ => ‘星期六’,
‘Today’ => ‘今天’,
‘This date is before the minimum date’ => ‘此日期早于最早许可日期’,
‘This date is after the maximum date’ => ‘此日期晚于最晚许可日期’,
‘Next Month (Control+Right)’ => ‘下月(Control+右方向键)’,
‘Previous Month (Control+Left)’ => ‘前月(Control+左方向键)’,
‘Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)’ => ‘选择月份(Control+上/下方向键来改变年份)’,
‘{0} (Spacebar)’ => ‘{0} (空格键)’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Jan’ => ‘一月’,
‘Feb’ => ‘二月’,
‘Mar’ => ‘三月’,
‘Apr’ => ‘四月’,
‘Jun’ => ‘六月’,
‘Jul’ => ‘七月’,
‘Aug’ => ‘八月’,
‘Sep’ => ‘九月’,
‘Oct’ => ‘十月’,
‘Nov’ => ‘十一月’,
‘Dec’ => ‘十二月’,
‘Trash’ =>
array (
‘A file or folder already exists at the original location.’ => ‘已存在该恢复路径.’,
‘One item permanently deleted.’ => ‘1 个项目被永久删除’,
‘No items were restored!’ => ‘没有项目被恢复!’,
‘One item restored.’ => ‘1 个项目被恢复’,
‘%1 items successfully restored.’ => ‘%1 个项目被恢复’,
‘Trash emptied’ => ‘清空回收站’,
‘Failed to empty trash’ => ‘清空回收站失败’,
‘%1 items permanently deleted.’ => ‘%1 个项目被永久删除’,
‘Account Settings’ =>
array (
‘Current password’ => ‘当前密码’,
‘New password’ => ‘新密码’,
‘Confirm new password’ => ‘确认新密码’,
‘Save changes’ => ‘保存’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Please type the current password correctly.’ => ‘请正确输入当前密码.’,
‘The password needs at least one character.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少1个字符’,
‘Please retype the new password correctly.’ => ‘请正确输入确认密码.’,
‘Please type your name’ => ‘请输入你的用户名’,
‘Please type your e-mail address’ => ‘请输入你的 E-mail 地址’,
‘Basic details’ => ‘基础信息’,
‘The password needs at least %1 more characters.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少%1个字符’,
‘The password needs at least one uppercase letter.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少1个大写字母’,
‘The password needs at least one special character.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少1个特殊字符’,
‘The password needs at to contain at least one letter.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少1个字母’,
‘The password needs at to contain at least one digit.’ => ‘密码需要包含至少1个数字’,
‘The password cannot contain the “%1” sequence.’ => ‘密码不能包含”%1″数列’,
‘The password cannot contain the “%1” part.’ => ‘密码不能包含”%1″部分’,
‘Access revoked for %1 apps’ => ‘已取消%1应用的访问权限’,
‘The changes has been successfully saved’ => ‘修改已经成功保存’,
‘Failed to save the changes!’ => ‘修改保存失败’,
‘No changes made’ => ‘没有进行任何修改’,
‘Change password’ => ‘修改密码’,
‘Your password has been last changed %1’ => ‘在%1您修改过密码’,
‘2-Step verification’ => ‘两步验证’,
‘Enable 2-step verification’ => ‘启用两步验证’,
‘Every time you login you will need to type in also a temporary code which can be generated on your mobile device with a dedicated app such as Google Authenticator.’ => ‘每次登录时,您都需要输入一个临时代码,这个代码可以通过Google Authenticator等专用应用程序在您的移动设备上生成’,
‘Name’ => ‘姓名’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘E-mail 地址’,
‘E-mail notifications’ => ‘E-mail 通知’,
‘Mute sound notifications’ => ‘声音提示静音’,
‘Connected apps’ => ‘已连接的apps’,
‘Revoke access’ => ‘取消访问授权’,
‘Granted on %1 from %2’ => ‘从 %2 授予 %1’,
‘Profile image successfully updated’ => ‘头像上传成功’,
‘Failed to upload image file: %1’ => ‘上传图像文件%1失败’,
‘Profile image’ => ‘头像’,
‘Phone’ => ‘电话’,
‘File Upload’ =>
array (
‘File uploaded’ => ‘文件上传成功’,
‘Failed to upload file’ => ‘文件上传失败’,
‘Failed to create folder’ => ‘文件夹创建失败’,
‘Failed to upload file “%1”: %2’ => ‘文件 “%1”: %2 上传失败’,
‘The monthly traffic limit has been reached!’ => ‘已经到达每月流量限额!’,
‘No more file space available!’ => ‘没有更多的可用空间了!’,
‘A file named “%1” already exists!’ => ‘已经存在一个名为 “%1” 的文件!’,
‘The file needs to be uploaded from the beginning.’ => ‘这个文件需要重新开始上传’,
‘Failed to transfer data. Make sure you are not trying to upload an empty folder.’ => ‘转移数据失败,请确保你没有在尝试上传一个空文件夹’,
‘You are not allowed to upload to this shared folder.’ => ‘你无权上传文件到这个共享文件夹’,
‘Failed to upload file part’ => ‘上传文件分片失败’,
‘Failed to upload file. Please try again.’ => ‘文件上传失败,请再试一次’,
‘E-mail Files’ =>
array (
‘Done’ => ‘完成’,
‘Please fill in “From” field!’ => ‘请填写发件人!’,
‘Please set at least one recipient!’ => ‘请填写收件人!’,
‘Please type a subject!’ => ‘请输入标题!’,
‘Please type a message!’ => ‘请输入内容!’,
‘Email successfuly sent!’ => ‘Email发送成功!’,
‘Failed to send email!’ => ‘Email发送失败!’,
‘From’ => ‘发件人’,
‘To’ => ‘收件人’,
‘Separate recipients by ,’ => ‘多个收件人用 , 分隔’,
‘Select Users’ => ‘选择用户’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Subject’ => ‘标题’,
‘Message’ => ‘内容’,
‘Attachments’ => ‘附件’,
‘Send WebLinks instead of attaching the files.’ => ‘创建附件链接,而不发送真实附件.’,
‘Web link to’ => ‘链接至’,
‘Send’ => ‘发送’,
‘Please make the appropriate <br>changes to the highlighted fields.’ => ‘高亮区域请做适当修改.’,
‘Sending e-mail…’ => ‘正在发送,请稍候…’,
‘No recipient addresses found!’ => ‘未发现收件人!’,
‘You are not allowed to share the file “%1”!’ => ‘您无权从该目录发送文件!’,
‘Optional: include a personal message…’ => ‘可选:包含个人信息……’,
‘Web Link Options’ => ‘分享链接选项’,
‘The message was not sent to any of the recipients’ => ‘该消息没有发送到任何人。’,
‘The message has been sent to one recipient’ => ‘该消息已经被发送给1个收件人。’,
‘The message has been sent to %1 recipients’ => ‘该消息已经被发送给1%个收件人。’,
‘Errors: %1’ => ‘错误: %1’,
‘Overwrite existing link settings.’ => ‘覆盖现有的链接设置’,
‘You are not allowed to share the folder “%1”!’ => ‘你没有分享 “%1” 文件夹的权限!’,
‘You are not allowed to create links! You can send files only as attachments.’ => ‘你没有创建链接的权限!你只能通过附件发送文件。’,
‘%1 sent you a file’ => ‘%1 向你发送了 1 个文件’,
‘%1 sent you %2 files’ => ‘%1 向你发送了 %2 个文件’,
‘Please wait’ => ‘请稍等’,
‘Share Files’ =>
array (
‘Add guest user’ => ‘添加访客用户’,
‘Next’ => ‘下一个’,
‘Upload’ => ‘上传’,
‘Download’ => ‘下载’,
‘Add comments’ => ‘添加评论’,
‘Read comments’ => ‘读取评论’,
‘Make changes’ => ‘做出改变’,
‘Share anonymously’ => ‘匿名共享’,
‘Share with’ => ‘共享’,
‘Select Users’ => ‘选择用户’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Unsorted, %1 users’ => ‘不排序, %1用户’,
‘Permissions’ => ‘权限’,
‘Options’ => ‘选项’,
‘Add Users’ => ‘添加用户’,
‘Remove’ => ‘移除’,
‘Save’ => ‘保存’,
‘Loading data…’ => ‘加载数据…’,
‘Saving options…’ => ‘保存选项…’,
‘Add users to share with.’ => ‘添加共享用户.’,
‘Sharing options saved.’ => ‘共享选项已保存.’,
‘Ok’ => ‘确定’,
‘Share as’ => ‘共享为’,
‘Share links’ => ‘分享链接’,
‘Add user’ => ‘添加用户’,
‘Folder Notifications’ =>
array (
‘Notification settings successfully saved’ => ‘通知消息成功保存’,
‘Notifications for “read” actions cannot be set on shared folders.’ => ‘无法在已共享的文件夹上设置关于“读取”行为的通知消息’,
‘No changes were made.’ => ‘没有做出修改’,
‘Web Links’ =>
array (
‘Upload’ => ‘上传’,
‘The link has been copied to clipboard.’ => ‘链接已经拷贝到剪切板’,
‘Loading data…’ => ‘加载数据…’,
‘Link address’ => ‘链接地址’,
‘Expiration date’ => ‘过期时间’,
‘Download limit’ => ‘可供下载次数’,
‘Set a password’ => ‘设置密码’,
‘Receive e-mail notifications.’ => ‘接受电子邮件提示’,
‘Allow visitors to upload files.’ => ‘允许访问者上传文件’,
‘Save changes’ => ‘更新设置’,
‘Remove link’ => ‘移除Web链接’,
‘You cannot allow uploads in this folder’ => ‘你不能设置允许上传文件到该文件夹’,
‘Web link successfully created!’ => ‘Web链接创建成功!’,
‘Failed to create web link!’ => ‘Web链接创建失败!’,
‘Web link successfully updated!’ => ‘Web链接更新成功!’,
‘Failed to update web link!’ => ‘Web链接更新失败!’,
‘Web link successfully deleted!’ => ‘Web链接删除成功!’,
‘Failed to delete web link!’ => ‘Web链接删除失败!’,
‘The requested file requires a password.’ => ‘请求的文件需要密码.’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Submit’ => ‘提交’,
‘The requested file is no longer available!’ => ‘请求的文件已失效!’,
‘Click <a href=”%1″>here</a> to go back.’ => ‘点击 <a href=”%1″>这里</a> 返回.’,
‘Open’ => ‘打开’,
‘E-mail’ => ‘电子邮件’,
‘Grid view’ => ‘网格显示’,
‘Short Link’ => ‘短链接’,
‘Image gallery’ => ‘图像库’,
‘Audio playlist’ => ‘音频播放列表’,
‘RSS feed’ => ‘RSS订阅’,
‘You are required to password protect the link’ => ‘你需要一个密码以保护该链接’,
‘Advanced’ => ‘高级’,
‘Download Terms’ => ‘下载条款’,
‘Comments’ => ‘注释’,
‘Share the file comments with the visitors.’ => ‘向访客分享文件的评论’,
‘Link’ => ‘链接’,
‘Add download terms and conditions’ => ‘添加下载条款和限制:’,
‘Force the visitors to accept your written terms before being able to download files.’ => ‘强制访客在下载前接受你的条款。’,
‘QR Code’ => ‘QR码’,
‘Scan this QR code with your mobile device.’ => ‘用你的移动设备扫描该QR码’,
‘A Bitly Access Token needs to be configured from the control panel.’ => ‘需要从控制面板配置令牌’,
‘Ok’ => ‘确认’,
‘You are not allowed to access web links!’ => ‘没有权限访问此链接’,
‘Changes saved.’ => ‘保存修改’,
‘Empty contents.’ => ‘清空评论’,
‘Failed to save changes.’ => ‘保存修改失败’,
‘Done’ => ‘完成’,
‘E-mail program’ => ‘E-mail 程序’,
‘Share link’ => ‘共享链接’,
‘Shorten’ => ‘短链接转化’,
‘You are not allowed to share the selected file!’ => ‘你无权分享选定的文件!’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Display users names.’ => ‘显示用户的名字’,
‘Download’ => ‘下载’,
‘Give this link to people you’re requesting files from’ => ‘将此链接指向要请求文件的人员
‘Download All’ => ‘下载所有’,
‘Submit files’ => ‘发送文件’,
‘%1 is requesting’ => ‘%1正在请求’,
‘Only %1 will see the files you upload.’ => ‘只有 %1 可以看见你上传的这些文件’,
‘Choose files’ => ‘选择文件’,
‘File request’ => ‘文件请求
‘Or drag them from your computer onto this page.’ => ‘或者将他们从你的电脑拖动到这个页面’,
‘Who is sending the files?’ => ‘谁在发送这些文件?’,
‘Type your name here’ => ‘在此输入你的名字’,
‘Start upload’ => ‘开始上传’,
‘The files have been successfully sent!’ => ‘文件已经成功发送’,
‘Upload starting…’ => ‘开始上传…’,
‘Uploading…’ => ‘上传中…’,
‘Refreshing page…’ => ‘刷新页面…’,
‘List view’ => ‘列表显示’,
‘One item’ => ‘一个项目’,
‘Empty folder’ => ‘空文件夹’,
‘%1 items’ => ‘%1 项目’,
‘Options’ => ‘选项’,
‘Copy’ => ‘复制’,
‘Are you sure you want to remove the collection?’=>’你确定要删除吗?’,
‘Create a new album’=>’创建专辑’,
‘Remove from collection’=>’从群集中移除’,
‘Folder Index’=>’文件夹索引’,
‘Image Editor’=>’图片编辑’,
‘Photo album’=>’照片专辑’,
‘Add to’=>’添加到’,
‘Copy path’=>’复制路径’,
‘Copy direct link’=>’复制文件链接’,
‘Require visitors to be signed in.’ => ‘要求访问者登录’,
‘Only registered users will be able to access this link.’ => ‘只有注册用户才能访问此链接’,
‘Files Activity Log’ =>
array (
‘File moved with parent folder’ => ‘文件与父文件夹一起移动’,
‘Folder moved with parent folder’ => ‘文件夹与父文件夹移动’,
‘Date’ => ‘日期’,
‘User’ => ‘用户’,
‘Action’ => ‘行为’,
‘Details’ => ‘明细’,
‘No activity records found for this file.’ => ‘没有发现该文件的活动日志。’,
‘You are not allowed to access the files activity logs’ => ‘你不允许访问该文件的活动日志。’,
‘Displaying records {0} – {1} of {2}’ => ‘显示记录{0} – {1} of {2}’,
‘No records to display’ => ‘没有要显示的记录’,
‘Page’ => ‘页’,
‘of {0}’ => ‘共{0}’,
‘First Page’ => ‘第一页’,
‘Last Page’ => ‘最后一页’,
‘Next Page’ => ‘下一页’,
‘Previous Page’ => ‘前一页’,
‘Refresh’ => ‘刷新’,
‘%2 by <span class=”fr-user-name”>%1</span>’ => ‘%2 由<span style=”color:black”>%1</span>’,
‘File uploaded’ => ‘文件已上传’,
‘Uploaded by %1’ => ‘由%1上传’,
‘File downloaded’ => ‘文件已下载’,
‘Downloaded by %1’ => ‘由%1下载’,
‘File archived for download’ => ‘文件已经被打包供下载’,
‘Archived for download by %1’ => ‘由%1打包’,
‘File archived’ => ‘文件被打包’,
‘File copied’ => ‘文件被复制’,
‘Copied by %1’ => ‘由%1复制’,
‘File pasted’ => ‘文件被粘贴’,
‘Pasted by %1’ => ‘由%1粘贴’,
‘File moved’ => ‘文件被移动’,
‘Moved by %1’ => ‘有%1移动’,
‘File deleted’ => ‘文件被删除’,
‘Deleted by %1’ => ‘被%1删除’,
‘Deleted file restored’ => ‘已恢复被删除文件’,
‘Restored by %1’ => ‘由%恢复’,
‘File previewed’ => ‘文件被预览’,
‘Previewed by %1’ => ‘由%1预览’,
‘File download (via Web link)’ => ‘WebLink被下载’,
‘Downloaded through %1\’s web link’ => ‘下载通过%1的WebLink’,
‘Web link created’ => ‘WebLink被创建’,
‘%1 attached a web link’ => ‘%1附加了WebLink’,
‘Web link updated’ => ‘WebLink被更新’,
‘%1 changed the web link\’s options’ => ‘%1更改了WebLink选项’,
‘Web link removed’ => ‘WebLink被删除’,
‘%1 removed the web link’ => ‘%1删除了WebLink’,
‘Comment added’ => ‘评论被添加’,
‘%1 wrote a comment’ => ‘%1添加了评论:%2’,
‘Comment removed’ => ‘评论被删除’,
‘%1 removed a comment’ => ‘%1删除了评论:%2’,
‘Metadata changed’ => ‘元数据被更改’,
‘Metadata changed by %1’ => ‘元数据被%1更改’,
‘File locked’ => ‘文件被锁定’,
‘Locked by %1’ => ‘文件被%1锁定’,
‘File unlocked’ => ‘文件被解锁’,
‘Unlocked by %1’ => ‘文件被%1解锁’,
‘Previous file version restored’ => ‘预览文件版本被恢复’,
‘Previous version restored by %1’ => ‘预览文件版本被%1恢复’,
‘Previous file version deleted’ => ‘预览文件版本被删除’,
‘Previous version deleted by %1’ => ‘预览文件版本被%1删除’,
‘File renamed’ => ‘文件被重命名’,
‘Renamed by %1’ => ‘文件被%1重命名’,
‘File encrypted’ => ‘文件被加密’,
‘Encrypted by %1’ => ‘文件被%1加密’,
‘File decrypted’ => ‘文件被解密’,
‘Decrypted by %1’ => ‘文件被%1解密’,
‘File sent by e-mail’ => ‘文件被通过电子邮件发送’,
‘Send by e-mail by %1’ => ‘由%1通过电子邮件发送’,
‘Changed label’ => ‘更改标记’,
‘Label removed’ => ‘标记被删除’,
‘Labeled by %1: %2’ => ‘被 %1: %2 标记’,
‘Label removed by %1’ => ‘标记被 %1 删除’,
‘Are you sure you want to clear the file\’s activity log?’ => ‘你确定要清除文件活动日志吗?’,
‘Activity log successfully cleared’ => ‘活动日志成功清除’,
‘Failed to clear activity log’ => ‘活动日志清除失败’,
‘Clear log’ => ‘清除日志’,
‘Activity log has been successfully archived!’ => ‘活动日志已成功存档!’,
‘Metadata’ =>
array (
‘You are not allowed to alter data in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权在此共享目录内更改数据.’,
‘Software Error: Failed to insert new path.’ => ‘软件错误: 插入新路径失败.’,
‘File Type’ => ‘文件类型’,
‘Select…’ => ‘选择…’,
‘- File Type Not Found -‘ => ‘- 未找到文件类型 -‘,
‘Save’ => ‘保存’,
‘Saving data…’ => ‘保存数据…’,
‘Failed to save data!’ => ‘保存数据失败!’,
‘- No Special Type -‘ => ‘- 无指定类型 -‘,
‘No changes were made’ => ‘无变化’,
‘Changes saved’ => ‘已保存更改’,
‘Versioning’ =>
array (
‘Version’ => ‘版本’,
‘User’ => ‘用户’,
‘Date’ => ‘日期’,
‘Download’ => ‘下载’,
‘Restore’ => ‘还原’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除’,
‘File version restored.’ => ‘文件版本还原成功.’,
‘Failed to restore file version.’ => ‘文件版本还原失败.’,
‘File version deleted.’ => ‘文件版本删除成功.’,
‘Failed to delete file version.’ => ‘文件版本删除失败.’,
‘You are not allowed to lock/unlock files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权在此目录内锁定/解锁文件.’,
‘The file has been locked.’ => ‘该文件已被锁定.’,
‘The file has been unlocked.’ => ‘该文件已解锁.’,
‘Failed to lock file!’ => ‘锁定文件失败!’,
‘Failed to unlock file!’ => ‘解锁文件失败!’,
‘File is locked by another user.’ => ‘文件已被其他人锁定.’,
‘File is already locked by somebody else.’ => ‘文件已被其他人锁定.’,
‘Modified by’ => ‘修改者’,
‘Size’ => ‘大小’,
‘The file is not locked.’ => ‘文件还未被锁定’,
‘The file is already locked.’ => ‘文件已经被锁定’,
‘Searching’ =>
array (
‘File name’ => ‘文件名’,
‘File contents’ => ‘文件内容’,
‘Look in’ => ‘查看’,
‘Metadata Field’ => ‘元数据域’,
‘Metadata’ => ‘元数据’,
‘Select…’ => ‘选择…’,
‘Path’ => ‘路径’,
‘Searching…’ => ‘搜索…’,
‘Search’ => ‘搜索’,
‘- None Selected -‘ => ‘- 未选定 -‘,
‘Metadata Type’ => ‘元数据类型’,
‘Field Value’ => ‘字段值’,
‘Custom Actions: CloudConvert’ =>
array (
‘API Key’ => ‘API密钥
‘Convert “%1” to:’ => ‘将“%1”转换为:
‘No conversion option found for the “%1″ file type.’ => ‘找不到“%1”文件类型的转换选项。’,
‘File Comments’ =>
array (
‘Author’ => ‘作者’,
‘Comment’ => ‘评论’,
‘Add comment’ => ‘添加评论’,
‘Type in your comment’ => ‘输入您的评论’,
‘Remove comment’ => ‘删除评论’,
‘You are not allowed to read comments.’ => ‘您无权读取评论’,
‘You are not allowed to add comments.’ => ‘您无权添加评论’,
‘You are not allowed to remove comments.’ => ‘您无权删除评论’,
‘You are not allowed to add comments to files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权添加此目录的评论。’,
‘You are not allowed to remove comments from files in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权删除此目录的评论。’,
‘You are allowed to delete only your own comments from a shared file.’ => ‘您仅可删除共享文件中您自己的评论.’,
‘You are not allowed to read comments in this shared folder.’ => ‘您无权读取此目录的评论。’,
‘No comments available for this file.’ => ‘没有评论。’,
‘Comment successfully added.’ => ‘评论成功.’,
‘Failed to add comment to file.’ => ‘评论失败.’,
‘Comment successfully removed.’ => ‘评论删除成功.’,
‘Failed to remove comment from file.’ => ‘评论删除失败.’,
‘Custom Actions: Text Editor’ =>
array (
‘Text Editor’ => ‘文本编辑器’,
‘Text File’ => ‘创建文本文件’,
‘Untitled.txt’ => ‘未命名.txt’,
‘Save’ => ‘保存’,
‘Saving…’ => ‘保存中…’,
‘File successfully saved’ => ‘文本文件保存成功’,
‘File successfully created’ => ‘文本文件创建成功’,
‘A file with that name already exists’ => ‘同名文件已存在’,
‘Please type a file name’ => ‘请输入文件名’,
‘Other..’ => ‘其他..’,
‘Plain Text’=>’文本文件’,
‘New Text File.txt’ => ‘新建文本文件.txt’,
‘Would you like to reload the file using the selected charset? Any unsaved changes will be lost.’ => ‘你想使用选定的字符集重新加载文件?任何未保存的更改都将丢失。
‘Save and close’ => ‘保存并关闭’,
‘Word wrap’ => ‘自动换行
‘The file type is not allowed.’ => ‘文件类型是不允许的。
‘Close’ => ‘关闭’,
‘Custom Actions: Zoho’ =>
array (
‘API key’ => ‘API密钥
‘Zoho Editor’ => ‘Zoho 编辑器’,
‘Document with Zoho’ => ‘Zoho文档’,
‘Untitled.docx’ => ‘未命名.docx’,
‘Blank file created successfully’ => ‘空文件创建成功’,
‘Custom Actions: File Encryption’ =>
array (
‘Path to AESCrypt’ => ‘AESCrypt的路径
‘Download and install AESCrypt from <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>here</a>.’ => ‘
从<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>此处</a>下载并安装AESCrypt。’,
‘AES File Encryption’ => ‘AES文件加密’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Decrypt “%1″‘ => ‘解密 “%1”’,
‘Encrypt “%1″‘ => ‘加密 “%1”’,
‘Processing file…’ => ‘文件处理中…’,
‘The user doesn\’t have permission to use this function!’ => ‘这个用户无权使用该功能!’,
‘The selected file was successfully decrypted.’ => ‘选中的文件已被成功解密。’,
‘Failed to decrypt the selected file!’ => ‘选中的文件无法成功解密!’,
‘A file named “%1″ already exists!’ => ‘一个叫做“%1”的文件已经存在!’,
‘The selected file was successfully encrypted.’ => ‘选中的文件已被成功加密。’,
‘Failed to encrypt the selected file!’ => ‘选中的文件无法成功加密!’,
‘The selected file was not found!’ => ‘无法找到选中的文件!’,
‘Confirm password’ => ‘确认密码’,
‘Delete the source file’ => ‘删除源文件’,
‘Please type the password’ => ‘请输入密码’,
‘Please confirm the password’ => ‘请再次输入密码’,
‘Admin’ =>
array (
‘Control Panel’ => ‘控制面板’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘加载中…’,
‘Users’ => ‘用户’,
‘Import users’ => ‘导入用户’,
‘Activity logs’ => ‘活动日志’,
‘E-mail notifications’ => ‘E-mail通知’,
‘Configuration’ => ‘系统配置’,
‘Configure system options.’ => ‘系统选项.’,
‘Interface’ => ‘界面选项’,
‘E-mail’ => ‘E-mail设置’,
‘Indexing’ => ‘文件索引和搜索’,
‘Misc options’ => ‘Misc选项’,
‘Metadata’ => ‘元数据’,
‘Update’ => ‘软件升级’,
‘License’ => ‘软件许可证’,
‘Tools’ => ‘工具’,
‘Storage usage’ => ‘磁盘配额’,
‘Traffic quota usage’ => ‘流量配额’,
‘Login as’ => ‘登录为’,
‘Archive logs’ => ‘归档日志’,
‘Roles’ => ‘角色’,
‘Groups’ => ‘组’,
‘Thumbs and previews’ => ‘文件预览和缩略图’,
‘File Manager’ => ‘文件管理器’,
‘Sign out’ => ‘登出’,
‘Displaying records {0} – {1} of {2}’ => ‘显示记录 {0} – {1} 共 {2}’,
‘No records to display’ => ‘没有要显示的记录’,
‘Page’ => ‘页’,
‘of {0}’ => ‘共 {0}’,
‘First Page’ => ‘第一页’,
‘Last Page’ => ‘最后一页’,
‘Next Page’ => ‘下一页’,
‘Previous Page’ => ‘上一页’,
‘Refresh’ => ‘刷新’,
‘Field sets’ => ‘字段集’,
‘File types’ => ‘文件类型’,
‘Open Web Link’ => ‘打开Web Links’,
‘Please confirm web link deletion’ => ‘请确认删除Web Links’,
‘Add’ => ‘新建’,
‘Edit’ => ‘修改’,
‘Search’ => ‘搜索’,
‘Quick search’ => ‘快速搜索’,
‘Save changes’ => ‘保存更改’,
‘Use title as logo’=>’标题作为标志’,
‘Misc options’=>’杂项’,
‘Browser favicons’=>’浏览器图标’,
‘Add Groups’ => ‘添加组’,
‘Add Users’ => ‘添加用户’,
‘Remove Selected’ => ‘删除所选’,
‘Select Users’ => ‘选择用户’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Delete users?’ => ‘请确认删除选中的用户’,
‘Permanently delete the users home folders.’ => ‘永久删除用户主目录’,
‘Third party services’ => ‘第三方服务’,
‘Enable Pusher.com Integration’ => ‘启用与Pusher.com的集成’,
‘Number of days to keep the user activity log entries’ => ‘用户日志保留天数’,
‘Number of days to keep the file activity log entries’ => ‘文件日志保留天数’,
‘Searching’ => ‘搜索’,
‘You will find the option under the Permissions tab.’ => ‘您将在“权限”选项卡下找到该选项。’,
‘To start, configure the Superuser account with a home folder.’ => ‘首先,使用主文件夹配置超级用户帐户。’,
‘Welcome to FileRun!’ => ‘欢迎使用FileRun!’,
‘View activity log’ => ‘查看活动日志’,
‘View’ => ‘查看’,
‘Password policy’ => ‘密码策略’,
‘Export users’ => ‘导出用户’,
‘Clients’ => ‘客户端’,
‘Deleting web links…’ => ‘正在删除共享链接…’,
‘Web link successfully deleted.’ => ‘成功删除共享链接’,
‘No web link has been deleted!’ => ‘没有共享链接被删除!’,
‘%1 web links successfully deleted.’ => ‘成功删除 %1 个共享链接’,
‘Users online’ => ‘在线用户’,
‘There is only one user online at this moment’ => ‘当前只有一个在线用户’,
‘There are %1 users currently online’ => ‘当前有%1在线用户’,
‘There are no other users currently online’ => ‘当前没有在线用户’,
‘Options’ => ‘选项’,
‘Thumbnails and preview’=>’缩略图和预览’,

‘Settings’ => ‘设置’,
‘Logs’ => ‘日志’,
‘”Open with..” options’ => ‘”打开方式”选项’,
‘Defaults’ => ‘默认’,
‘Files’ => ‘文件’,
‘Security’ => ‘安全’,
‘More’ => ‘更多’,
‘Notifications’ => ‘通知’,
‘Add new’ => ‘新建’,
‘Calculate all’ => ‘计算全部’,
‘Admin: Setup’ =>
array (
‘Music’ => ‘音乐’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘加载中…’,
‘Videos’ => ‘视频’,
‘Paginate large folders’=>’分页设置’,
‘Hide dotfiles (~/.*)’=>’隐藏文件’,
‘Web Links’=>’网页链接’,
‘File list’=>’文件列表’,
‘files per page’=>’个每页’,
‘Grid view’=>’网格视图’,
‘List view’=>’列表视图’,
‘Image gallery’=>’图片视图’,
‘Download all’=>’下载全部’,
‘Hide option’=>’隐藏功能’,
‘Various features’=>’扩展功能’,
‘Upload language file’ => ‘上传语言文件’,
‘Application title’ => ‘页面标题’,
‘Logo URL’ => ‘登陆URL’,
‘Welcome message’ => ‘欢迎消息’,
‘Enable collections’=>’启用收藏’,
‘Enable download cart’=>’启用购物车’,
‘Enterprise version only’=>’仅限企业版’,
‘Media library features’=>’媒体库功能’,
‘Download more from <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>here</a>.’=>’从下载更多<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>这里</a>.’,
‘Default display mode’ => ‘默认查看模式’,
‘Detailed list’ => ‘列表方式’,
‘Thumbnails’ => ‘缩略方式’,
‘Default’ => ‘默认’,
‘Enabled’ => ‘启用’,
‘Set a number between 1 and 99, representing the quota usage percentage.’ => ‘设置一个 1 到 99 之间的数,用来表示配额的百分比’,
‘Default language’ => ‘默认语言’,
‘Display language menu’ => ‘显示语言菜单’,
‘Double-click files action’ => ‘双击文件动作’,
‘open preview’ => ‘打开预览’,
‘open in browser’ => ‘在浏览器内打开’,
‘prompt to save’ => ‘提示保存’,
‘User Login’ => ‘用户登录’,
‘User Registration’ => ‘用户注册’,
‘These settings are not available when using a third-part authentication plugin.’ => ‘当使用第三方验证插件时,这些设置将不起作用’,
‘Maximum login attempts’ => ‘最大登录尝试次数’,
‘The user\’s account will be automatically deactivated after the last failed attempt.’ => ‘最后一次登录尝试后,用户账户将自动锁定’,
‘The recommended value is 4.’ => ‘推荐值为 4’,
‘Enable user registration.’ => ‘允许用户注册’,
‘E-mail account confirmation links.’ => ‘E-mail账户确认链接’,
‘New accounts require admin activation.’ => ‘新账户需要管理员激活’,
‘Automatically generate the passwords.’ => ‘自动生成密码.’,
‘Required fields’ => ‘必填项’,
‘Enable ImageMagick support’ => ‘启用 ImageMagick 支持’,
‘Path to “magick” or “convert” binary’ => ‘ImageMagick “转化” 二进制路径’,
‘Thumbnail size’ => ‘缩略图大小’,
‘Thumbnail settings’=>’缩略图设置’,
‘Use as thumbnails photos smaller than’=>’不处理缩略图小于’,
‘Process even the small files, if their resolution is too high’=>’高分辨照片处理’,
‘Thumbnails display aspect ratio’=>’缩略图比例’,
‘Preview settings’=>’预览设置’,
‘Preview resolution’=>’预览分辨率’,
‘Automatic (Default)’=>’自动(默认)’,
‘Full (No processing)’=>’原图(不处理)’,
‘Use the thumbnail’=>’使用缩略图’,
‘Open without processing photos smaller than’=>’打开时不处理小于以下尺寸的照片’,
‘Enable FFmpeg support.’ => ‘启用对FFmpeg的支持’,
‘Path to FFmpeg binary’ => ‘FFmpeg的路径’,
‘Generate FFmpeg thumbnails for the following file types’ => ‘为下列文件创建FFmpeg缩略图’,
‘Use a SMTP server.’ => ‘使用SMTP服务器’,
‘SMTP server’ => ‘SMTP服务器’,
‘SMTP requires authentication.’ => ‘SMTP需要身份验证.’,
‘SMTP username’ => ‘SMTP 用户名’,
‘SMTP password’ => ‘SMTP 密码’,
‘Notifications’ => ‘E-mail 通知’,
‘From e-mail address’ => ‘默认发送者电子邮件地址’,
‘Instant email notifications’ => ‘立即E-mail通知’,
‘Uncheck this option if you will be running the notification script using a scheduled task.’ => ‘如果您使用计划任务通知脚本请勿选择此项.’,
‘Allow users to set notification settings to folders.’ => ‘允许用户为目录设置提示消息’,
‘Enable content indexing for text documents’ => ‘启用文件索引’,
‘File indexing’ => ‘文件索引’,
‘Metadata’ => ‘元数据’,
‘Allow users to change their passwords.’ => ‘允许用户修改密码.’,
‘Allow users to import e-mail attachments.’ => ‘允许用户导入E-mail附件’,
‘Number of old versions to keep for each file’ => ‘为每个文件保留的旧版本数量
‘Redirect URL after logout’ => ‘注销后重定向URL’,
‘Users quota warning level’ => ‘用户配额报警级别’,
‘Settings successfully saved.’ => ‘设置已保存’,
‘Metadata search mode’ => ‘元数据搜索模式’,
‘Broad match’ => ‘模糊匹配’,
‘Exact match’ => ‘精确匹配’,
‘Check’ => ‘检查’,
‘Regular’ => ‘定期’,
‘Enable the “Forgot password?” option’ => ‘允许用户重置密码’,
‘Force users to change their passwords after reset.’ => ‘强制用户在重置密码后修改新密码。’,
‘Example list:’ => ‘示例:’,
‘Settings saved’ => ‘设置已保存’,
‘Title’ => ‘登陆界面标题’,
‘Blocked file types’ => ‘阻止的文件类型
‘User Logout’ => ‘用户登出’,
‘Enable <a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA” target=”_blank”>CAPTCHA</a>.’ => ‘启用<a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA” target=”_blank”>CAPTCHA</a>.’,
‘Default groups’ => ‘默认组’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘电子邮件地址’,
‘Company’ => ‘公司’,
‘Web site address’ => ‘网站地址’,
‘Comment’ => ‘评论’,
‘Disable the file activity logs.’ => ‘禁用文件活动日志’,
‘Applies only to first time visitors. Your language preference has already been saved to your browser. You will not see a change if you select a different option here and logout, unless you specifically change it from the login form.’ => ‘仅适用于首次访问者。您的语言偏好设置已保存到您的浏览器中。如果您在此处选择其他选项并注销,则不会看到更改,除非您从登录表单中专门更改它。’,
‘Bitly Access Token’ => ‘令牌’,
‘Host URL’ => ‘主机URL’,
‘Default search criteria’ => ‘默认搜索模式’,
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Contents’ => ‘内容’,
‘Upload file..’ => ‘上传文件…’,
‘Failed to upload language file: %1’ => ‘语言文件 %1 上传失败’,
‘%1 translation successfully uploaded’ => ‘语言文件 %1 上传成功’,
‘%1 translation successfully updated’ => ‘语言文件 %1 更新成功’,
‘Failed to upload file “%1”: %2’ => ‘上传文件 “%1″: %2 失败’,
‘Invalid file name!’ => ‘无效的文件名!’,
‘The filename should not contain space characters!’ => ‘文件名不能包含空格字符’,
‘Please upload only .php FileRun-specific language files!’ => ‘请仅选择 text 文件!’,
‘Disables users access and WebLinks.<br>The superuser still has normal access.’ => ‘禁用用户访问和分享链接。<br>超级用户仍然具有正常的访问权限’,
‘Maintenance message to users’ => ‘对用户的维护信息’,
‘Maintenance message to public’ => ‘公开的维护信息’,
‘Allow the users to edit the e-mail address they are sending files from.’ => ‘允许用户编辑他们发送文件的电子邮件地址’,
‘Test settings’ => ‘测试设置’,
‘Please type a hostname’ => ‘请输入主机名’,
‘Please type a port number’ => ‘请输入端口号’,
‘Please type a username’ => ‘请输入用户名’,
‘The SMTP settings have been successfully tested’ => ‘SMTP设置测试通过’,
‘The SMTP authentication failed: %1’ => ‘SMTP认证失败:%1’,
‘The SMTP connection test failed: %1’ => ‘SMTP连接测试失败:%1’,
‘Password policy’ => ‘密码策略’,
‘Minimum password length’ => ‘最小密码长度’,
‘Recommended value:’ => ‘推荐值:’,
‘Passwords should contain both letters and digits’ => ‘密码应同时包含数字和字母’,
‘Passwords should contain at least one uppercase letter’ => ‘密码至少包含一个大写字母’,
‘Passwords should contain at least one special character’ => ‘密码需要包含至少一个特殊字符’,
‘Special characters:’ => ‘特殊字符:’,
‘Passwords should not contain keyboard row sequences’ => ‘密码不应该包含键盘行序列’,
‘Example sequences:’ => ‘示例序列:’,
‘Prevent user information to be used as part of the password’ => ‘防止将用户信息用作密码的一部分’,
‘Number of days users can use the same passwords’ => ‘用户可以使用相同密码的天数
‘The users will be asked to change their passwords at this interval.’ => ‘用户将被要求在此间隔更改密码。
‘Third-party authentication’ => ‘第三方认证’,
‘Enabled plugin’ => ‘启用插件’,
‘Use this application\’s own users database’ => ‘使用这个应用程序的用户数据库
‘Hide the logout option’ => ‘隐藏注销选项
‘Logout URL’ => ‘注销网址
‘Sync passwords to the local database’ => ‘将密码同步到本地数据库
‘Allows the users to login even after the third-party authentication system is not active or enabled. The passwords are stored encrypted.’ => ‘允许用户在第三方认证系统未激活或启用后登录。密码被加密存储。
‘Automatically create and assign groups’ => ‘自动创建和分配组
‘Make sure you have a user account with the superuser\’s username in the third-party authentication database before disabling this option. If you lock the superuser out, you can disable the plugin by renaming its file.’ => ‘在禁用此选项之前,请确保在第三方身份验证数据库中拥有超级用户的用户名。如果您锁定超级用户,则可以通过重命名其文件来禁用该插件。
‘Site key’ => ‘网站密钥
‘Secret key’ => ‘密钥
‘Enable <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>reCAPTCHA</a>’ => ‘启用<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”> reCAPTCHA </a>
‘OAuth’ => ‘OAuth 的
‘API “browser” key’ => ‘API“浏览器”项
‘API key’ => ‘API密钥
‘Google API credentials can be generated from the “<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>Google API Manager</a>”‘ => ‘Google API凭据可以从“<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”> Google API Manager </a>”获取’,
‘BCC’ => ‘BCC
‘Specify an e-mail address where to send copies of the notifications’ => ‘指定发送通知副本的电子邮件地址
‘Message template’ => ‘消息模板’,
‘Subject template’ => ‘标题模板’,
‘Force users to access via HTTPS.’ => ‘强制用户通过HTTPS访问’,
‘Failed to test HTTPS connection! The settings have not been saved.’ => ‘无法测试HTTPS连接!设置尚未保存’,
‘TLS/SSL connection’ => ‘TLS/SSL连接’,
‘Enable pngquant support.’ => ‘启用pngquant支持’,
‘Path of the pngquant binary’ => ‘pngquant的路径’,
‘Setting this to 0 disables the versioning system.’ => ‘将其设置为0将禁用版本控制系统
‘The recommended value is 10.’ => ‘建议值是10’,
‘Show online users’ => ‘显示在线用户’,
‘After enabling this option, a section entitled “Users online” will show in the menu next time the control panel is loaded.’ => ‘启用此选项后,下一次加载控制面板时,会在菜单中显示标题为“用户在线”的部分’,
‘New users’ => ‘新用户
‘Inactivity timeout’ => ‘超时时间
‘The user is automatically logged out after this defined number of minutes of inactivity.’ => ‘在规定的非活动分钟数之后,用户会自动注销’,
‘The recommended value is 30.’ => ‘建议值是30’,
‘Security’ => ‘安全’,
‘More’ => ‘更多’,
‘Hide options’ => ‘隐藏选项’,
‘Default “Open with..” options’ => ‘默认“打开..”选项’,
‘Defaults’ => ‘默认’,
‘Plugins’ => ‘插件’,
‘Requires a scheduled task which periodically runs the command line script “cron/process_search_index_queue.php”. Do not enable without setting the task.’ => ‘需要定期运行命令行脚本“cron / process_search_index_queue.php”的计划任务。不要在没有设置任务的情况下启用’,
‘Exclude files by extension’ => ‘通过扩展排除文件’,
‘Path to Apache Tika jar file’ => ‘Apache Tika jar文件的路径’,
‘Stats’ => ‘统计’,
‘Number of indexed files’ => ‘索引文件的数量
‘Number of queued operations’ => ‘排队操作的数量
‘Port number’ => ‘端口号’,
‘Apache Tika server hostname’ => ‘Apache Tika服务器主机名
‘Test server’ => ‘测试服务器’,
‘The default Apache Tika port is %1’ => ‘默认的Apache Tika端口是%1
‘If a hostname is set, then Apache Tika will be used in server mode.’ => ‘如果设置了主机名,那么Apache Tika将在服务器模式下使用。
‘Set a number between 70 and 100, representing the quota usage percentage.’ => ‘设置70到100之间的数字,表示配额使用百分比。
‘Enable maintenance mode’ => ‘启用维护模式’,
‘Use Gravatar.com for users profile images.’ => ‘使用 Gravatar.com 作为用户的头像’,
‘Check path’ => ‘检查路径’,
‘Allow local user accounts to login’ => ‘允许本地账户登录’,
‘Role’ => ‘用户类型’,
‘IP address limitation’ => ‘IP地址限制
‘Example:’ => ‘例如:’,
‘Enable the authentication plugin only for users using certain IP addresses.’ => ‘仅对使用特定IP地址的用户启用认证插件’,
‘There are three possible formats that can be used:’ => ‘有三种可能的格式可以使用:
‘1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.*’ => ‘1.通配符格式:1.2.3。*
‘2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR’ => ‘2. CIDR格式:1.2.3 / 24或1.2.3.4/
‘3. Start-End IP format:’ => ‘3.起始IP地址格式:
‘It does not work with the “%1″ option enabled.’ => ‘它不适用于启用“%1”选项。’,
‘Disable plugin’ => ‘禁用插件’,
‘Edit plugin: %1’ => ‘编辑插件:%1’,
‘Plugin settings’ => ‘插件设置’,
‘Read more about this <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>here</a>.’ => ‘阅读更多有关<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>此处</a>的信息’,
‘Files without extension’ => ‘没有扩展名的文件
‘Get it from %1’ => ‘从%1获取’,
‘Get them from %1’ => ‘从%1中获取它们’,
‘Page background’ => ‘登录界面背景图片 URL’,
‘For a background image type in a full URL.’ => ‘在完整的URL中输入背景图片’,
‘For a background color type in a hexadecimal value, for example %1’ => ‘对于十六进制值的背景颜色类型,例如#EC6952’,
‘Help URL’ => ‘帮助页面 URL’,
‘URL of your help and support page’ => ‘你的帮助和支持页面的 URL’,
‘Google Static Maps API’ => ‘Google Static Maps API
‘Google Maps APIs – Static Maps API’ => ‘Google Maps API – 静态地图API
‘Tracker codes’ => ‘跟踪代码
‘Paste here your traffic analysis tracking HTML code’ => ‘在这里粘贴您的流量分析跟踪HTML代码’,
‘Enable download accelerator’ => ‘启用下载加速器
‘- None -‘ => ‘- 没有 -‘,
‘NGINX X-Accell’ => ‘NGINX X-Accell
‘Apache XSendfile’ => ‘Apache XSendfile
‘LiteSpeed Internal Redirect’ => ‘LiteSpeed内部重定向
‘Select the appropriate option for your particular web server.’ => ‘为特定的Web服务器选择适当的选项’,
‘Note that only the downloading of really large files will benefit from this option.’ => ‘请注意,只有下载非常大的文件才能从此选项中受益’,
‘If in doubt select “- None -“.’ => ‘如果有疑问,请选择“ – 无 – ”’,
‘Make sure to check the integrity of the downloaded files after enabling an accelerator.’ => ‘启用加速器后,请确保检查下载的文件的完整性’,
‘Setting this to 0 will have the users permanently logged in until they sign out themselves.’ => ‘将此值设置为 0 会使用户永久处于登录状态直到用户自行注销’,
‘You are about to enable an authentication plugin. Please confirm that you have used the “Test settings” button to make sure the plugin is properly configured.’ => ‘您即将启用身份验证插件。请确认您已使用“测试设置”按钮确保插件配置正确。’,
‘Phone’ => ‘电话’,
‘I confirm’ => ‘我确定’,
‘Show thumbnails’ => ‘显示缩略图’,
‘Guest users’ => ‘访客用户’,
‘Thumbnail size for “Photos” display mode’ => ‘照片缩略图大小’,
‘Enable file rating’ => ‘启用文件评级’,
‘Branding’ => ‘品牌’,
‘Branding options’ => ‘品牌选项’,
‘Login page’ => ‘登录页面’,
‘Color theme’ => ‘颜色主题’,
‘Blue’ => ‘蓝色’,
‘Green’ => ‘绿色’,
‘Red’ => ‘红’,
‘Custom’ => ‘习惯’,
‘The default value is “Broad match”.’ => ‘默认值为”模糊匹配”。’,
‘If searching becomes slow, it is recommeneded to use the “Exact match” instead.’ => ‘如果搜索变慢,建议使用”精确匹配”。’,
‘When “Broad match” is enabled, use <em>”keyword”</em> for exact match.’ => ‘启用”模糊匹配”后,请使用<em>”keyword”</em>进行精确匹配。’,
‘When “Exact match” is enabled, use <em>*keyword*</em> for broad match.’ => ‘启用”精确匹配”后,请使用<em>* keyword *</em>进行模糊匹配。’,
‘Search results limit’ => ‘搜索结果限制’,
‘The default value is 200. Larger numbers can cause the users browsers to freeze.’ => ‘默认值为200.较大的数字可能导致用户浏览器卡顿。’,
‘Enabling this will allow access to the users that do not have an account with the third-party system.’ => ‘启用此选项将允许没有帐户的第三方系统用户访问。’,
‘List users’ => ‘用户列表’,
‘Admin: Users’ =>
array (
‘Date Format: Registration date’ => ‘d M Y’,
‘Date Format: Last login’ => ‘Y-M-d, H:i’,
‘Date Format: Expiration date’ => ‘Y-M-d’,
‘Generate random password’ => ‘生成随机密码’,
‘Important: Changing this path will remove the users folder sharing settings and weblinks.’ => ‘重要:更改本路径将会删除用户文件夹的共享和WebLinks。’,
‘Users’ => ‘用户’,
‘Parent user’ => ‘父用户’,
‘You are not allowed to manage users.’ => ‘你无权管理用户.’,
‘You are not allowed to manage user accounts.’ => ‘你无权管理用户账户.’,
‘User successfully created.’ => ‘用户创建成功.’,
‘You cannot delete your own account!’ => ‘你不能删除自己的账户!’,
‘You cannot create user accounts any more, the limit was reached!’ => ‘你不能继续创建账户,账户数已达上限!’,
‘You are not allowed to manage this user.’ => ‘你无权管理此用户.’,
‘User successfully updated!’ => ‘用户更新成功!’,
‘Sorry, the “superuser” account cannot be deactivated!’ => ‘无法锁定超级用户账户!’,
‘You cannot deactivate your own user account!’ => ‘你不能锁定自己的账户!’,
‘Action unavailable in this demo version of the software!’ => ‘演示版本中此功能无效!’,
‘Please type a username!’ => ‘请输入用户名!’,
‘Please type a name!’ => ‘请输入名称!’,
‘Please don\’t use special characters for the username!’ => ‘用户名中请勿使用特殊字符!’,
‘Username already in use. Please choose another one.’ => ‘用户名已存在,请选择其他用户名.’,
‘Please type a password!’ => ‘请输入密码!’,
‘Please retype the password correctly!’ => ‘请正确的重新输入密码!’,
‘An independent admin user should be able to create at least one user account!’ => ‘唯一的管理账户应该至少创建一个用户账户!’,
‘You are required to set a space quota for this user!’ => ‘请为此用户设置空间配额!’,
‘The maximum space quota you can assign to this user is %1MB!’ => ‘您能为此用户分配的最大空间配额是 %1MB!’,
‘Copy to clipboard’ => ‘复制到剪贴板’,
‘Guest access URL’ => ‘访客访问URL’,
‘Failed to update user!’ => ‘更新用户失败!’,
‘Edit user.’ => ‘编辑用户.’,
‘Sorry, the superuser account cannot be deleted!’ => ‘无法删除超级用户账户!’,
‘Failed to delete user “%1″!’ => ‘无法删除用户”%1”!’,
‘Delete user’ => ‘删除用户’,
‘You cannot create user accounts when custom authentication is used!’ => ‘使用自定义身份验证时,无法创建用户账户!’,
‘Can interact with’ => ‘可以看到’,
‘[All users]’ => ‘[所有用户]’,
‘Hold “Ctrl” key to select multiple options.’ => ‘按住”CTRL”键选择多个选项。’,
‘Failed to create user!’ => ‘创建用户失败!’,
‘Create user’ => ‘创建用户’,
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Retype password’ => ‘确认密码’,
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Company’ => ‘公司’,
‘Website’ => ‘网站地址’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘E-mail地址’,
‘Notifications’ => ‘通知’,
‘Role’ => ‘角色’,
‘- None -‘ => ‘- 无 -‘,
‘The role defines the user\’s permission settings. The individual permission settings of the user cannot be changed if a role is selected.’ => ‘角色可以定义用户的权限设置. 用户被指定角色时,该用户独立的权限设定将无法修改.’,
‘Home folder’ => ‘主目录’,
‘Your personal home folder is:’ => ‘您的个人主目录为:’,
‘Check path’ => ‘检查路径’,
‘Create folder now’ => ‘创建目录’,
‘The path is valid.’ => ‘路径正确.’,
‘Please specify a path!’ => ‘请指定一个路径!’,
‘Invalid folder!’ => ‘路径非法!’,
‘The folder “%1” does not exists or it is not accessible by PHP.’ => ‘目录 “%1” 不存在,或者PHP无法访问.’,
‘Failed to create folder.’ => ‘创建目录失败.’,
‘Folder successfuly created.’ => ‘创建目录成功.’,
‘Permissions’ => ‘权限’,
‘User can upload files’ => ‘用户可以上传文件’,
‘User can download files’ => ‘用户可以下载文件’,
‘User can share via web links’ => ‘用户可以发布文件为Web链接’,
‘User can share via e-mail’ => ‘用户可以将文件以附件形式发送Email’,
‘User can share with other users’ => ‘用户可以共享目录’,
‘User can access tags, ratings and other metadata’ => ‘用户可以访问元数据’,
‘User can change the password’ => ‘用户可以修改账户密码’,
‘User can download folders and collections’ => ‘用户可以压缩并下载文件’,
‘User can read comments and view labels’ => ‘用户可以读取文件评论’,
‘User can write comments and set labels’ => ‘用户可以修改文件评论’,
‘Space quota’ => ‘空间配额’,
‘User can share with guest users’ => ‘用户可以与访客用户共享’,
‘Phone’ => ‘电话’,
‘User group(s)’ => ‘用户组’,
‘Home folder<br>template path’ => ‘主目录<br>临时路径’,
‘This folder will be automatically created in your home folder, if it doesn\’t exists already.’ => ‘如果该目录不存在,将自动在您的主目录生成’,
‘Admin’ => ‘管理员’,
‘Yes’ => ‘是’,
‘Yes, Independent’ => ‘是, 唯一的’,
‘- Can only see and manage users, groups, etc. created by himself.’ => ‘- 仅能查看并且管理他自己创建的用户和群组等.’,
‘- He can assign space quotas within a total of his own space quota.’ => ‘- 可以分配整个空间配额.’,
‘User can create new user accounts.’ => ‘可以创建新用户账户.’,
‘User can manage groups.’ => ‘可以管理群组.’,
‘User can manage roles.’ => ‘可以管理角色.’,
‘User can manage notifications.’ => ‘可以管理通知.’,
‘User can access the activity logs.’ => ‘可以访问活动日志.’,
‘User can change the metadata settings.’ => ‘可以修改元数据设置.’,
‘Can manage’ => ‘可以管理’,
‘[All groups]’ => ‘- 所有群组 -‘,
‘Max users’ => ‘最大用户数’,
‘This is the maximum number of user accounts this independent admin user can create.’ => ‘这是此独立管理员可以创建的最大用户数.’,
‘Example: /home/users/{USERNAME}’ => ‘示例: /home/users/{USERNAME}’,
‘{USERNAME} will be automatically replaced with each user\’s login name.’ => ‘{USERNAME} 会自动被用户的登录名取代.’,
‘{NAME} will be automatically replaced with this user\’s name.’ => ‘{NAME} 会自动被用户的姓名取代.’,
‘{EMAIL} will be automatically replaced with this user\’s e-mail.’ => ‘{EMAIL} 会自动被用户的电子邮件取代.’,
‘{COMPANY} will be automatically replaced with this user\’s company name.’ => ‘{COMPANY} 会自动被用户的公司名取代.’,
‘The permission to manage roles cannot be granted if a “Home folder template path” is set.’ => ‘如果用户主目录被设置,管理角色的权限无法分配。’,
‘If you wish to grant the permission to manage roles, please use the “Can manage” option to select at least one group of users.’ => ‘如果您希望授权管理角色权限,请使用看“可以管理”选项来选择至少一个组。’,
‘If you wish to grant the permission to create new user accounts, please use the “Can manage” option to select at least one group.’ => ‘如果你希望授权创建用户权限,请使用“剋有管理”选项来选择至少一个组。’,
‘Leave the field empty to allow the admin to set the paths manually.’ => ‘保持该项为空以便允许管理员手动设置路径.’,
‘You need to allow the user to manage at least one group to be able to create new user accounts.’ => ‘你应该允许该用户管理至少一个群组,以便可以创建新的账户.’,
‘You need to allow the user to manage at least one group to be able to manage roles.’ => ‘你应该允许该用户管理至少一个群组,以便可以管理角色.’,
‘Note’ => ‘提示’,
‘Send a notification now’ => ‘现在发送提醒。’,
‘An e-mail message with the login information will be sent to the user\’s address.’ => ‘一封包含登陆信息的邮件已经被发送给用户。’,
‘Submit’ => ‘提交’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘This is the “superuser” account, and it cannot be deleted.’ => ‘这是超级用户账户,不能删除.’,
‘Please confirm the deletion of the user’ => ‘确认删除用户’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除’,
‘You can add %1 more users.’ => ‘不能添加 %1 用户.’,
‘You have reached the maximum number of user account allowed.’ => ‘已达到最大用户数限制.’,
‘Showing only users created by’ => ‘仅显示被谁创建的用户’,
‘Click <a href=”%1/?module=users&section=admin&page=index&filter_indep=1″ style=”text-decoration:underline”>here</a> to show all “independent admin users”.’ => ‘点击 <a href=”%1/?module=users&section=admin&page=index&filter_indep=1″ style=”text-decoration:underline”>这里</a> 显示所有独立管理员用户’,
‘Show only “independent admin users”‘ => ‘仅显示独立管理员用户’,
‘Show only deactivated users’ => ‘仅显示未激活的用户。’,
‘Filter users by group:’ => ‘以组别过滤用户’,
‘- All -‘ => ‘- 所有 -‘,
‘Users created:’ => ‘用户创建:’,
‘Calculating space quota for users created by <strong>%1</strong>:’ => ‘计算被谁创建的所有用户的空间总配额 <strong>%1</strong>:’,
‘There is no user account created by this user.’ => ‘该用户没有创建其他用户账户。’,
‘Loading…’ => ‘加载中…’,
‘Free space available:’ => ‘剩余有效空间:’,
‘Edit User’ => ‘编辑用户’,
‘Search users by name:’ => ‘以名称搜索用户:’,
‘Search by company name:’ => ‘以公司名搜索用户:’,
‘Toggle filtering options’ => ‘过滤选项’,
‘Page:’ => ‘页码:’,
‘Search’ => ‘搜索’,
‘This is the “superuser” account, and it cannot be deactivated.’ => ‘这是超级用户账户,不能锁定.’,
‘Browse users’ => ‘浏览用户’,
‘Browse users created by this “independent admin user”.’ => ‘查看这个独立管理员账户所创建的用户.’,
‘Space quota info’ => ‘空间配额信息’,
‘View space quota information with breakdown by users.’ => ‘查看空间配额详细信息.’,
‘Delete user.’ => ‘删除用户.’,
‘No’ => ‘否’,
‘Total’ => ‘总共’,
‘The users created by this administrator will have their home folders set depending on this template.’ => ‘由管理员创建的用户将会拥有基于本模板设定的主目录。’,
‘{ADMUSERNAME} will be automatically replaced with this user\’s login name.’ => ‘{ADMUSERNAME} 将会自动被替换为用户的登录名。’,
‘Last login’ => ‘上一次登陆’,
‘User “%1” successfully deleted!’ => ‘用户”%1″已被成功删除!’,
‘Require user to change the password’ => ‘需要用户修改密码’,
‘Registration date’ => ‘注册日期’,
‘The user\’s home folder cannot be deleted as other users have home folders located inside!’ => ‘无法删除该用户的主文件夹,因为其中包含其他用户的主文件夹!’,
‘Add User’ => ‘新建用户’,
‘Basic Information’ => ‘基本信息’,
‘Login Info’ => ‘登陆信息’,
‘E-mail Options’ => ‘电子邮件选项’,
‘Details’ => ‘明细’,
‘Expiration date’ => ‘过期时间’,
‘The user account will be automatically deactivated at the specified date.’ => ‘用户账户将会在过期日自动冻结。’,
‘Please replace the back slashes (\\) with forward slashes (/)!’ => ‘请使用正斜杠 (/) 替换这个反斜杠 (\\)!’,
‘The path should start with a drive letter! Example: C:/files/’ => ‘路径应该开始于盘符,例如C:/Files/’,
‘The path should start with a forward slash! Example: /files/’ => ‘路径应该开始于反斜杠,例如/Files/’,
‘User can access the files\’ activity logs’ => ‘用户可以访问文件活动日志’,
‘Quotas’ => ‘容量’,
‘The values are in megabytes. The value of 0 disables the limitation.’ => ‘值的单位是兆字节。值为0时取消限制。’,
‘Permanently delete the user\’s home folder.’ => ‘用户删除用户的主目录。’,
‘Delete User Account’ => ‘删除用户账户’,
‘The account is deactivated’ => ‘该账户已被冻结’,
‘Important: Changing this path will update the home folder paths of all user accounts using this role. It will results in the automatic removal of the users\’ folder sharing settings and weblinks.’ => ‘重要:更改本路径将会更新所有该用户组的主目录路径。将会自动删除这些用户的共享和WebLinks。’,
‘User can sync folders with BitTorrent Sync’ => ‘用户可以使用BitTorrent同步本目录的文件。’,
‘Important: Changing this path will update the home folder paths of all user accounts created by this admin. It will results in the automatic removal of these users\’ folder sharing settings and weblinks.’ => ‘重要:更改本路径将会更新由管理员创建的用户主目录路径。这将导致自动删除这些用户的共享和WebLinks。’,
‘Important: Changing this path will update the home folder paths of all user accounts created by admins using this role. It will results in the automatic removal of the users\’ folder sharing settings and weblinks.’ => ‘重要:更改本路径将会更新所有由该管理员创建的用户的主目录路径。将会自动删除这些用户的共享和WebLinks。’,
‘Enable 2-step verification’ => ‘启用二次认证’,
‘In order for the user to login, he will need to type in also a temporary code which can be generated on a mobile device with a dedicated app such as Google Authenticator.’ => ‘为使该用户可以登入,他将需要输入一个通过移动设备上如 Google Authenticator 这样的专用APP所生成的临时的代码 ‘,
‘Expires’ => ‘有效期’,
‘User can change personal information’ => ‘用户可以修改账户信息’,
‘Upload max file size’ => ‘文件最大大小’,
‘Admin permissions’ => ‘管理员权限’,
‘First name’ => ‘姓’,
‘Last name’ => ‘名’,
‘Disabled’ => ‘被冻结’,
‘Please confirm the user deactivation’ => ‘请确认是否冻结该用户’,
‘User “%1” successfully deactivated!’ => ‘用户 “%1″被成功冻结’,
‘Failed to deactivated user “%1”!’ => ‘无法冻结用户 “%1″‘,
‘Folder already exists.’ => ‘文件夹已存在.’,
‘The URL has been copied to clipboard.’ => ‘该URL已复制到剪贴板。’,
‘User can make changes to files and folders’ => ‘用户可以更改文件和文件夹’,
‘User can upload files and folders’ => ‘
‘Path’ => ‘路径’,
‘Access’ => ‘访问’,
‘Share’ => ‘分享’,
‘Change’ => ‘更改’,
‘Allowed file types’ => ‘允许的文件类型’,
‘Specify a list of file types the user will be limited to when upload files.’ => ‘指定上载文件时用户将限制的文件类型列表。’,
‘An empty field will allow the user to upload any type of file.’ => ‘空字段将允许用户上载任何类型的文件。’,
‘Example list:’ => ‘示例列表:’,
‘Type the path to a folder on your server. This is the user\’s personal working space.’ => ‘输入服务器上文件夹的路径。这是用户的个人工作空间。’,
‘As an example path, this app is located at %1’ => ‘作为示例路径,此应用程序位于%1’,
‘Admin: Groups’ =>
array (
‘You are not allowed to delete groups.’ => ‘您无权删除群组.’,
‘You are not allowed to manage user groups.’ => ‘您无权管理用户组.’,
‘You are not allowed to manage this group.’ => ‘您无权管理此群组.’,
‘(%1 users)’ => ‘(%1 用户)’,
‘Group successfully created!’ => ‘群组创建成功!’,
‘Add a new user groups.’ => ‘添加新用户组.’,
‘Please type a name for the group!’ => ‘请输入群组名!’,
‘Please don\’t use special characters for the group\’s name!’ => ‘请不要在组名称中使用特殊字符!’,
‘Group name already used. Please choose another one.’ => ‘群组名已存在,请使用其他名称.’,
‘Failed to create group!’ => ‘创建群组失败!’,
‘Groups’ => ‘群组’,
‘Create group’ => ‘创建群组’,
‘Group name’ => ‘群组名’,
‘Description’ => ‘群组描述’,
‘Failed to edit group!’ => ‘编辑群组失败!’,
‘Edit group’ => ‘编辑群组’,
‘Delete group’ => ‘删除群组’,
‘Failed to delete group!’ => ‘删除群组失败!’,
‘Please confirm group deletion.’ => ‘确认删除群组.’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除’,
‘Edit group.’ => ‘编辑群组.’,
‘Delete group.’ => ‘删除群组.’,
‘Group successfully deleted!’ => ‘删除群组成功!’,
‘Name’ => ‘姓名’,
‘Created by’ => ‘创建者’,
‘Users’ => ‘用户’,
‘Add Group’ => ‘添加群组’,
‘Group successfully updated!’ => ‘群组更新成功!’,
‘Admin: Notifications’ =>
array (
‘Notifications’ => ‘通知’,
‘Notification rule added.’ => ‘通知角色添加成功.’,
‘Failed to add notification!’ => ‘通知角色添加失败!’,
‘Please type an email address.’ => ‘请输入Email地址.’,
‘Please select at least one action.’ => ‘请选择至少1个动作.’,
‘Notification rule removed.’ => ‘通知角色删除成功.’,
‘Failed to remove notification!’ => ‘通知角色删除失败!’,
‘Action’ => ‘动作’,
‘E-mail address’ => ‘Email地址’,
‘Ungrouped users’ => ‘未分组用户’,
‘File previewed’ => ‘文件已预览’,
‘File uploaded’ => ‘文件上传完毕’,
‘File received (via upload)’ => ‘文件已接收 (通过上传)’,
‘File received (via copy)’ => ‘文件已接收 (通过复制)’,
‘File received (via move)’ => ‘文件已接收 (通过移动)’,
‘Upload failed’ => ‘上传失败’,

‘File downloaded’ => ‘文件下载完毕’,
‘File download (via Web link)’ => ‘Web链接下载’,
‘File received (via Web link)’ => ‘文件已接收(通过WebLink)’,
‘Folder shared’ => ‘目录共享完毕’,
‘Folder unshared’ => ‘目录解除共享完毕’,
‘New shared folder available’ => ‘新共享目录生效’,
‘Login’ => ‘登录’,
‘Logout’ => ‘注销’,
‘File moved’ => ‘文件移动完毕’,
‘Folder moved’ => ‘目录移动完毕’,
‘Folder copied’ => ‘目录复制完毕’,
‘Failed to copy folder’ => ‘目录复制失败’,
‘File copied’ => ‘文件复制完毕’,
‘File deleted’ => ‘文件删除完毕’,
‘Folder deleted’ => ‘目录删除完毕’,
‘File renamed’ => ‘文件重命名完毕’,
‘Failed to rename file’ => ‘文件重命名失败’,
‘Folder renamed’ => ‘目录重命名完毕’,
‘New folder created’ => ‘新目录创建完毕’,
‘WebLink upload failed’ => ‘文件上传失败’,
‘Failed to move file’ => ‘文件移动失败’,
‘Failed to copy file’ => ‘文件复制失败’,
‘Failed to move folder’ => ‘目录移动失败’,
‘Failed to delete file’ => ‘文件删除失败’,
‘Failed to delete folder’ => ‘目录删除失败’,
‘Failed to rename folder’ => ‘目录重命名失败’,
‘Failed to create new folder’ => ‘目录创建失败’,
‘File version restored’ => ‘文件版本还原完毕’,
‘Failed to restore file version’ => ‘文件版本还原失败’,
‘File version deleted’ => ‘文件版本删除完毕’,
‘Failed to delete file version’ => ‘文件版本删除失败’,
‘New user registration’ => ‘用户注册’,
‘Folder zipped’ => ‘目录打包完毕’,
‘Failed to zip folder’ => ‘目录打包失败’,
‘Files zipped’ => ‘文件打包完毕’,
‘Failed to zip files’ => ‘文件打包失败’,
‘Restored deleted file’ => ‘还原已删除文件完毕’,
‘Restored deleted folder’ => ‘还原已删除目录完毕’,
‘File permanently deleted’ => ‘文件已永久删除’,
‘Folder permanently deleted’ => ‘目录已永久删除’,
‘File locked’ => ‘文件锁定完毕’,
‘Failed to lock file’ => ‘文件锁定失败’,
‘File unlocked’ => ‘文件解锁完毕’,
‘Failed to unlock file’ => ‘文件解锁失败’,
‘File comment added’ => ‘文件留言添加完毕’,
‘Failed to add comment to file’ => ‘文件留言添加失败’,
‘File comment removed’ => ‘文件留言移除完毕’,
‘Failed to remove comment from file’ => ‘文件留言移除失败’,
‘Files sent by email’ => ‘Email发送文件完毕’,
‘Failed to send files by email’ => ‘Email发送文件失败’,
‘You are not allowed to manage e-mail notifications.’ => ‘您无权管理Email通知.’,
‘User added’ => ‘用户添加完毕’,
‘User edited’ => ‘用户编辑完毕’,
‘User deleted’ => ‘用户删除完毕’,
‘User manual activation’ => ‘用户手动激活’,
‘User manual deactivation’ => ‘用户手动锁定’,
‘Space quota warning’ => ‘空间配额报警’,
‘Password recovery’ => ‘密码恢复’,
‘Web link removed’ => ‘WebLink已删除’,
‘Web link modified’ => ‘WebLink已删除’,
‘Web link created’ => ‘WebLink已创建’,
‘Metadata changed’ => ‘元数据已更改’,
‘Role added’ => ‘角色已添加’,
‘Role edited’ => ‘角色已编辑’,
‘Role deleted’ => ‘角色已删除’,
‘Add rule’ => ‘新增提醒规则’,
‘Edit Notification Rule’ => ‘编辑提醒规则’,
‘Delete Notification Rule’ => ‘删除提醒规则’,
‘Please confirm notification rule deletion.’ => ‘请确认要删除提醒规则。’,
‘User or group’ => ‘用户或组’,
‘Users’ => ‘用户’,
‘Notify e-mail address’ => ‘电子邮件通知’,
‘Actions’ => ‘行动’,
‘Web link folder access’ => ‘WebLink文件夹地址’,
‘File encrypted’ => ‘文件已加密’,
‘File decrypted’ => ‘文件已解密’,
‘Logs’ => ‘日志’,
‘E-mail notifications logs’ => ‘电子邮件提醒日志’,
‘Sent message (%1)’ => ‘发送消息 (%1)’,
‘Date’ => ‘日期’,
‘From’ => ‘从’,
‘To’ => ‘到’,
‘Subject’ => ‘主题’,
‘Has errors’ => ‘发送错误’,
‘File downloaded by another user’ => ‘文件已被其他用户下载’,
‘Label changed’ => ‘变更标记’,
‘Star added’ => ‘添加收藏’,
‘Star removed’ => ‘移除收藏’,
‘Trash emptied’ => ‘清空回收站’,
‘Failed to empty trash’ => ‘清空回收站失败’,
‘Label received’ => ‘收到标签
‘Download failed’ => ‘下载失败’,
‘Notification rule successfully deleted!’ => ‘通知规则已成功删除’,
‘Folder received (via copy)’ => ‘收到文件夹(通过复制)’,
‘Folder received (via move)’ => ‘收到文件夹(通过移动)
‘File shared’ => ‘文件共享’,
‘File unshared’ => ‘文件未共享’,
‘New shared file available’ => ‘新的共享文件可用’,
‘Guest user added’ => ‘访客用户已添加’,
‘Guest account created’ => ‘来宾帐户已创建’,
‘Admin: Logs’ =>
array (
‘Date Format: Grid – Date’ => ‘Y-m-d H:i’,
‘Activity logs’ => ‘活动日志’,
‘Toggle search options’ => ‘搜索选项’,
‘User’ => ‘单用户’,
‘Users’ => ‘多用户’,
‘Actions’ => ‘动作’,
‘Date start’ => ‘开始日期’,
‘Date end’ => ‘截止日期’,
‘Search’ => ‘搜索’,
‘Loading data…’ => ‘加载数据…’,
‘Date’ => ‘日期’,
‘Details’ => ‘详细’,
‘Keyword’ => ‘关键字’,
‘Please confirm the archiving and deletion of the activity logs.’ => ‘请确认归档并删除活动日志.’,
‘Activity log has been successfuly archived!’ => ‘活动日志归档完毕!’,
‘Failed to retrieve log data!’ => ‘恢复日志数据失败!’,
‘Failed to create archive file!’ => ‘创建归档文件失败!’,
‘Failed to clear logs!’ => ‘清除日志失败!’,
‘Failed to archive logs!’ => ‘归档日志失败!’,
‘You are not allowed to access the activity logs.’ => ‘您无权访问活动日志.’,
‘Export results to CSV’ => ‘到处结果到CSV’,
‘Action’ => ‘行动’,
‘Search Activity Logs’ => ‘搜索活动日志’,
‘Export’ => ‘导出’,
‘Admin: Metadata’ =>
array (
‘You cannot delete this file type.’ => ‘您不能删除此文件类型’,
‘Metadata’ => ‘元数据’,
‘Manage the different types of information that can be associated with classes of files.’ => ‘管理各种与文件关联的类型信息.’,
‘You are not allowed to manage the metadata settings.’ => ‘您无权管理元数据设置.’,
‘Fieldsets’ => ‘属性列’,
‘Admin: Metadata: Filetypes’ =>
array (
‘Comma separated list of file types that should automatically use this file type.’ => ‘逗号分隔的文件类型列表,应自动使用此文件类型’,
‘File type’ => ‘文件类型’,
‘File types’ => ‘文件类型’,
‘File type successfully created!’ => ‘文件类型创建成功!’,
‘File type successfully deleted!’ => ‘文件类型删除成功!’,
‘Add file type’ => ‘创建’,
‘Please type a name for the file type!’ => ‘请输入文件类型名称!’,
‘Please don\’t use weird characters for the file type\’s name!’ => ‘文件类型名称请勿使用特殊字符!’,
‘File type name already in use. Please choose another one.’ => ‘文件类型名已存在,请选择其他名称.’,
‘Failed to edit file type!’ => ‘编辑文件类型失败!’,
‘Failed to add file type!’ => ‘添加文件类型失败!’,
‘Edit file type’ => ‘编辑文件类型’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述’,
‘Click here to manage fieldsets.’ => ‘点此管理属性列.’,
‘Delete tile type’ => ‘删除’,
‘File type successfully updated!’ => ‘文件类型更新成功!’,
‘Failed to delete file type!’ => ‘文件类型删除失败!’,
‘Please confirm file type deletion.’ => ‘请确认删除文件类型.’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Field sets’ => ‘属性列’,
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Created by’ => ‘创建者’,
‘File type name’ => ‘文件类型名称’,
‘File extensions’ => ‘文件扩展名
‘Comma separated list of file extensions that should automatically use this file type.’ => ‘逗号分隔的应该自动使用这个文件类型的文件扩展名列表’,
‘Automatic source’ => ‘自动来源
‘This is the path to the “Media Info” field.’ => ‘这是“媒体信息”字段的路径’,
‘File count’ => ‘文件数量
‘Admin: Metadata: Fieldsets’ =>
array (
‘Fieldset successfully deleted!’ => ‘属性列删除失败!’,
‘Add field set’ => ‘添加字段集
‘Please type a name for the field set!’ => ‘请输入属性列名称!’,
‘Field set name already in use. Please choose another one.’ => ‘属性列名称已存在,请使用其他名称.’,
‘Failed to edit field set!’ => ‘属性列编辑失败!’,
‘Failed to add field set!’ => ‘属性列添加失败!’,
‘Failed to delete field set!’ => ‘属性列删除失败!’,
‘Field set successfully added’ => ‘属性列创建成功’,
‘Field set successfully updated’ => ‘属性列更新成功’,
‘Field set name’ => ‘属性列名称’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述’,
‘Generic field set’ => ‘常规属性’,
‘A generic field set is one that is available for every file by default.’ => ‘常规属性默认对于所有文件有效.’,
‘Edit’ => ‘编辑’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除属性列’,
‘Fieldsets’ => ‘属性列’,
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Fields’ => ‘字段’,
‘Created by’ => ‘创建者’,
‘Edit field set’ => ‘编辑字段集’,
‘Delete field set’ => ‘删除字段集’,
‘Field set successfuly deleted’ => ‘字段集成功删除’,
‘Basic Info’ => ‘基础信息’,
‘Fields can be added after creating the set.’ => ‘字段可以在创建集合后添加。’,
‘Please confirm field set deletion.’ => ‘请确认删除字段集。’,
‘Add’ => ‘新建’,
‘Admin: Metadata: Fields’ =>
array (
‘Fields’ => ‘属性列’,
‘Add Field’ => ‘创建’,
‘Edit Field’ => ‘编辑’,
‘Field successfully deleted!’ => ‘属性列删除成功!’,
‘Please type a name for the field!’ => ‘请输入属性列名称!’,
‘Field name already in use. Please choose another one.’ => ‘属性列名称已存在,请选择其他名称.’,
‘Failed to edit field!’ => ‘属性列编辑失败!’,
‘Failed to delete field!’ => ‘属性列删除失败!’,
‘Failed to add fieldset!’ => ‘属性列添加失败!’,
‘Field successfully added’ => ‘属性列添加成功’,
‘Field successfully updated’ => ‘属性列更新成功’,
‘Field successfully deleted’ => ‘属性列删除成功’,
‘Delete Field’ => ‘删除’,
‘Field name’ => ‘属性名称’,
‘Show by default as column in file grid’ => ‘默认以列显示’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述’,
‘Hide fieldset name in column header’ => ‘列的头部隐藏属性名称’,
‘Predefined values’ => ‘预定义值’,
‘Separate values by commas. Example: one, two, three’ => ‘值用逗号分开. 例如: 1, 2, 3’,
‘The already attached meta information will remained unchanged, even though you rename the values here.’ => ‘即时您重命名值,已经存在的元信息也将保持不变’,
‘Please confirm field deletion.’ => ‘请确认属性删除.’,
‘Sort’ => ‘分类’,
‘Set a number to define the field\’s sorting position.’ => ‘设置一个数字以定义字段的排序位置’,
‘Field type’ => ‘属性类型
‘Normal text’ => ‘普通文本
‘Large text’ => ‘大文本
‘Single value’ => ‘预定义列表
‘Multiple values’ => ‘多个值
‘Date/time’ => ‘日期/时间’,
‘Admin: Licensing’ =>
array (
‘Software licensing’ => ‘软件许可信息’,
‘You are using <b>%1 user accounts</b> out of <b>%2</b>.’ => ‘您已经创建<b>%1个用户</b>,授权共许可<b>%2个用户</b>。’,
‘Update’ => ‘更新’,
‘Failed to upgrade license:’ => ‘升级许可失败:’,
‘Failed to connect to licensing server!’ => ‘链接授权服务器失败!’,
‘License successfully updated.’ => ‘授权升级成功!’,
‘The license will expire on <b>%1</b>.’ => ‘授权将于<b>%1</b>过期。’,
‘License upgraded.<br><span class=”nowrap”>You can now have <strong>%1</strong> user accounts.</span>’ => ‘许可升级成功.<br><span class=”nowrap”>您现在可以拥有 <strong>%1</strong> 用户.</span>’,
‘License key in use: <b>%1</b>’ => ‘正在使用的授权:<b>%1</b>’,
‘unlimited’ => ‘无限制’,
‘Please provide the key!’ => ‘请提供授权 key !’,
‘Your FileRun license is now registered.’ => ‘你的 FileRun 授权已成功注册’,
‘An e-mail message has been now sent to you.’ => ‘一封邮件已发送至你的 E-mail 邮箱’,
‘Admin: Software update’ =>
array (
‘Software update’ => ‘软件升级’,
‘Step 1:’ => ‘第1步:’,
‘Check for updates’ => ‘检查更新’,
‘Step 2:’ => ‘第2步:’,
‘Download update’ => ‘下载更新’,
‘Step 3:’ => ‘第3步:’,
‘Install update’ => ‘安装更新’,
‘Start over (to check for more updates)’ => ‘重新检查可用更新’,
‘Step 4:’ => ‘第4步:’,
‘Your current software version is %1’ => ‘当前软件版本为%1’,
‘Upload starting…’ => ‘上传开始……’,
‘Uploading…%1%’ => ‘上传…%1%’,
‘Uploading software update files is not available.’ => ‘无法上传软件更新文件’,
‘Failed to upload file “%1″: %2’ => ‘无法上传文件”%1”: %2’,
‘The file needs to be a Zip archive!’ => ‘该文件需要是Zip存档’,
‘The filename should not contain space characters!’ => ‘文件名不应包含空格字符’,
‘Update file successfully uploaded.’ => ‘更新文件已成功上传’,
‘Failed to upload update file. The temporary file on the server is missing. Please try again.’ => ‘无法上传更新文件。服务器上的临时文件丢失。请再试一次。’,
‘Upload failed: %1’ => ‘上传失败: %1’,
‘Admin: Roles’ =>
array (
‘Add a new user role.’ => ‘添加新用户角色’,
‘Create role’ => ‘创建角色’,
‘Role name’ => ‘角色名称’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述’,
‘Automatically create the folder if it doesn\’t exists.’ => ‘如果不存在,自动创建目录.’,
‘(%1 users)’ => ‘(%1 用户)’,
‘Edit Role’ => ‘编辑角色’,
‘Delete Role’ => ‘删除角色’,
‘Please set a home folder template.’ => ‘请设置一个主目录模板’,
‘Please confirm role deletion.’ => ‘请确认删除角色.’,
‘Delete’ => ‘删除’,
‘You are required to set a space quota for this role!’ => ‘您应为此角色设置空间配额!’,
‘You are required to set a traffic quota for this role!’ => ‘您应为此角色设置流量配额!’,
‘The maximum traffic quota you can assign to this role is %1MB!’ => ‘您能为此角色分配的最大流量配额是 %1MB!’,
‘The maximum space quota you can assign to this role is %1MB!’ => ‘您能为此角色分配的最大空间配额是 %1MB!’,
‘You are not allowed to manage this role.’ => ‘您无权管理此角色.’,
‘You are not allowed to manage user roles.’ => ‘您无权管理用户角色.’,
‘Role successfully created!’ => ‘角色创建成功!’,
‘Role successfully updated!’ => ‘角色更新成功!’,
‘Roles’ => ‘角色’,
‘Name’ => ‘姓名’,
‘Created by’ => ‘创建者’,
‘Users’ => ‘用户’,
‘Home folder template’ => ‘主目录模板’,
‘Add Role’ => ‘添加角色’,
‘Save changes’ => ‘保存更改’,
‘You cannot delete this role because it is assigned to %1 users.’ => ‘你不能删除这个角色因为有 %1 个用户关联到该角色。’,
‘Role successfully deleted!’ => ‘角色删除成功!’,
‘Home folder’ => ‘主目录’,
‘Path template’ => ‘路径模板’,
‘Admin: WebLinks’ =>
array (
‘Path’ => ‘路径’,
‘User’ => ‘用户’,
‘Expires’ => ‘有效期’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Allow uploads’ => ‘允许上传’,
‘Created’ => ‘创建日期’,
‘Admin: Tools’ =>
array (
‘Name’ => ‘姓名’,
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘Quota’ => ‘配额’,
‘Used’ => ‘已使用’,
‘Usage’ => ‘使用率’,
‘Calculating quota usage for “%1″…’ => ‘为 “%1” 计算空间配额使用率…’,
‘Last reset happened on %1.’ => ‘上一次重置发生于%1’,
‘Reset now’ => ‘现在重置’,
‘Id’ => ‘序号’,
‘Admin: Tools: Import Users’ =>
array (
‘Comma’ => ‘逗号’,
‘Semicolon’ => ‘分号’,
‘Tab’ => ‘制表键’,
‘Import Users’ => ‘导入用户’,
‘Step 1: Upload CSV File’ => ‘步骤一:上传CSV文件’,
‘Step 2: Map Fields’ => ‘步骤二:映射字段’,
‘Step 3: Import Users’ => ‘步骤三:导入用户’,
‘Upload CSV file’ => ‘选择CSV文件’,
‘Only CSV files are supported!’ => ‘仅支持CSV文件’,
‘The CSV file should have at least two columns!’ => ‘CSV文件应该至少包含三列数据’,
‘Fields are separated by’ => ‘字段分隔由’,
‘Uploading…%1%’ => ‘上传中…%1%’,
‘Upload starting…’ => ‘上传开始…’,
‘%1 records were found’ => ‘已发现%1个记录’,
‘Assign a role to the users’ => ‘为用户分配角色’,
‘Add the users to groups’ => ‘为用户分配组’,
‘Start with record number’ => ‘从记录数开始’,
‘Failed to parse file contents!’ => ‘解析文件内容失败’,
‘Only the first 10 records are being displayed here.’ => ‘这里只显示前十条记录’,
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Name 1’ => ‘姓名 1’,
‘Name 2’ => ‘姓名 2’,
‘Name 3’ => ‘姓名 3’,
‘E-mail’ => ‘电子邮件’,
‘Company’ => ‘公司’,
‘Website’ => ‘网站’,
‘Note’ => ‘注释’,
‘You need to map a column for the username!’ => ‘你需要为用户名映射一个字段’,
‘You need to map a column for the password!’ => ‘你需要为密码映射一个字段’,
‘You need to map at least one column for the name!’ => ‘你需要为姓名至少映射一个字段’,
‘The selected role was not found!’ => ‘没有找到选定的角色’,
‘Record %1: The username is missing! The record was skipped.’ => ‘记录%1:查找用户名失败,该记录被跳过。’,
‘Record %1: The name is missing! The record was skipped.’ => ‘记录%1:查找姓名失败,该记录被跳过。’,
‘Record %1: The password is missing! The record was skipped.’ => ‘记录%1:查找密码失败,该记录被跳过。’,
‘Record %1: The username “%2” is already in use! The record was skipped.’ => ‘记录%1:用户名”%2″已经存在,该记录被跳过。’,
‘Record %1: User “%2” has been added. Password: %3’ => ‘记录%1:用户“%2”已经被添加’,
‘Passwords are in clear text’ => ‘密码是明文
‘Enable this option if the passwords stored in your CSV files are not encrypted.’ => ‘如果存储在CSV文件中的密码未加密,请启用此选项’,
‘Record number’ => ‘记录编号
‘Username/E-mail’ => ‘用户名/电子邮件
‘Send a notification now’ => ‘现在发送通知
‘An e-mail message with the login information will be sent to the user\’s address.’ => ‘包含登录信息的电子邮件将被发送到用户的地址’,
‘The CSV file needs to contain at least two columns, for username and name.’ => ‘对于用户名和名称,CSV文件至少需要包含两列。’,
‘You will be asked to map the fields, so the names and the order of the columns are not important.’ => ‘系统将要求您映射字段,因此列的名称和顺序并不重要。’,
‘Metadata: Custom’ =>
array (
‘Image proprieties’ => ‘图像的规范’,
‘Audio proprieties’ => ‘音频属性
‘Height’ => ‘高度
‘Width’ => ‘宽度
‘Codec’ => ‘解码器’,
‘Duration’ => ‘持续时间
‘Various information’ => ‘各种信息
‘Author’ => ‘作者’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述
‘Caption’ => ‘标题
‘Copyright’ => ‘版权
‘GPS latitude’ => ‘GPS纬度
‘GPS longitude’ => ‘GPS经度
‘Movie title’ => ‘电影标题
‘Subject’ => ‘学科
‘Album’ => ‘专辑
‘Artist’ => ‘艺术家
‘Title’ => ‘标题
‘Location’ => ‘位置’,
‘Tags’ => ‘标签’,
‘Date Created’ => ‘创建日期
‘Rating’ => ‘评分
‘Labels’ =>
array (
‘APPROVED’ => ‘已批准’,
‘PENDING’ => ‘待定中’,
‘REJECTED’ => ‘已拒绝’,
‘Failed to insert new label’ => ‘插入新标记失败’,
‘No files were labeled’ => ‘没有文件被标记’,
‘File successfully labeled’ => ‘文件被成功标记’,
‘%1 files successfully labeled’ => ‘%1 个文件被成功标记’,
‘Label successfully removed’ => ‘标记被成功移除’,
‘Labels successfully removed from %1 files’ => ‘%1 个文件的标记被成功移除’,
‘Custom Actions: MediaInfo’ =>
array (
‘Media Info’ => ‘媒体信息
‘Stars’ =>
array (
‘You are not allowed to set stars!’ => ‘你无权设置收藏’,
‘No stars were added’ => ‘没有收藏被添加’,
‘Star successfully added’ => ‘收藏已成功添加’,
‘%1 stars successfully added’ => ‘%1 个收藏已成功添加’,
‘The collection has been successfully created.’=>’专辑创建成功.’,
‘No stars were removed’ => ‘没有收藏被移除’,
‘Star successfully removed’ => ‘收藏已成功移除’,
‘%1 stars successfully removed’ => ‘%1 个收藏已成功移除’,
‘Admin: Tools: Export Users’ =>
array (
‘Export’ => ‘导出’,
‘Admin: API’ =>
array (
‘Name’ => ‘名称’,
‘Client/App name’ => ‘客户/应用程序名称
‘Publisher’ => ‘开发者’,
‘Client ID’ => ‘客户端ID
‘Client secret’ => ‘客户密码
‘Authorized redirect URIs’ => ‘授权重定向URI
‘One URI per line’ => ‘每行一个URI
‘Needs to start with “https://”.’ => ‘需要以“https://”开头。’,
‘”http://” only allowed for “localhost”.’ => ‘“http://”只允许“localhost”。’,
‘No URL fragments, and no relative paths.’ => ‘没有URL片段,也没有相对路径。
‘Can\’t be a non-private IP Address.’ => ‘不能是非私人IP地址。
‘Website’ => ‘网站’,
‘Description’ => ‘描述
‘Oauth2 client successfully added’ => ‘Oauth2客户端成功添加
‘Failed to add client!’ => ‘无法添加客户端’,
‘One of the provided URIs is not valid’ => ‘提供的URI之一是无效的
‘Oauth2 client successfully updated’ => ‘Oauth2客户端已成功更新
‘Failed to save changes!’ => ‘无法保存更改’,
‘Client not found!’ => ‘未找到客户端’,
‘Oauth2 client successfully deleted’ => ‘Oauth2客户端成功删除
‘Failed to delete client!’ => ‘无法删除客户端’,
‘Requires a HTTPS-configured web server’ => ‘需要HTTPS配置的Web服务器’,
‘Logo URL’ => ‘徽标网址
‘App website’ => ‘App网站
‘Enable API’ => ‘启用API
‘OAuth2 requires that you access this website via HTTPS’ => ‘OAuth2要求您通过HTTPS访问本网站
‘OAuth2’ =>
array (
‘OAuth2 Consent’ => ‘OAuth2 授权’,
‘List files and folders in your “%1” account.’ => ‘在您的“%1”帐户中列出文件和文件夹’,
‘List files and folders inside your “Apps/%1” folder.’ => ‘列出“Apps /%1”文件夹中的文件和文件夹’,
‘Download files available in your “%1” account.’ => ‘下载“%1”帐户中可用的文件’,
‘Download files from your “Apps/%1” folder.’ => ‘从“Apps /%1”文件夹下载文件’,
‘Upload files to your “%1” account.’ => ‘上传文件到您的“%1”帐户’,
‘Upload files inside your “Apps/%1” folder.’ => ‘上传“Apps /%1”文件夹中的文件’,
‘Make changes to the files and folders inside your “%1” account.’ => ‘更改“%1”帐户中的文件和文件夹’,
‘Delete files from your “%1” account.’ => ‘从您的“%1”帐户中删除文件’,
‘Delete files inside your “Apps/%1” folder.’ => ‘删除“Apps /%1”文件夹中的文件’,
‘View your basic “%1” account information.’ => ‘查看您的基本“%1”帐户信息’,
‘That includes your name, company name, website and logo.’ => ‘这包括你的名字,公司名称,网站和标志’,
‘View your e-mail address (%1).’ => ‘查看您的电子邮件地址(%1)’,
‘Create public links to files inside your “%1” account.’ => ‘在您的“%1”帐户中创建公共文件链接’,
‘Create public links to files inside your “Apps/%1” folder.’ => ‘创建“Apps /%1”文件夹中的文件的公共链接’,
‘Manage “%1” user accounts with your administrative privileges.’ => ‘用您的管理权限管理“%1”用户帐户’,
‘You are logged into %1 as “%2″‘ => ‘您已经以%2登入%1’,
‘Not you?’ => ‘不是你?’,
‘Use of your data is subject to the third-party application\’s publisher privacy policy.’ => ‘您的数据的使用取决于第三方应用程序的发布者隐私政策’,
‘Accept’ => ‘接受’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘The application %1 would like permission to:’ => ‘应用程序%1所需权限:’,
‘Share folders with other users.’ => ‘与其他用户共享文件夹’,
‘Share folders inside your “Apps/%1″ folder with other users.’ => ‘与其他用户共享“Apps /%1”文件夹内的文件夹’,
‘Identification’ => ‘审阅’,
‘Authorization’ => ‘授权’,
‘Maintenance’ => ‘保留’,
‘by’ => ‘通过’,
‘as’ => ‘如’,
‘Sign in as a different user’ => ‘以不同的用户身份登录’,
‘The app <strong>%1</strong> would like to:’ => ‘该应用<strong>%1 </ strong>希望:’,
‘The app <strong>%1</strong> would like full access to <strong>%2</strong> as <span class=”nowrap-bold”>%3</span>.’ => ‘该应用程序<strong>%1 </ strong>希望完全访问<strong>%2 </ strong>作为<span class =“nowrap-bold”>%3 </ span>’,
‘Would like to receive full access to:’ => ‘希望获得完全访问权限:’,
‘Would like to receive <a href=”javascript:showAccess()”>access</a> to:’ => ‘想要接收<a href=”javascript:showAccess()”>访问</a>到:’,
‘Use of your data is subject to the privacy policy of <span class=”nowrap-bold”>%1</span>.’ => ‘使用您的数据需遵守<span class =“nowrap-bold”>%1 </ span>的隐私政策’,
‘Your account is configured for 2-step verification.’ => ‘您的帐户已配置为进行两步验证’,
‘Please provide your <strong>%1</strong> credentials.’ => ‘请提供您的<strong>%1 </ strong>凭据’,
‘1. Select and copy the following key code:’ => ‘1.选择并复制以下代码:’,
‘2. Open your 2-step verification app and create an account with this key code.’ => ‘2.打开您的两步验证应用程序,并使用此密钥代码创建一个帐户’,
‘3. Lastly, copy the generated verification code (not the one above) from the app to the field bellow.’ => ‘3.最后,将生成的验证码(不是上面的)从应用程序复制到下面的字段’,
‘Verification code’ => ‘验证码’,
‘Username’ => ‘用户名’,
‘Password’ => ‘密码’,
‘Proceed’ => ‘继续’,
‘View your e-mail address, although your account currently doesn\’t have one set.’ => ‘查看您的电子邮件地址,虽然您的帐户目前没有一套’,
‘Custom Actions: Google Editor’ =>
array (
‘Read the <a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>configuration guide</a>.’ => ‘阅读<a href=”%1″ target=”_blank”>配置指南</a>。’,
‘OAuth Client Secret’ => ‘OAuth客户端密钥’,
‘OAuth Client ID’ => ‘OAuth客户端ID’,
‘Signing into Google…<br>Please check the opened popup for proceeding to the editor.’ => ‘登录Google … <br>请检查打开的弹出窗口以继续进行编辑。’,
‘Sending document data to Google…<br>Please wait.’ => ‘将文档数据发送给Google … <br>请稍候。’,
‘Waiting for the editor to close…<br>If you close this window, your changes will not be saved to the document.’ => ‘等待编辑器关闭… <br>如果关闭此窗口,您的更改将不会保存到文档中。’,
‘Importing document from Google…’ => ‘从Google导入文档…’,
‘Blank file created successfully’ => ‘空白文件已成功创建’,
‘Document with Google’ => ‘与Google合作’,
‘Notifications’ =>
array (
‘<strong>%1</strong>, from %3, downloaded the file <strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘从%3开始,<strong>%1 </ strong>下载了<strong>%2 </ strong>文件’,
‘Your file “%1” was downloaded through the shared link.’ => ‘您的文件“%1”是通过共享链接下载的’,
‘From the IP address: %1’ => ‘从IP地址:%1’,
‘The folder “%1” has been accessed through the shared link.’ => ‘已经通过共享链接访问文件夹“%1”’,
‘The file “%1” has been uploaded by a visitor inside the folder “%2” which was shared through a link.’ => ‘文件“%1”已经被访问者上传到通过链接共享的文件夹“%2”中’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” uploaded the file “<strong>%2</strong>” (%3) inside his “%4” folder.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”在他的“%4”文件夹中上传了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”(%3)’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” uploaded the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户”<strong>%1</strong>” 上传了文件”<strong>%2</strong>”‘,
‘”<strong>%1</strong>” has shared “<strong>%2</strong>” with you.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”与您共享了文件夹“%2”’,
‘The file “<strong>%1</strong>” (%2) was received from “<strong>%3</strong>”.’ => ‘从“<strong>%3 </ strong>”收到了文件“<strong>%1 </ strong>”(%2)’,
‘<strong>%1</strong> downloaded the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘<strong>%1 </ strong>下载了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” previewed the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”预览了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” failed to login, using the IP address %2.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”未能使用IP地址%2登录’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” has signed in.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”已登录’,
‘<strong>%1</strong> changed the label on the file “<strong>%2</strong>”: <span style=”margin-left:5px;padding:1px;border:1px solid %3″>%4</span>.’ => ‘<strong>%1 </ strong>更改了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”上的标签:<span style =”margin-left:5px; padding:1px; border:1px solid %3″> %4 </span>’,
‘<strong>%1</strong> removed the label from the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘<strong>%1 </ strong>从文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”中删除了该标签’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” has performed the following action: “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”执行了以下操作:“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” has shared the folder “%2” with:’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”已经与以下用户共享文件夹“%2”:’,
‘group “<strong>%1</strong>”‘ => ‘组“<strong>%1 </ strong>”’,
‘user “<strong>%1</strong>”‘ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” deleted the file “%2”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”删除了文件“%2”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” deleted the folder “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”已删除文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘<strong>%1</strong> downloaded the file “<strong>%2</strong>” (<em>%3</em>).’ => ‘<strong>%1 </ strong>下载了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”(<em>%3 </ em>)’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” added the following comment on the file “<strong>%2</strong>”:’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”在文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”上添加了以下评论:’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” restored the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”恢复了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” restored the folder “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”恢复了文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” copied the file “<strong>%2</strong>” (%3).’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”复制了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”(%3)’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” pasted the folder “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”粘贴了文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” locked the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”锁定了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” cut the folder “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”剪切了文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” pasted the file “<strong>%2</strong>” (%3).’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”粘贴了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”(%3)’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” renamed the file “<strong>%2</strong>” from “<strong>%3</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”已从“<strong>%3 </ strong>”重命名文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” renamed the folder “<strong>%2</strong>” from “<strong>%3</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”已从“<strong>%3 </ strong>”重命名文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” unlocked the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”解锁了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” copied the folder “%2”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”复制了文件夹“%2”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” created the new folder “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”创建了新文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” deleted a previous version of the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”删除了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”的先前版本’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” restored a previous version of the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”恢复了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”的以前版本’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” created the “<strong>%2</strong>” Zip archive.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”创建了“<strong>%2 </ strong>”Zip存档’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” added the following files to the “%2” Zip archive:’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”将以下文件添加到“%2”Zip存档:’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” added the folder “<strong>%2</strong>” to a Zip archive.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”将文件夹“<strong>%2 </ strong>”添加到Zip存档’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” updated the metadata of the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”更新了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”的元数据’,
‘Field’ => ‘领域’,
‘Old value’ => ‘旧的价值’,
‘New value’ => ‘新的价值’,
‘%1 has e-mailed the following files’ => ‘%1已通过电子邮件发送以下文件’,
‘%1 has shared the following file’ => ‘%1已共享以下文件’,
‘%1 has shared the following files’ => ‘%1共享了以下文件’,
‘Link valid until’ => ‘链接有效,直到’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” changed the password.’ => ‘用户“<strong>%1 </ strong>”更改了密码’,
‘<strong>%1</strong>, from %4, downloaded the file “<strong>%2</strong>” (<em>%3</em>).’ => ‘从%4开始,<strong>%1 </ strong>下载了文件“<strong>%2 </ strong>”(<em>%3 </ em>)’,
‘User “<strong>%1</strong>” moved the file “<strong>%2</strong>”.’ => ‘用户”<strong>%1</strong>” 移动了文件”<strong>%2</strong>”‘,
‘The file “<strong>%2</strong>” was uploaded thorugh the web link created by user “<strong>%1</strong>”.’ => ‘文件”<strong>%2</strong>” 是通过用户”<strong>%1</strong>”创建的网络链接上传的’,
‘Admin: Plugins’ =>
array (
‘Raw image files’ => ‘原始图像文件
‘Files without extension’ => ‘没有扩展名的文件
‘Image files’ => ‘图像文件
‘Archive files’ => ‘存档文件
‘Video files’ => ‘视频文件
‘Web-playable video files’ => ‘网络播放的视频文件
‘Audio files’ => ‘音频文件
‘Web-playable audio files’ => ‘网络播放的音频文件
‘AutoCAD projects’ => ‘AutoCAD项目
‘OpenOffice documents’ => ‘OpenOffice文档
‘Microsoft Office documents’ => ‘Microsoft Office文档
‘Plain text files’ => ‘纯文本文件
‘Edit default viewer’ => ‘编辑默认查看器
‘Add default viewer’ => ‘添加默认查看器
‘File type’ => ‘文件类型
‘File extension’ => ‘文件扩展名
‘File extensions’ => ‘文件扩展名
‘Preview with’ => ‘打开方式’,
‘Please select a file type or type an extension.’ => ‘请选择一个文件类型或输入一个扩展名
‘The “%1” extension already has a default viewer assigned.’ => ‘“%1”扩展程序已经分配了一个默认查看器’,
‘The selected file type is already assigned.’ => ‘所选文件类型已被分配’,
‘Changes successfully saved.’ => ‘更改已成功保存’,
‘Failed to save changes!’ => ‘无法保存更改’,
‘The entry was successfully deleted!’ => ‘该条目已成功删除’,
‘Failed to delete entry!’ => ‘无法删除条目’,
‘- None Selected -‘ => ‘- 没有选择 -‘,
‘Custom Actions: Audio Player’ =>
array (
‘Audio Player’ => ‘音频播放器’,
‘Select’ => ‘选择’,
‘Loading audio player…’ => ‘加载音频播放器……’,
‘Close player’ => ‘关闭’,
‘Previous’ => ‘历史’,
‘Play/Pause’ => ‘播放/暂停’,
‘Next’ => ‘下一曲’,
‘Shuffle’ => ‘拖曳’,
‘Custom Actions: Archive Explorer’ =>
array (
‘Archive Explorer’ => ‘归档浏览器’,
‘Custom Actions: Video Player’ =>
array (
‘Video Player’ => ‘视频播放器’,
‘Custom Actions: Image Viewer’ =>
array (
‘Image Viewer’ => ‘图像查看器’,
‘Custom Actions: ONLYOFFICE’ =>
array (
‘Download and install %1’ => ‘下载并安装 %1’,
‘DocumentServer URL’ => ‘ONLYOFFICE服务器URL’,
‘Document with ONLYOFFICE’ => ‘文件与ONLYOFFICE’,
‘New Document.docx’ => ‘新Word.docx’,
‘New Spreadsheet.xlsx’ => ‘新Excel.xlsx’,
‘New Presentation.pptx’ => ‘新Ppt.pptx’,
‘Presentation’ => ‘介绍’,
‘Spreadsheet’ => ‘电子表格’,
‘Word Document’ => ‘Word文档’,
‘The file extension needs to be one of the following: %1’ => ‘文件扩展名必须是以下之一: %1’,
‘A file with the specified name already exists. Please try again.’ => ‘已存在具有指定名称的文件。请再试一次。’,
‘Blank file created successfully’ => ‘空白文件已成功创建’,
‘Custom Actions: Zamzar’ =>
array (
‘API key’ => ‘API密钥’,
‘Custom Actions: Autodesk’ =>
array (
‘API client ID’ => ‘API客户端ID
‘API client secret’ => ‘API客户端密钥
‘Custom Actions: Google Earth’ =>
array (
‘Google Maps’ => ‘谷歌地图’,
‘Custom Actions’ =>
array (
‘New tab’ => ‘新标签
‘Custom Actions: E-book Reader’ =>
array (
‘E-book Reader’ => ‘电子书阅读器
‘Menu’ => ‘菜单’,
‘Fullscreen’ => ‘全屏’,
‘Metadata: Indexing’ =>
array (
‘Please note that this will import metadata from the files and can overwrite metadata which you have manually added.’ => ‘请注意,这将从文件中导入元数据,并可以覆盖手动添加的元数据’,
‘Collecting file list…’ => ‘正在获取文件列表…’,
‘%1 files found’ => ‘找到%1个文件’,
‘Indexing files…’ => ‘正在索引文件…’,
‘%1 remaining’ => ‘剩余的%1’,
‘Indexing completed!’ => ‘索引完成’,
‘The folder seems to be empty’ => ‘该文件夹似乎是空的’,
‘There are problems with the server.’ => ‘服务器有问题’,
‘Retrying…’ => ‘重试…’,
‘Cancel’ => ‘取消’,
‘Close’ => ‘关闭’,
‘Custom Actions: Photo Proof Sheet’ =>
array (
‘Create photo proof sheet’ => ‘创建照片校样页’,
‘Photo proof sheet successfully created in your home folder.’ => ‘在您的主文件夹中成功创建了照片校样页。’,
‘Custom Actions: Bing Maps’ =>
array (
‘Bing Maps API Key’ => ‘Bing地图API密钥’,
‘Admin: Guest Users’ =>
array (
‘Enable guest user accounts’ => ‘启用访客用户帐户’,
‘Custom Actions: HTML Editor’ =>
array (
‘HTML Editor’ => ‘HTML编辑器’,
‘Save’ => ‘保存’,
‘Save and close’ => ‘保存并关闭’,
‘Close’ => ‘关闭’,
‘Unsaved changes’ => ‘未保存的更改’,
‘Discard the changes made?’ => ‘放弃所做的更改?’,

nextcloud 生成视频缩率图 封面

nextcloud 16 视频和pdf 加封面


  1. # wget http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-7.noarch.rpm  
  2. # rpm -ivh rpmfusion-free-release*.rpm
  3. # yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
  4. # yum install ghostscript
  1. ‘enabledPreviewProviders’ => array (
  2.     0 => ‘OC\\Preview\\PNG’,
  3.     1 => ‘OC\\Preview\\JPEG’,
  4.     2 => ‘OC\\Preview\\GIF’,
  5.     3 => ‘OC\\Preview\\HEIC’,
  6.     4 => ‘OC\\Preview\\BMP’,
  7.     5 => ‘OC\\Preview\\XBitmap’,
  8.     6 => ‘OC\\Preview\\MP3’,
  9.     7 => ‘OC\\Preview\\TXT’,
  10.     8 => ‘OC\\Preview\\MarkDown’,
  11.     9 => ‘OC\\Preview\\Movie’,
  12.     10 => ‘OC\\Preview\\PDF’
  13. ),

WIN10自动任务启动 任务尚未运行(0x41303)

win10  system定时任务尚未运行(0x41303)
在 win10 创建定时任务后,一直是 “任务尚未运行(0x41303)” 的状态。这个定时任务是执行一个批处理脚本,最后找到原因,是由于本地安全设置里面,执行批处理脚本的用户不在权限范围内。

1、打开 “本地安全策略 -> 安全设置 ->本地策略 ->用户权限分配”

2、在右侧列表双击 “作为批处理作业登录”:

点击 “添加用户或组” 按钮,将执行批处理作业的用户(system 或者 登陆账户)添加进去。